Libertarian tyrants?

in #libertarianism4 years ago


If your argument is that "libertarians will never get into power because..." then you have shown you don't understand libertarianism. It's not about gaining power; it's about recognizing that no one has the right to archate.

It's the same sort of thing that happens when someone makes the statement that "if libertarians would use government power to force someone to carry a baby to full term, don't they have the obligation to have government support them afterward?" I actually heard someone make that case-- again, displaying an incredible lack of awareness of what libertarianism is.

Libertarians can disagree over abortion; they can't really disagree over the use of government/initiated force and still qualify as libertarians.

Objecting to this stuff isn't "No true Scotsman"; it's pointing out the nature of things.

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Being a libertarian is hard.

Mostly because so much of our language is designed to flow into archation.

Since community is often confused for local govern-cement
It then flows that, without govern-cement, who will build the roads?
Not many realize that in doing so you are making many, many assumptions, but who would question their school-marm?

Govern-cement schools are designed to teach rule by force.
Who else would teach something of no importance just to see who will follow blindly? And then punish those who do not follow blindly.

Its is frightening how much of our language ties us to thinking in archation

Yeah, it's all based on bad assumptions.

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