The Legend of the Dwarf of Uxmal

in #legends8 years ago


The legend Maya, who long ago, an old and wise woman, was penitent in the temple of the city of Kabah, this woman could not have children, but she prayed to the God Chic-Chan, she blessed him with one.

After so many prayers and expiations, the same God Chic-Chan appeared to him and told him that his prayers had been heard, that he went to the cenote every day and sought a big green turtle's egg and that he would take care of it. He did so and one day, he found such an egg and took it to his house, where he pampered and talked to him.

Months later, the shell broke and from it came a green dwarf with red hair, unlike all the children; his mother adored him and named him Saiyawincoob. The wise old lady educated him and raised him, avoided leaving him alone to prevent them from making fun of him, except when he went to the cenote for water. Saiya, as they told him dearly, made a very large jicha to be able to have more time alone and to know the surroundings. Then he found a Turkul who was hidden in the undergrowth. It was a rattlesnake accompanied by a drum and he began to play these instruments, his sound reverberated and could be heard in all the cities of the Mayab.


Even Halach Uinic, king of Uxmal, perceived the music, which caused him fear, since he remembered the prophecy that whoever touched these instruments and his sound would be heard in all the cities, would be the new king of Uxmal. Halach Uinic himself had built an avenue from Uxmal to Kabah to remember it. The Halach Uinic sent his servants to find the one who had touched those instruments and, upon discovering that it was a green dwarf, opposed to give him the kingdom and challenged him to a duel with the purpose of getting rid of Saiya.

The first test consisted in demanding that he bring him a male turkey laying eggs. The next day, Saiyawincoob came to the king accompanied by a man who appeared to be pregnant. Halach Uinic scoffed and told him how he thought a man might be pregnant; Then Saiya replied that how then his majesty had requested a male turkey to lay eggs. So the judges approved the first test.

For the second test, the king organized a race, in which he cheated becoming a deer to arrive first, but Saiya asked his best friend, the frog Uo, to run instead and, thanks to a spell taught by his old Mother, reached the goal in an instant, winning the race.

Unsatisfied, the king faced the dwarf of Uxmal in many other trials, all of which, Saiya, was triumphant. Until the judges asked the halach Uinic to put a final test, to be able to crown the rightful king.

This last test consisted in that the king, would place a cocoyol (a type of very hard nut) on the head of Saiyawincoob and this one would be broken with a point of spear, that would be struck with a stone. The dwarf accepted and asked that if he survived the test, the Halach Uinic would also have to go through it. Saiya's wise mother, again helped him by making a special plate to protect him from the fatal blow and thus, he came out triumphant. The king, without being able to believe it, had to undergo the same test, but the blow made him die immediately.

In the midst of such trials, Saiya had won the esteem and respect of all people and was proclaimed king. His first act as such was to build a temple called "The Governor's House" in a single night, and then a house for his mother which he called "The House of the Old Mother", in addition to a building for himself called "The Temple of the Fortune Teller ".


The old woman gave him wise words, saying that now she could die in peace because she knew that the place was in good hands, she told him to be fair and to act correctly without being blinded by power. Boss for a time, over the years was forgetting that conversation and was letting enveloped by malice, to the degree of one day announce the creation of a new god that would be superior to those already existing, thus commanded to work in mud a sculpture , This one was put in the fire to harden it and thus to assure its resistance, but when being removed of the heat the image vibrated in such a way that the inhabitants believed that the statue spoke venerating and adoring it more than to the Gods.

That act of fanaticism created a great displeasure in the true supreme beings, so that in punishment for such a fault, the City of Uxmal was destroyed, thus ending the great power that it had achieved over so long, also sinking the domain of the Dwarf For pride led his people to the worst of catastrophes.

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