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RE: Is Taxation Theft? This Cat Needs An Answer

in #libertarian6 years ago

First and foremost illusion the elite has convinced people is that the governments own the lands and Earth. And, that for you to use it you have to pay for it. Somehow they have throughout history convinced people there are ROYAL, ELITE, SPECIAL PEOPLE, who own Earth. Nobody owns Earth, it belongs to every single of us. You have to pay for everything you do. So bring the question?

What this types of systems like Republic, Democracy, or whatever they call it do anything different than tyranny or feudalism You still have to pay for invisible servieces to farm your land, you have to give them a piece of everything YOU WORK FOR. There is no difference. Only the punishements for not doing so have changed. They have "civilized" a bit. lol That is all, nothing is different, which I don't see how people don't see? We are FREE my ass. Try not to pay taxes and see what happens.

In U.S there is actually no written law that obligates you to need to pay taxes. That is one another matter for another time.

Plus you are paying money to the governments elected by fake promises. Which they never keep because they controlled by secret groups and societies. The give themselves outrages high salaries for what? For absolutely nothing. I am taking America for example who takes that money and wages wars on other countries while their country is full of homeless people and people without jobs. How is that using the TAX money to help their people. It is the pretty much similar to any cuntry governments around the world.

Great article, enjoyed reading it. I am sorry for the long comment. lol

Have a great day. :)

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