My only concerns are protecting children, safeguarding women's spaces, and protecting freedom. If that's conservative or transphobic, so-be-it.

in #lgbtq2 years ago


If you told me twenty years ago, that I would get into some of the conversations that I'm getting into now, I would have thought you were insane.

Look... let's be clear, once and for all. I would have never said a damn thing about trans people if the activists kept their hands off of kids, kept their dicks out of women who didn't consent, and let people speak their minds without fear of legal action.

Notice, I said "activists." I have to stress that point because every activist that I've met is too dishonest, or too stupid, to realize that I'm not attacking trans people -- I'm attacking the fucking activists -- who are mostly cis-men.

The most disingenuous people in this discussion have -- I shit you not -- pulled the whole Rachel Levine thing in regard to surgeries on minors; and, when met with concerns by people who are worried about the mutilation of children, tried to turn it on us and say that we're obsessed with children's private parts.

No! I wouldn't have said a word about FGM in my life if it weren't happening. It's you fucking monsters who are obsessed with access to kids private parts. I'm just the adult in the room who is trying to decide when I need to pull my gun in the defense of the children that you're trying to mutilate.

Seriously, the argument has been made to me that surgeries are performed on children, like the removal of reproductive organs, and breasts, and so-on, due to medical conditions. If you don't see the glaring difference between carving up a kid with cancer, and carving up a kid who hasn't even been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, you're a fucking retard. The thing is, most of the people I've encountered aren't that stupid; so, they're lying.

Oh, right "Men rape men in prison. Women rape women in prison. Why are you concerned about trans-women in women's prisons." Boy, that's rich.

Basic biology lesson. A biological male having sex with a biological male can't make a baby. A biological female having sex with a biological female can't make a baby. A person with a functioning dick having sex with somebody with a functioning uterus can make a baby.

We clear? Are we all on the same page in regard to sixth-grade biology?

It's not even an issue of rape. It's already happened that an allegedly trans-woman produced two children with two-cis women in prison, while all parties involved are spending at least the next thirty years in prison for violent crimes. Both of those kids are immediately wards of the state, and fucked for life, because of your dumb policies.

Still, yeah, the issue of rape is important. The issue of biological males in women's spaces can raise issues.

No, I don't have a problem with a trans-woman like Blaire White sharing a bathroom with my niece. Yes, if I see a dude with a beard in a dress, who has written that young girls are "kinky" like Alok following my niece into the bathroom, I'm calling the fucking cops or drawing my gun.

If the Loudoun County school board didn't cover up the multiple rapes committed by a boy who identified as non-binary, I wouldn't have a damn thing to talk about.

Maybe this is where people could legitimately accuse me of bigotry; but, I won't use "they/them" pronouns to refer to an individual.

Actually, there is something to unpack here, though.

I've never intentionally misgendered a trans person. I have misgendered a trans person before I knew he was trans; but, to a person with a room temperature IQ, the distinction is obvious.

I will not accept changes of language that come from authority. Yes, I have encountered activists who could define the word "woman" without using a circular definition; but, they're rare. If you're using words -- particularly the same word twice in one sentence, that you can't define -- you're behaving like a brown shirt. I won't tolerate that. We're supposed to be living in a world where leftists can punch Nazis for what they say. I'm opposed to that. I'm more opposed to people who desire to fight brown shirts with brown shirt tactics.

Read Orwell. I mean really read Orwell, and you'll get what I'm talking about.

I don't hate anybody for what's going on in his or her head.

If I can love a woman who thinks that communism is a good idea, as I have, I'm capable of loving you if you have good intentions. I have no capacity for hate toward people who are born differently from me. I will never insert myself into decisions made between consenting adults of sound mind.

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