Legislation is never good

in #legislation4 years ago


All legislation has negative consequences. Even "laws" you might like.

Concealed carry legislation might sound like a good thing-- the more people who carry, the better. But by making it seem as though government gets to decide who is armed, it makes people accept anti-gun legislation more readily.

It works the same way with every other type of legislation. Even if you can't imagine how that could be true.

Legislation is always a bad idea. Don't patch bad "laws" with more "laws"; abolish the bad "laws".

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There are so many laws that a lawyer said (and wrote a book about it) that if he followed anyone around for a day, he would find three felonies that they committed.

Legislation never solves anything.
Especially when they hamstring the police from catching any real criminals.

It seems as though laws are there to take any good person and put them in jail at any time with the least inconvenience to the officers.

I agree with you, bad law should be abolished. You have such a strong voice over it.

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