Rand Paul-us!

in #libertarian7 years ago



I have many problems with Rand Paul, but coming out to say he will try to block Trump's pick for CIA director and Secretary of State is a Lions of Liberty style Paul-us! At some point a little sanity needs to be injected, even though it seems there is such a small supply of it left.

What I would like to see going forward is more of this, just getting in Trump's face with his recirculating the swamp with the same gators. Torturing prisoners is a crime and everyone from the Bush, and Obama administrations need to face justice at some point. I know, I know it is wishful thinking on my part that when an entire organization is engaged in what most people consider criminal activities and not only are they not held responsible, but are given promotions and raises.

Oh well, hit the gym and work out. Pain is statism leaving the body.


Statism? Just call them thugs and their system of social and financial control thuggery.

'The proceedings of those robbers and murderers, who call themselves "the government," are directly the opposite of these of the single highwayman.'

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