The Legend of the Haunted Cart

in #legends8 years ago (edited)


This story happened long ago in a small road before arriving at a called town Zotuta located in Yucatan; At night there were few people who dared to pass the road, they always heard the sound of a cart drawn by horses neighing, but no one had been able to see it, which caused a great fear among the inhabitants of the nearby towns and due To this nobody dared to pass by there very late at night.

But on one occasion the delegate from a nearby town found himself obliged to send an urgent telegram to Zotuta, but to get to that town it was necessary to pass by the haunted road and as it was late no one dared to go for fear of being frightened, Several hours had already passed and the delegate was about to give up and not send the telegram until the next day in the morning, but suddenly a whiskey voice was heard in the distance, it was the drunk of the town which for some Bottles offered to carry this telegram, there being no other option the delegate sent the telegram with the condition that the drunkard brought the response of the other town immediately so that he could deliver the bottles, the drunk emboldened by the alcohol marcho with value towards The people and arrived without problems crossing the haunted highway; But when I returned the same way just at midnight I heard the sound of a wagon moving and snatched by horses, the drunken man trembling with fear he took the last drink of the bottle he was carrying and giving himself once more courage for him. Alcohol, he decided to ask, "what do you want? Why do you scare me?" Suddenly the silence covered once again the dark, cold night; And from a distance there was a voice that seemed to come from beyond, which said: "I am taking care of a treasure but I have already tired of doing it and since you were the only one who dared to ask I will give it to you instead That ceiba on the side of the road, you must dig and there you will find your reward "

The drunkard immediately began to dig and there he found many ancient cantaros stuffed with many coins of gold and silver, then the drunkard decided to save the treasure and to fulfill the delivery of the telegram to the delegate to claim the bottles that had been promised to him as payment ; So that nobody suspected anything of the treasure, and from that day no one ever saw the drunk again and never heard that noise again on the road to Zotuta.

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