In one, two hour, phone call, I learned way too much

Ok, me be clear, I am not sharing most of what I got. I am not a news agency, nor am I a gossip columnist.

So let me say, I now understand what happened to LMR and Liberty Documentary. I also know about how a lot of infighting and internal rot happened with a few of the libertarian teams.

So I am going to talk about some good news...

The Ron Paul libertarian movement didn't die; nor have these people disappear. They are all doing their own thing, but without a lot of unified voices. So I now have a new goal. I want to help these people start unifying their voice of liberty, and present it in such a way that it is a teaching platform.

I am pretty much done with activism. It doesn't feed me or my needs. What feeds my need, is helping people directly. So I am going back to doing rather than talking.

  • Doing #1 - The return and wrap-up to Christian Freedom 2nd ed.
  • Doing #2 - Wrapping up work with, so I can move onto the next projects.
  • Doing #3 - Resource hub++ Personal nickname for project. This is a resource hub on doing Agorism, and teaching liberty.

The good news is that I now have a lot of the history that I knew of, and the confusion from those holes of missing history filled in. I now know the pit-holes of other people's failures, so I am hoping that my new team will help me succeed.

Steemit, with or without my understanding on how to be successful here, will be cornerstone to making this new plan a success.

FYI: GDPR sucks.

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