Legislation Corrupts: The One Law

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Legislation is any artificial effort to expand, constrain, or redefine The One Law.

There are four methods in which legislation corrupts.

  1. Criminalizing Innocence
    Criminalization legislation redefines innocent behaviour as criminal acts.
    Such "Victimless crimes" are defined by legislation that criminalizes Beings who Harm no one.
    Criminalization is usually enacted by cronies to pursue financial or other gain at the expense of those who are criminalized, using the time, economy and power of the public to achieve their objectives.
    Criminalization legislation corrupts the way society treats innocents.

  2. Slavery
    Mandatory legislation coerces behaviour.
    Coercing people to act against their will is a form of slavery,
    distinctly Harm within The One Law,
    regardless of what the action or outcome may be.
    Coercing by legislation someone to act against their will institutionalizes slavery.
    Mandatory legislation creates financial or other opportunities at the expense of those who are coerced, using the time, economy and power of the public to achieve their objectives.
    Mandatory legislation corrupts society with forms of slavery.

  3. Legalized Harm
    Legislation which legalizes acts of Harm empowers those who will Harm.
    Legalizing Harm erodes the security which is the very foundation of any economy.
    Legalized Harm allows agents of such corruption to eliminate or subdue anyone they can legislate against.
    Legitimization legislation corrupts society by sanctioning those elements who would Harm others for gain.

  4. Omission Corruption
    No amount of legislation can ever address the infinity of possibilities in this universe.
    It is in this fact that legislation always omits some facet which then requires additional legislation.
    This ensures legislation is never complete, never correct, and always requires additional legislation.
    Legislation, by its own omissions, feeds upon its own inadequacy.
    Legislation, already corrupt by omission, always requires more legislation.
    This is a **divergent series.

see also "Divergent series are an invention of the devil …"**


Legislation criminalizes the innocent, enslaves everyone, legalizes evil, and thrives on its own flaws.

If you want examples of how this works I will respond in comments.

Yet another way of stating this is:


  • [x] makes innocent guilty (destroying freedom)
  • [x] makes guilty innocent (empowering evil)
  • [x] forcing everyone (destroying liberty)
  • [x] to produce more legislation (expanding perversion until society is destroyed)

#libertarian support of any legislation is a mistake
#taxationistheft and theft by legislation is a form of slavery


I don't know why we think we need more legislation. We only need like three laws. Don't kill/hurt anyone, don't steal, and don't do fraudulent activities. But, really we can just narrow this down to one law. Don't be an asshole.

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