Mass: one of eight

in #lennythyme6 years ago


What makes this form of wood mass to take shape as a guardian dragon?

The first concept of eight that form the limbic system of Treei is mass. Doc's interpretation of mass is that it is a form of matter. We gather substance at the very beginning of every new journey into life adventures. The weight that we assign our mass is a function of the pull of gravity.

When your mass is massing, you are accumulating the tools and materials that you need in anticipation of the next project. The pieces act as particles, taking up space and flowing forward in time. All things constant hold their mass within this timespace.

Mass acts as a ground, a place to return to stabilization. It is the chaos that dissolves into order, the home base called Gaia that loans us the gravity to not be afloat. The darkness of consistency, the subterranian debris of inertia; it is mass that establishes the material world.

Imagine shadow time, where dust and debris congregate in minutia, being all there is in the black hole of nothingness. As the momentum of night revolving into day, mass provides a wake-up call to Christians worldwide to reestablish religious roots. I sing the body electric, as contacts between neurons allow thought to be passed through a physical space containing contiguous mass.

The forms of mass are solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Mass is an illusion of matter, any substance with tangible form that we can place a label upon. Density is a measure of thickness of mass. Mass comes in the form of chemistry elements, that combine based on periodicity, the fact that shape repeats in different sizes when electron shells take similar form.

Water is mass in liquid form with three degrees of freedom. There is the symmetrical stretch, where both hydrogen atoms pull away from the oxygen atom or push back together. There are two assymetric stretches where one hydrogen atom pushes in as the other pulls out, equal and opposite modes. Then there is the angular twist, from the perfect tetrahedral angle of 109.4 degrees. These variables give water potential consciousness, by having multiple resting states.


Mass plays a role in physics, where mass as matter is converted to energy based upon the square of the speed of light. That speed of light is a constant that is hardly constant, and provides another basis set for cognitive dissonance, the state where we cannot account for two contrary ideas being held by the same mind, simultaneously.

Mass in biology takes form as proteins and enzymes, DNA and RNA, lipids, carbohydrates and active site molecular entities. These are catalytic clusters. Science can define mass in almost any terms that you can think up. It is the there that must be there before we can establish the here.

The illusionist manipulates focus to decieve us about the place of mass, to make us think it is somewhere else that where we suppose. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat requires something up your sleeve. Mass is the base for what we know as real.

Nothing is real, so there is nothing to be hung about. Just know that you begin to establish something tangible by collecting the mass required. On a human scale, this implies an inventory, complete with mental gymnastics to anticipate necessity before it comes to bear.

As this is an essay written to establish a glossary of synonymous terms, i request that you, the reader, contemplate images of mass, from the pyramids to an anthill. Look at the picture today, and then frame mass in the terms of each of the other seven concepts forthcoming. Each concept will be discussed in a similar short essay, as we establish a new calendar pattern for coordinated human effort, the first step in becoming the mass/spirit beings that we are.

Namaste' ... Joe, with aid from Ike ... + DLT



Been a tough morning... I'll come back to this, Promise!
Highly rEsteemed!


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