What kind of life ought to be lived, in the context of one's relationship to others in society? What kind of vocation ought to be pursued?

in #libertarianism8 years ago (edited)

What kind of life ought to be lived, in the context of one's relationship to others in society? What kind of vocation ought to be pursued?

There is a way of coercion and force -- a way that forcibly, or through fraud, seeks to restrict another's freedom, to negate their will, or, without invitation, to use their lives (their choices, actions, fruits of their labor) according to one's own will. We all know this to be the way of the criminal. This is also the way of the State -- institutionalized and legitimized only as a popularly held and constantly reinforced mythology. This is the way of the armed agents of the State -- as well as the politician, the bureaucrat, the policymaker, the legislator, the councillor and any others who may avail themselves of armed agents to enact their programmatic plans to mold and fashion society after their own wills.

As far as it is possible, if one seeks to live a morally good life, avoid this path and teach those whom you mentor to do the same.

There is a far better way, a good way, a more beautiful way.

This is the way of freedom, of liberty. This is the way of free production of goods or services and free exchange, in the free and voluntary service of others. This production and exchange, operating freely, is dynamic, chaotic but spontaneously ordered, unpredictable, and more beautiful than the sum of its parts. This is peaceful and fosters specialization and interdependence. This is flourishing human community.


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