Voluntary Visions - The Libertarian Party

in #libertarian6 years ago


Why am I involved in the Libertarian Party and the political crap that goes along with it? Is it because I believe in the political process? Well, not really. Is it because voting is our duty and/or responsibility and it is the closest party to my political beliefs? Hell, No, that’s all crap! Is it because I want to debate endlessly for hours and live in the drama that Libertarians constantly seem to want to live in? No, again.

A year ago my answer would be simple. It would be, “Adam Kokesh, who I like and admire, is running for president in the party, I joined his campaign, and he suggested I join the party.” See the paragraph above to answer the question of why I had not, before meeting Adam.

It has been a complicated, fun, and challenging year. My answer today is different. Sure, I still support Adam, but I have gotten to know people in the party. The reason I now am involved in the party is three things.




I am a Voluntaryist. It is my belief that all people own themselves and that the only ethical way a society can exist, is if all interactions between people are voluntary. In my opinion, the force and violence of a coercive State have no place, if we humans are to achieve a peaceful and prosperous future.

I used to call myself an anarchist because obviously, I don’t believe that anyone can rule over another person. To some degree, I understand that the word has purposely been demonized by a complicit media. What has happened to me, is that “anarchists” have relentlessly attacked me and for that matter Adam because we are not anarchist enough. That is silly. These people look for every lie and half-truth to try and discredit people trying to actually help the world. If they truly were anarchists, wouldn’t the government be a better target than Libertarians?



This account has been complicit with cyberterror attempts by the @adamkokesh campaign. Innocent men, women, and children have been put into potential danger and pressured/threatened by this violent campaign.

Marcus (@marcus.pulis) is the official “Press Secretary.”

Charlatan conmen using liberty as a storefront to harm and harass others, while securing financial and political advantage.


Yep, hope everyone reads the comments and watches up to the 52 minute mark where he confirms the authenticity of the screenshots.


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