Lincoln The Tyrant - Sic Semper TyrannissteemCreated with Sketch.

in #libertarian6 years ago (edited)

Today is Lincoln's birthday, and today I am not really a fun person to be around for Lincoln sycophants. Usually the response to my "Lincoln was a tyrant!" is met with disdain and claims I'm a Neo-Confederate. Ad-Hominems aside, I am I anti-authortarian as evidenced by the fact I'm libertarian and more specifically an anarcho-capitalist. If the anarchist label scares you, then voluntarist will soothe your Statist thin skin.

Please read McClanahan's work, it might get you to start thinking about History in a different way than your government schooling beat into you.


@eric-the-red all politicians are tyrants mate!

I think Lysander Spooner wrote the most accurate account of the motives behind the civil war in No Treason. Lincoln was a puppet of northern bankers.

Some would argue some European bankers were involved as well. He definitely acted like he was in their pocket.

You're right, he explicitly mentioned the Rothschilds as one of the blood money loan mongers that financed the war.

I think there was also speculation that John Wilkes Booth may have been financed by European bankers as well. The 1860s put Game of Thrones to shame when it came to intrigue!

If you're interested I posted this short piece a few weeks ago that goes into Hollywood's part in the Lincoln cult, then there are some comparisons between Lincoln and Caesar, another man who destroyed a Republic and was assassinated for it.

It's amazing how modern Americans consider divorce between man and wife, for any reason, to be a fundamental right, yet secession treason. In 1861 it was exactly the opposite. Marriage had for centuries been an unbreakable bond. It was entered into by consent, but, like Lincoln's version of the Constitution, the marital union was eternal and would be maintained even without ones consent. These were religious values that made this so..."What God Hath Joined Together, Let No Man Put Asunder."
Here we are in the 21st century where permanent, indivisible marriage bonds are considered archaic, yet even secular Americans have accepted the idea of a permanent Union, an idea alien to the writer of the Declaration of Independence who wrote: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people (Confederacy) to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another (Union), and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station....
Yes, Lincoln's forced Union is antithetical to the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence, the Nations founding document. Metaphorically speaking, Lincoln's wife asked him for an amicable divorce. He flew into a rage shouting "marriage is a permanent Union," and proceeded to chain her to the bed and rape her. For this he goes down in history as the man who saved marriage. It's pathetic how few understand the damage he did to the American experiment.
The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo is a classic.
So is When in the Course of Human Events by Charles Adams.

I use the battered wife seeking a divorce analogy with my Statist muggle friends. Sometimes taking the politics out of it and bringing the issue down to a “what would you do?” level sometimes works.

I marvel at the fact that once wrong-headed ideas become entrenched in a culture, it is near impossible to dislodge them. Very bright people, much smarter than I am, will parrot the same old arguments that are just plain stupid and antithetical to everything else they claim to believe politically. I once told a Professor, a very educated man, a Lincoln devotee, that I considered Mikhail Gorbachev morally superior to Lincoln. He was horrified. I spoke blasphemy, comparing a mere Russian to the apotheosized Lincoln. Why? he asked me.
Because Gorbachev allowed the USSR to break up without bloodshed. No other leader in history had ever presided over the dissolution of an empire as peacefully. He's the antithesis to Lincoln. The Professor's tongue was tied.

I bet you broke him with that one. Sometimes I play the game of "Hitler or Lincoln". That is always fun to see their faces when they say Hitler to all the Lincoln facts.

Thanks for sharing that article. People like Lincoln are so steeped in legend and mystique that it is hard to be critical of them and be treated fairly. Lincoln did so much to supress freedom of the press. He shut down many newspapers and was adamant about having his story told in a way that would manipulate public opinion.

To the best of my knowledge only three U.S. presidents in history have suspended habeas corpus using war as a justification: Lincoln during the civil war, Roosevelt during WWII, and Obama in 2011 during the ongoing phony war on terrorism.

What's the differences between an an-cap and a volutaryist?
I thought there where non.
Libertarianism, there I see the statism they still think in politics.

Good post btw making people aware of this.

Really just the word, voluntarism is basically used because most people think Mad Max and chaos when they hear the word anarchy.

I misunderstood what you wrote in your post :)

Because for me there is no difference either

I use them both depends on the person I have before me.

Thanks for the reply.

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