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RE: Let’s see if we can discuss transgender issues without name calling. I think we can!

in #lgbt6 years ago

Thank you! You said it very well. Your questions and concerns are the same as mine. One of my friends from high school started a similar discussion on FB, because she was concerned when she read a news article about parents allowing their pre-teen child to undergo gender re-assignment surgery. She likened it to child abuse, as it is a very permanent change, and children may change their minds as to what they want. I've read stories myself of people who had the surgery young and later regretted it. And, science has shown our logic and emotional centers of the brain do not fully mature until we're around twenty-five years old (which is why I think no one should get married before that age).

Everyone who responded to my friend agreed with her. We all also agreed that parents should fully support children who express transgender identities and allow them to explore those identities with the way they dress and present themselves, without allowing them to make a permanent, surgical change, or use puberty blockers, until they are 18 (though twenty-five would be better). That seemed like a reasonable answer to everyone on that thread, and there were a lot of responses to it.

And, we are all pretty open-minded people, as a group. In high school, we were the "drama kids," the ones who took the acting classes and put on the shows, and quite a few of our peers were gay, and that was totally cool. I dated a few of them before they came out, enough that it earned me the reputation of turning guys gay, which I still get teased about sometimes when we all get together....even by the gay guys themselves. :)

But, we ALL thought it was a bad idea to let a child make the decision to use puberty blockers or undergo gender re-assignment surgery. Wait until they are grown up for that, where they can make a more informed decision on their own. Until then, support them in any other way you can in expressing their preferred gender identity, whether it changes or stays the same. That's what a loving parent would do. It's like not letting a kid get a tattoo or piercing until they are grown up and able to really understand the implications of that decision. They can wear temporary tattoos and clip-on piercings until then.

And, I have the same question as you as to why the current generation of kids seems to have so many that are identifying as transgender, compared to other generations. I often wonder if it is a fad, which is another reason to make a child wait until they are grown up before making permanent changes.

So, long answer short, @kiwideb, no, you are NOT a bigot.


I agree that reassignment surgery on a child is abuse. I was originally thinking 18 as a minimum age, or maybe 21. But when talking to my nephew who is in his 20s about this, he came right out and said he was an idiot till about 23 or 24, so I think I agree with you on 25. With full freedom to identify and live however you please, is it so bad to wait till 25 for an irrevocable surgery?

My suspicion of the whys is a combination of nutritional and environmental toxins, and societal expectation, and would take up another whole post.

No one get reassignment surgery as a child!YOu need to research this the misinformation spread here is insane! and also Insulting because this information is liberally available in the net!

"My question - how do you know that a child who is not yet sexual is transgender and not transvestite?"
What you know as transvestite is now commonly referred to as drag queen. These are men of any sexual orientation who like to dress up as female. They enjoy playing a woman and playing with the gendrole but are 100% secure in their manhood and gender. A child might enjoy wearing the clothes of the opposite sex but they do not want to be the opposite sex that it's totally different kettle of fish. A transgender child feels so uncomfortable in their biological skin that they often result to self mutilation. This is not dress up or a tomboy phase. These are kids who actually go and try to cut off body parts at a very very young age and would rather die then hit puberty. It is profoundly different!

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