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RE: LGBT: Should we be raising awareness?

in #lgbt6 years ago

I agree with your summation, and would say that these people pushing this agenda are missing something huge.

There was the same kind of push back before Nazi Germany. The push ended in blowback with raise of the Nazi party.

The same people are doing the same thing again. I mean literally. The same families are doing the same thing. Remember Grandpa Bush funded Hitler.

What I do not see is people talking about their perceptions, so that the larger group can come to understand them and not feel awkward. So that the LGBT can be seen as something other than the bogeyman. So that they become something other than fear of the unknown/different.


I don't think they're missing anything. I think it's going just as planned, though I don't see LGBT persons as the boogeyman. In regards to transgenders specifically, I think that they need us to be accustomed to humans upgrading and alternating their body parts, so that it won't be so shocking when they want to sell us digital upgrades for our own bodies. The goal is always more control, and so this is the inevitable future the way I see it. How better to control the people than to have legitimate control over their minds and muscles, but this can only be achieved through some serious hardware upgrades, and if we had never had this transgender stepping stone in between, then I don't think the people would have been for it. But now that we are being conditioned to believe that our bodies are customizable, down to the very limbs and even the organs, it won't be hard for us to accept. In fact, we will love it-

Yep, just like we will love self driving cars.

In fact, why do they sell cars anymore? It really isn't your car. You can't do with it what you please. You need THEIR software and THEIR computer interface to fix it and keep it driving. We are already way past the point where the car is anything but rented out for a while.

They talk all the time about gender changes, but never talk about the original gender change operation place closed down because 50% of the clientèle committed suicide.
I definitely feel there is a good deal of facts supporting your supposition.

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