As a Libertarian...

in #libertarian4 years ago

As a Libertarian:
I support your right to get an abortion.
I support your right to freely travel between national borders.
I support your right to start a business without government regulations.
I support your right to get a sex change or other implants.
I support your right to marry straight, gay, upside-down, to a plant, an inanimate object.
I support your right to freely practice any religion you want so long as you don't kill, steal from, or harm anyone.
I support your right to ingest anything you want, even if it could be harmful to your body and your mind.

I support all these rights even if implore you to not do some of them, so long as you support my right to NOT PAY for ANY of the things you want by force.

I think that's a fair deal.

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