Bill Cassidy Doesn't Understand

in #libertarian7 years ago

We can call for all the investigations of the FBI not doing their jobs. History is rich with their failures. We could have congressional hearings until the end of time and still never get to the bottom of their misdeeds.

9th Amendment in the Bill of Rights: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The only thing the FBI is allowed to do under the constitution is not exist in the first place. That goes for every alphabet soup agency in the Federal government. Shut it down, board up the windows, and then have all your investigations.

The FBI can't mess up their job if there is no FBIreece.JPG


Absolutely, similarly, the problem with Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was not that he abused the secret courts, it is that the secret courts exist and can only be abused.

Secret courts would be abused? No way!

The FBI was created to squash political dissent

Woodrow Wilson thought so.

Not to be an e-panhandler but you might want to check out my most recent post on police accountability and perhaps mention the story in your podcast for shock value.

All the sources are there.

It's all good, we all are getting crypto pennies for our thoughts on here. As far as the story, I can do that. I do want to record one on cop blocking.

If the FBI were replaced by a series of private entities that did the same without violating natural rights, they would be fired for a botched job like this. Just saying

also shameless plug for a new fundraising plan I desperately want to do to help our Cali bros:

It would go back to the state police organizations first. I get your point though, the only one responsible for your safety and security is you. Commiefornia needs all the help it can get. Support Angela McArdle who is running for congress out there as well!

private McPolice ideally

Once we have Libertopia, Ancapistan up and running, yes!

ever heard of Liberland? seems promising

Liberland and Roger Ver’s sea steading project both sound promising. It is funny when I talk to Statist muggles, their first thought is how they would invade a country full of “libtards”, or “capitalist fascists”.

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