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RE: Exploitation

in #libertarian5 years ago (edited)

I'm going to point out that "improving" someOne's conditions by giving Them an option of starving to death with no shelter or clothes (because They cannot afford any of that) or slaving in ghastly conditions to One's own great profit for barely enough to cover some of those needs seems... Hardly commendable. The sad thing is that money promotes this on Our planet. And money is a very antiquated tool - and I mean money in any form: trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills, or electronic bits.

Imagine an alien civilization where They do not account for the Individual's energy input. They use free energy drawn from the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe (ala electrogravitics) for energy needed, have robots to do all necessary work no One wants to do, govern by a decentralized web that was open-source, with a central site upon which They report problems, able to respond personally if They care to solve for them, and live as richly as Each might choose. Money is not used, but They have in place the Betterment Ethic, striving to make things better in all They do, earning social currency such as reputation, thanks, respect, appreciation, bragging rights, fame, and other such social currencies to motivate Them.

Each One is sovereign, and no One is in a position of "authority" with widespread power over others. Any psychopaths amongst Them have no more (or less) power than any Other. As there is no money, and its attendant promoting of psychopaths to widespread power over Others, Their information flows freely and unhidden and uncontrolled. There is no successful effort to dupe the population and manipulate Them, through controlled media. There is no profiteering, selling "treatments" requiring continued purchase (and creating further ailments that can also be "treated" for profit) rather than offering cures, rather than suppression of cures to maintain profit.

Imagine what They would make of a planet that accounts for the energy each Individual adds into a system. That makes wage slaves of the Many, profiting only Some. Where the Individuals, in order to survive, must forgo Their dreams, must give up Their bliss, must fail to fulfill Their potential because, to survive, They must plug Their energy in somewhere, somehow, to get meager amounts of tokens to manage to survive.

I would wager that these aliens would be aghast. Served by a Human waitress? I suspect They would pity the poor Being thus enslaved to serve, rather than having the option of doing any Ethical thing She might choose.

I am an anarcho-abundancist, aiming to free Humanity to Our sovereignty on this planet that was stolen from Us centuries ago through "trusts" and deceit (see My post, "Trusts").

Love always!

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