Disneyland: A Libertarian Utopia?

Hey guys!

I'm back!

After getting some kind of heavy health-related news, I decided I really needed a vacation. So, I packed up and headed to the happiest place on Earth: Disneyland!

I considered vlogging from Disneyland, but that wouldn't have been much of a vacation eh?

I noticed so much while I was there, but the most stunning of all was the idea of corporate self-sufficiency. Disney don't need nobody helping them, especially not the state, and it is so interesting to me the symbiotic relationship Disneyland has with its guests.

If the United States could run this smoothly, we would be living in a completely different place. One free of authoritarian/self-serving interests, and instead, a country of small communities that are self sufficient, where people want to behave because they want to be there.

It's all very fascinating to me.

Anyway, it's good to be back to the grind!

▶️ DTube

Hi bethwheat .

How are you ?

I hope you should go to disneyland fir every year .

Thanks for sharing @bethwheatcraft
Upvote you .

I think you should go to Disneyland every year! lol You seem a lot happier and relaxed. :) Do you feel any better?

I wish I did. I was kind of trying to escape bad news, but ya just have to come back to it anyway. It at least gave me a lot of things to think about though, which is good for vlogging. And I am glad to talk to my friends again! :)

glad you enjoyed your self at disneyland with your family (sorry to hear about your health) I've always wanted to go to disneyland.. maybe one day :) Have a lovely day
Cheers, Mel Xx

It's a great place! I am lucky to live only 5 hours away!

So now first of all, what is the bad news? Apart from the country, imagine how well steemit could run if the community pulled together a little more. How are you really doing Beth?

Well I found out that I have an advanced form of MS. So my life has kind of been turned upside down. Instead of having decades to progressively get more immobile/dysfunctional, I now maybe have years. The rate of my MS relapses have been extremely fast. I have had 3 in 6 months, where the average person might have 3-4 in a decade. I have really had to sort out what I want to do with my life since it's been, well, shortened.

Other than that I am ok though. How are you?

I'm sad now, it really gets me when bad things happen to those who don't deserve it and parasites run wild and free. I'm so sorry. The doctors have no solution? My problems are thankfully with people mostly which I can cut off and walk away from when it gets too much.

Eh it could be worse, but yeah there isn't a whole lot I can do. I just kind of have to roll with the punches.

Stay strong there redhead. Hope you have a great one

@bethwheatcraft Disney is worth Billions and Billions of dollars. They can afford the best of everything (including security staff). I think people behave there because of the atmosphere within there. People want to enjoy themselves. Don't get me wrong I am sure they have people that get thrown out. Disney just does it in a hush hush way. People have died within Disney World from accidents on some rides and they take care of it on the down-low so people continue to be happy and enjoy themselves. It is like being in a fantasy world and they will do whatever it is to make sure people have fun and come back again. Great post and I am glad to see that you are back!

I'm sure that happens, but the US has trillions of dollars to dump into programs and can't seem to get anything right.

There is definitely something to be said about the people inputting their money into something and feeling like they actually get something back out of it. I think that's where the disconnect lies with the federal government.

We pay taxes but feel disconnected from them because we get literally no say where they actually go, and are often used nefariously.

I understand how ridiculous of a comparison this is, but it created a decent picture in my head of what a private society could potentially look like.

Yeah it's good to be back!

I suppose you have to visit Disneyland every year! lol, you appear plenty happier and at ease. Do you experience any higher? You have a really great idea.

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