
Its not about experimentation its about having the same rights as EVERYONE else. Rights they DESERVE as American citizens. Its obvious youve never been on or seen the darker side of being made feel dirty, judged, and tormented and the atrocities committed that these people endure because of ignorance and a lack of equality. In that case, should women not be allowed to serve at all anymore? Theres things to protect the 'victory above all' things.... but this isnt one of them. I understand if a trans was pre-op, undergoing transformation therapies, surgies etc and wanted a free ride thats a no go. But an all out NO YOU ARE ALL A BURDEN IS ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I understand the cost of a transitioning person. And what some may call a burden that comes along. But being a transgender does NOT necessarily mean they are a BURDEN to serving alongside the other heros of our country and that they shouldnt have a right to do so.

This issue has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with the purpose of the military.

I understand you reject this point of view.

Study: Trump’s Trans Ban in the Military Will Save Taxpayers Up to $8.4 Million Annually

What is obvious is that you know absolutely nothing about the military (see story about my grandson elsewhere in this thread). People are rejected for all kinds of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with whether or not you have a swinging dick - or want one (or not, as the case may be).

By the way, your Subject is nonsense. Trump isn't rounding up transgendered folks and having them shot (that's what happens in wars: folks get dead) - it's a cheap shot at Trump. If you want to be taken seriously, and respected, cut out the cheap shots and stick to the facts.

Keep drinking the koolaid buddy..... Bodies are bodies..... we are all looked at as sheep including yourself.

facts... Shes quoted him, your intellect is a prime example of the bigotry and hate of the Drump supporter.

Actually, I am not a Trump supporter. When he's right, I support him, when he's wrong, I criticize him, but let's not let facts stand in the way of a good leftist rant, eh?

I am not going to comment on the issue at hand, but I will say this. There is no such thing as equal rights or equal anything in the military. There are all kinds of people with all kinds of issues that are not allowed to serve. People with physical limitations are told all the time they are not allowed to serve. Mental issues? Forget about it. Shady background? Forget about it. Once again, I am not commenting on today's decision, but the word equal doesn't apply to the military. That is just reality.

My grandson wanted to join the Marine Corps...after his father and his grandfather (me)...he was rejected because of a minor allergic reaction to dish detergent. He has not complained that the Corps "declared war" on him - just accepted the decision sadly and got on with his life.

Just read this piece, so will insert it into the discussion here:

Veteran's Honest Reaction to Trump's Transgender Ban Set to Go Viral: 'Before You Call Me a Homophobe…'

Good read.

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