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RE: What is Non-Binary Gender, Genderqueer or Genderfluid? (featuring @sykochica as author)

in #lgbt8 years ago

@sykochica Excellent ! and @knozaki2015 Thank You too !
The video saved you from typing 10K words .. Awesome !

The thing I didn't like about the video was the end. The anger projected was horrible !! The "Huh? Who the fuck you lookin at !!! Awful !!!
Because it is a DAMN SHAME that after going through that transformation that ANYONE HAS TO put on armor and AGGRESSIVELY and VIOLENTLY DEFEND WHO THEY ARE !!!
I'm too old for this SHIT ! I hate all these terms, these 'definitions', makes me SICK !!!!

A person IS NOT THIS OR THAT ! They ARE HUMAN BEINGS ... PERIOD .. WTF MORE do you need to know or say? That's NOT ANYTHING MORE OR LESS ... All Persons or people ARE HUMAN BEINGS ! Can you NOT tell the difference between a bear and a human being, a dog, a cat ? when you see a snake do you CALL IT NAMES ? NO ... FUCKIN NO ! You call it a snake !! so WHY DO YOU CALL HUMAN BEINGS ANYTHING OTHER THAN A PERSON OR HUMAN BEING !!

MY new FRIEND @sykochica .. I refused to discuss this issue of labels, because it's all bullshit to me. We did discuss this before this post was published and I DON'T CARE, Corey ? is just ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, simple concept really !!!
The video brought tears to my eyes, just know any HUMAN BEING HAS TO GO THROUGH THIS !! So I say ! Fuck all YOU Label makers, sticking your fucking EVIL stickers on anything that moves ! I'm OLD SCHOOL ! WE LIKE PEACE & LOVE Stickers !! Start sticking THOSE everywhere and ESPECIALLY ON HUMAN BEINGS !!!
Yes I rant, stop the hate, stop the Evil, love each other ... You ALL are ALL I have got !!!
Peace, Love Hugs !!!
Read More, Reason More ... JTS


I'm OLD SCHOOL ! WE LIKE PEACE & LOVE Stickers !! Start sticking THOSE everywhere and ESPECIALLY ON HUMAN BEINGS !!!

I loved this! Put happy stickers on people! HA!

On the rest, I hear you. It's sad that things like projecting subjective, rigid views onto others get in the way of allowing another person to be a person.

I look forward to a world where an individuals well though out choices are as commonly accepted as breathing.

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