Legend Warao, On the Origin of the Violin.

in #legend6 years ago


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In those times in which Trinidad was still united to the Continent, lived in the mountains a black monkey very much appreciated by other animals because he was a musician who knew how to entertain them with his exquisite music.

The instrument he used was a sekesekeima of his own invention, whose delicate sounds made his listeners shudder from head to toe in vagaries of ineffable emotion. The sound of the sekesekeima seized in such a way the animals that rising up on their hind legs danced to the rhythm of the violin. So irresistible was the sekesekeima that even the birds began to jump with open wings, hand in hand with the quadrupeds. The dance lasted until dawn, and the melodies of the sekesekeima could be heard throughout the world.

One day the black monkey decided to fraternize with the animals that were on what is now the mainland and who had never heard their music or knew how to dance, said goodbye to their friends and went to the abyss of the American continent. When it reached the mainland, a storm was unleashed so strong that it even tore the trees from its roots, with the rain separating Trinidad Island from the continent. But the monkey, without losing its serenity, continued to play the violin, here it made the strings of the instrument vibrate again and, attracted by the proclamation of its music, the animals began to gather to dance in the first hohomare, (dance with singing accompanied for the violin).

The wait of the violinist was not for nothing, because the animals of the Delta, were fascinated with the magical melody of the delicate instrument in the hands of the monkey, danced in rows of male animals and female animals. They stood on their hind legs and said, "Let's dance all together, hug each other and be friends.

The monkey was pleased and answered:
-It's good, then. Now that we are such good friends, I will stay with you. I am glad that everyone has come and that no one is left behind.
But when they thought that everything was at peace, the absence of the tiger Tobe frightened them, because at any moment it could appear and they could be eaten. Tobe had become deaf to the charms of new music and did not want to be friends with anyone.
The monkey, of course, did not know; but the other animals, who had already noticed, were very concerned with the absence of the tiger.
In the absence of the tiger, decided to send a message to be presented the next day.
-Look, the tiger said to the messenger pigeon when arriving at his burrow, we have received the visit of a black monkey that comes from the island and that fills one's heart with joy. Thanks to his music we have all danced embraced as good friends. I invite you to join us!
Tobe said to the pigeon - Where do you say that visitor is coming from? Do you know what his name is? The pigeon answered: - All I know is that it comes from the island but I have not heard its name; But that is not important. What matters is that he has brought a violin whose melody makes us forget all the grudges and become friends.
The tiger was thoughtful for a moment.
-I know - he exclaimed with a laugh - His name is Naku. Then Tobe said that he would not resist Naku's presence because his flesh was the tastiest in the world: they could never be friends.
Then, the tiger sent Naku to tell him: - No one has asked him to come, he is a little man and that, on the contrary, it is he who must prepare to receive my visit within three days. Then I will grab him, kill him and eat him. There is no meat more tasty than the Naku.
When the carrier pigeon arrived with such news, all the animals became very sad and nervous. Then they said to the monkey, "Look, for your life, listen to our advice, the tiger Tobe is a ferocious animal-eating beast. All the meats he likes, but yours more than any.
The monkey listened attentively, but pretended not to care.

-Believe us- the animals insisted- this one is going to finish you. We live in harmony as good friends. He lives on the same hill, but he disdains our friendship and, if he grabs us, the story ends.
The monkey kept calm in the midst of all these urgent pleas, until, on the morning of the third day, everyone heard the tiger approaching and said "Woe to you, poor Naku! -Today is your last day. Just a little while longer and you're going to be dead. What a pity, poor monkey, that your flesh is so delicious!
Finally leaving the clear forest, he stood in front of all the animals, very close to the monkey.
-So you have not left, Naku -.
-And where, then? - replied the monkey - Did not you say that you would eat me wherever I went?
"That's right," said the tiger. Then the Naku monkey answered - since this is my last day, I think you could grant me a grace. Why do not you let me play one last piece on my violin, here in front of you and all the animals?
Then, if you want, you can kill me.
As the Tobe tiger had nothing to the contrary, the monkey hurried and began to play his violin, the monkey played so well, that the tiger's eyes were coming and going. At last he closed them and suddenly stood up on his hind legs, threw his head back well and began to dance to the magical rhythm of the violinist. - Ay Naku what a wonderful music! I had never heard anything like it. Do not stop! the tiger imploringly said.
What a beauty of music! It makes one happy. We live here so sad. I never imagined that you could play such music.
And, without stopping dancing, the tiger approached the monkey and hugged him with these words:
No way! Let's be friends, brothers! Your music takes me away and makes me dance with pleasure.
Then between the embraces of the tiger and the monkey, all the other animals embraced and all in unison repeated Friends, brothers!
And so everyone danced happily to the sound of the magic violin that transformed into friends to the tigers.


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