Evaluating Alternate MediasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lennythyme6 years ago

Introduction Part A.

The purpose of this game is to bring attention to an approach to solving problems, the Knew Weigh. We all know the challenges we face in the social, economic, political and scientific arenas. Our method of knowing is based what other people say. Schools teach us to defer to 'smarter' people, experts that have gone deeper down the rabbit hole than most. The media promotes the standard party line that we take for granted is the common belief.

The alternate media is the group that disagrees with the agenda, the conspiracy theorists. Only there is so much to dispute, that each new commentator adds to the cognitive dissonance of a whirled spinning off course. The Knew Weigh is about developing rating systems to evaluate what we hear, and place it in context with what we know.

Or think we know. Sixty years of life experience has taught me that everything built on a foundation of lies cannot be truthful. There are things that I know because I have experienced them first hand,by going through a process of being there and doing that. I am sure that you have been there too, that you attend the school of hard knocks and learn from a teacher called experience. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice …

A fools errand is never done. The public school indoctrination system has created a new base narrative since the middle of the 20th century. The foxes in the hen house guard a dirty secret – the foundation of what we once knew is no longer what they teach in school. Instead, we subject our children to a Kafka-esque torture chamber of enforced basics that lead to a heroes journey of each against all, trying to save the world. Or using drugs as an answer.

What is the real question? How do we evaluate true in a world based on false? The recent live action role play of Q in the alternate media allowed me to watch a whole lot of diverse spin on the same stuff. The questioning developed from the bread crumbs dropped made for interesting discussion and gave us an awareness that there is more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

Being a professional scientist and a game developer, I watched the Q LARP game and thought – what if the superstructure of world football (aka soccer) was set as an overlay for a media rating system, what would it look like? Could I develop criteria of similarity that would allow groupings to make sense, with a method for cream to rise and poor performance be a liability? What measures could I use to evaluate, such that apples were kept distinct from oranges and there was no pineapple poking the group.

The metrics are a set of measurements that evaluate performance. Like pitch count in baseball, if you follow the correspondence, you find more hits later in the performance is an indicator that the pitcher is tiring. The same metric is measure based on the speed of the pitchers fastball as a function of innings pitched. Performance is subjective – there are different criteria for different positions on the field.

So, I have taken the field of alternative media as observed from the winter solstice to the spring equinox and designed a performance measurement system to evaluate whether the alternative media story is real and truthful, unreal and truthful, unreal and deceptive or real and deceptive. There were enough story lines and comparisons to the lame stream that I had more than enough to sort through.

To narrow the picture, I have selected 24 alternative media sources to evaluate, but on a different playing field than the political spectrum. Based up my own interests, I chose the specific field of geo-engineering and the implications on social and political structure. This allows me to narrow the field to just those media sites that talk about this issue, the pollution affecting life on earth. I included GMOs, but left out medicine fields – to limit the broadness of the spectrum.

The premier league group are the sources that present broad general information that is pertinent to the subject matter. I chose several different base philosophic leanings, which present a diversity of authors at the whim of editors. Part of the game will be to use these sites as the warehouse of information for gathering perspective. Counterpunch and LewRockwell serve as vehicles for specific entry and lately Stillness In the Storm has changed to a broader info format. I like Justin Deschamps and feel he should be included – as a multimedia.

I also chose two general internet personalities that speak out regularly, David Icke and Ben Fulford. These two talk about so many things that having them become familiar with your work is a feather in your cap. Each has walked many miles in their own shoes and serve as role models for alternative theories of reality. In addition, in this game, Geo-EngineeringWatch.com, Farmwars.info and Revolution Radio at freedomslips.com will serve as deep sources and measurement vehicles.

These sites will not participate in the scoring system as such, but will be used to created scoring opportunities for the B and C level groups, that spread the messages on specifics to the public from a more directed and less well known perspective. Each of these sites needs a paragraph or two write-up explaining the specifics of the site – this is my weigh of thanking them for what they do as hopefully a few of the readers here will have some new sources to peruse and evaluate.

And that is what I need from you, is an evaluation and a way of measuring your take on the situation. There will be polls and commentary and features that play off alternative narratives to get as close to a truthful, real non main stream perspective as possible. In addition, let's all do something about it.

During the 91 days between spring equinox and summer solstice, I will use my blogs at Steemit and thymehowdt.com to feature pertinent discussions based on stopping the spraying of our skies the fouling of our waters and to some extent, the socialization of life into the future.

As a founder of the Universal Sovereigns of a Living Earth church, I learned that unpopular perspective is persecuted and that most people seeking truth become Cassandra's when speaking truth. I believe that life is local and that we need to restore the power to the people, to choose the manner of their own governance. The global elite system is falling apart and evaluating how we get to truth is the purpose of this project.

I could use some volunteer labor on developing a proper platform, including polling, publishing and distributing value amongst participants. For now, I will use Steemit to generate crypto revenue while we develop a better system than currently exists. A peer to peer internet sounds way better than cooking ourselves in 5G, which I consider as part of this social engineering discussion. If you wish to be an evaluator for the game, please leave a comment.

Namaste … doc

PS – Let me point out that this game is being developed as the fourth game in a string of games that will takes some time to unfold. The first game, Existence, began in 2008 and has now developed into an eight level strategy game for building community based on Mondragon guilds. The website has remained accessible but is shadow banned – you need to use this url to find it. http://communities.earthportal.org/exist/

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