Moving to hivesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #letsmakeacollage6 years ago (edited)

Fuck you Justin, we're moving to Hive.

Fuck Justin Sun


I could so see a Star Wars battle breaking out in a landscape like that! Stay warm.

Humans will only worry about climate change when we are close to the edge of the cliff... We will only start doing something serious about it once it becomes painfully obvious that climate change is screwing up the world... only then will governments start pumping big money into research against it... facilities to remove CO2 from the air, etc... Just like water shortage!

sadly :(
But YoGa had that covered! :)

Doesn't CO2 deliver life sustaining breath to our plant life, which in turn releases oxygen into the air for 'us' to breath? I don't quite understand all the fear of CO2 wiffing around in our atmosphere.

Last I heard...Polar Bears are descendant from 'Brown or Grizzly' bears that adapted over time to the frigid weather of the Arctic; If so...wouldn't it seem likely that the reverse would take place over time, if the temperatures warmed in their habitat?

Wouldn't the Eskimos be constructing Tee-Pees as well, instead of Igloos?

Like 'Vinnie Barbarino' in the old television show 'Welcome Back Kotter' used to say..."I'm so confused..."

@angryman once again - late response :)

Indeed that CO2 for oxygen production, but big emission of CO2 from factories and cars and all the other artificial producers = large amounts of CO2 piling up in the higher layers of the atmosphere where it can't be caught by the plants, trees - and as far as I know the majority of Oxygen is produced by green algae, underwater.

Regarding the polar bears - it took lots of time for that adaptation - Animals don't have backup version of their ancestors :)
Haha tee pees :) or maybe they wouldn't be eskimos at all :)

Glad to see you around,
Cheers :)

No apologies necessary @svemirac ... Nice to hear from you.

as far as I know the majority of Oxygen is produced by green algae, underwater.

I have heard the same assessment regarding Oxygen production and release. Perhaps this is why we feel so much more 'alive' when near the Sea?

big emission of CO2 from factories and cars and all the other artificial producers = large amounts of CO2 piling up in the higher layers of the atmosphere where it can't be caught by the plants

Lately, the 'farts' from cows has been back in the news here as a major concern :>) But, collectively, 'people' farts are far more detrimental...especially in the closed environment of 'Fitness Centers' (I propose, we ban people from ingesting beans, eggs and cabbage...)

As a child, I lived right next to an Electrical Power Plant with huge smoke stacks billowing out Sulpher, CO2, Fly Ash and a host of other dangerously, obnoxious materials...I am so happy for those 'Scrubbers' mandated by law these days.

Presently, I have more concern for the 'Nano Particulates' being sprayed into our atmosphere around the globe in the name of Geo-Engineering along with Nuclear waste and leaks from Power Plant Facilities.

The Carbon Footprint for all of the above man made initiatives (production and implementation) seems more insane than the alternatives. We have been 'duped' by the Corporate MACHINE in my opinion.

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