Letter To My Unborn Part III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #letter6 years ago


Dear Child,

Remind me to discuss with you about my Steemit journey and the wonderful people I have met along the way. Remind me to tell you how I became a whale and all those who helped along the way. I am allowed to dream, right? Good. She is allowed to as well.

There is no limit to the power of the mind. Stretch it as far as you can. Even as your father, I am still dreaming. At this time that I am telling you I am a whale, I haven't even moved close to it. Hahaha. There is no limit for a determined mind.

I have so much to tell you about love. I have seen several angles to it and you shouldn’t have to repeat my experiences. In life, love will sometimes burn you, when you are trying to find your feet, but I can tell you it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Love is the answer to all that the world needs to heal. If we care enough, share enough, the world will have enough.

The world has enough of our need, but not enough for our greed. Choose to love. Always give, you have no idea how much it would mean to another. The little thing in your own hand may mean the world to another. Be kind always, remember that. It is not about if they deserve it, it is all about you, trying to heal broken hearts and the ailing world. Always remember every little bit helps.


I have penned some of my thoughts down for you on Steemit, it’s a blockchain and everything is permanent, I am glad you will get to read them all and see all that your dad has said and the “disturbances” he has given hahaha.

You are special, and I love you. Your greatest treasure is your heart, darling popsicles, don’t ever lose that. Always honour your word. The word you can’t keep, don’t give it. Be honest, it helps your integrity and value. Seek peace always. Give, I repeat give, because that is also what your daddy loved to do. Honour and never disrespect. When life throws you a lemon, please, pick it up, be thankful for the hit, wash it and make some cool lemonade. You are allowed to even sip it while watching your favourite show.


Daddy and mummy love you so much, and behind my seeming frown sometimes, hide my smiling face. We love you and want to teach you values. Every parent always hopes​ to give a better world to their children, we have decided to give a better child(ren) to our world, because with better child(ren), then the world will know peace and the change we desire for our world can be actualized. Be a difference maker. Be the reason someone goes to bed thankful and with smiles.

Don’t forget, you can be all that you want to be. Every choice you make in life has consequences. Whatever choice you make, be ready to live with the consequences. Never point accusing fingers to others, for the mistakes you make. Own up to your mistakes, learn the lessons there, and move on. Be responsible for your actions, that will help you make better choices in life.

Until I see you, to have you wrap your fingers around my index finger, I want you to know I am even excited about your coming, long before you are born.

Daddy’s pen always speaks.

With love,

Dad and Mum.


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Always keep looking for love. How many people can be taught the love of the child. But everyone can do it. Because the time and the workplace kept everyone away from it. Are we paying more than anything other than our own families ?? It is possible to never do that. Because the family is all ours.

I am very happy to know that you are informing your child about the use of steamit. Hope you have a traditional and a good steaming. Because the father's ideal can touch him. I just read like a musical. specially those lines .....

You are special, and I love you. Your greatest treasure is your heart, darling popsicles, don’t ever lose that. Always honour your word. The word you can’t keep, don’t give it. Be honest, it helps your integrity and value. Seek peace always. Give, I repeat give, because that is also what your daddy loved to do. Honour and never disrespect. When life throws you a lemon, please, pick it up, be thankful for the hit, wash it and make some cool lemonade. You are allowed to even sip it while watching your favourite show.

second version of this series i have shared you a poem. but now i would like share you now a message from your unborn baby... hope you will love them.

Now you realize that if you can love your unborn child so much, then how much love he can give you.
Thanks again @olawalium
Specially thanks to @communitycoin

This is amazing. Your comments have a way of making me smile. Thanks for always sharing these things with me. It gives me new perspective. Thanks a lot. I am glad my children would give the love back and make me feel needed. I appreciate you always.

waiting for your unborn child .....hahahahaha.. after their birth ....you wanna share him/her photo! or would like to go in a video call... so that i can tell them that how excited you are now. and how much promising to love them a lot.

Hahahaha that would be totally cool. They would read this and doing the video would further enhance it. Nice thought. Hahaha. Thanks a lot brother.

Hmm, How I wish all the world daddies take a look at this letter and allow their children to be nurtured along the lines of the letter, how beautiful would our world would have become?

Reading the 1st, 2nd and 3rd letter to this little being is making me to feel like I should have my own child immediately.. Lol
But everything is a process, I don't need to jump the ladder.
Thanks @olawalium for this insight and @communitycoin for bringing this to us. I'm loving it more and more

Hahahaha you made me laugh at the part you said it is promoting you to have yours. Sure, you will and it would be a great feeling. They would be so blessed!.

Thanks a lot for following the whole series. It means a lot to me.

Ofcourse, every parent will get to read this, and i will soon start working on the documentations. Thanks brother.

Oh my baby, my unborn shining star
This is a reminder of my steemit story
Of those I met and those that helped
Of the day I turned @olawalium’s post into a song
My very first song in the Steemit adventure

Oh my dear child in a world unknown to me
Don’t forget this reminder of the day I write you a letter to an address provided by my heart .
I have a lot to tell you at birth and while you grow up. Much love from Dad, till I see you

Yaaaaaaaay! I like it. Nice one. Really salute your talent. Well done and keep it up.


The whale 🐳 line is thrilling I must say. Keep saying it until you become! Simple!! Truth is, no one will arrest you for that, whither, they'll celebrate 🎉 you when it happens. Even this comment of mine is being documented for @olawalium's unborn child to see...hahahaha!

Dear unborn child, you better be a Steemian when you show up, cos your dad @olawalium is a diehard Steemian. I trust he'll induct you into the cult yeah!

Dear unborn child thanks in advance for reading this post of your dad and comment of mine...cheers!

@marpemusic [MuSiCThatGodInhabits]

Hahahahaha. This made me laugh. Thanks a lot brother. Yes, my children will get to see this and even your comment. I am working on even giving it more documentation.

They have no choice than to be a steemian. They will have all the help they can get. Imagine the huge motivation they will have, because by that time, my 1% upvote would give people $100.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate you, always.

...always a pleasure connecting with you bro!

Your daddy always has motivational and inspirational words for you, words of wisdom , words from a great minds to a great child. Always follow the words of your father because these words will make you a better and successful person in life. Be bold and courageous .

Yessss!. I screamed because you just have a vote of confidence and they will get to see this too. Thank you for your kind words. Duly appreciated.

This has been beautiful. It's certainly deserving of every accolade it gets. Lol you mentioned Steemit. I hope you do eventually become a whale, we need more Whales like you. I love that you gave credit to your better half in conclusion... She'll definitely be a lucky lady

Yaaaay!. The whale me loading. Thanks always for your kind words. It would be a great feeling to become one and ofcourse, with great power comes great responsibilities. I relish it.

Ofcourse, I had to recognize her. She has a huge part to play in this too. We are in it together. She is indeed blessed.
Thanks a lot @empress-eremmy

A truly wonderful and expressive message for your future child
You will be happy when your child comes and reads this message

I would be absolutely thrilled. I can't wait to have them around and show them all of this. It would be a good laugh and of course valuable lessons for them.

Thanks a lot. I am really happy with this.

@olawalium, you are just on the right path to becoming a whale. It gonna happen soon bro and you will live to tell your story. Keep on working on the right path

Yaaaay!. Thank you for this. I look forward to it too and the responsibilities it wields.
Thanks a lot @fatherfaith. Massive respect for you always.

You will be a great father, @olawalium. This is just what every child needs to know. Glad this is here forever. God bless you buddy!

That delights me, knowing it is here forever. Thank is really kind of you. I sincerely appreciate your support.

You are a interesting steemians, I'm visiting daily here and saw something new in every post, keep it up. Thank you

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