Podcast Episode 217 Government Is a Declaration of War On People

in #liberty7 years ago

Ben Stone

Government can’t create wealth or prosperity. It can only redistribute and destroy what it steals from productive people. Click here for the MP3 file, or click here for the episode page originally posted on October 23, 2012.



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none of that.
the fact is that government is a form of mental illness.

Government is the group of people acting in the name of The State, which is their god and the source of their belief in the legitimacy of their claim to the right to initiate violence. Statism is mental illness, but advocating government is advocating war.

same thing...different wurds..

Christians are not Christianity, Muslims are not Islam, atheists are not atheism, scientists are not science, and statists are not Statism. There are the actors, and there is the belief that drives their actions. How valid are those beliefs, and what principles guide the believers? Those are the first questions.

no..the first question is the hardwiring of the wetware
it influences how you think.
the scientific method is a technique for dealing with that little problem.
if it's not scientific (in the purest sense of the word)
it's most likely insane.

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