7 Awful Ways the DUI Conviction Can Affect Your Life

in #legal7 years ago (edited)

Having a DUI can have a serious and long-lasting impact on your life. It’s always better to avoid getting a DUI, but if you don’t manage it, you could be in real trouble. Here are 7 things to dread if you end up with that DUI. 


1. Not being able to drive

If you receive a suspension of your license, it can be a real pain. Can you get to work without your car? How much extra is it going to cost you to take public transport? You won’t be able to go where you want when you want, and you may have to rely on others to drive you around.

2. Fines and restitutions

A DUI can also have a direct negative affect on your bank balance. You may have court costs to pay, as well as fines. You may also have to pay restitution if there was another party involved in an accident while you were under the influence. If you want to reduce these charges, a professional DUI lawyer like LY Lawyers can help, but bear in mind that they may be more expensive than other lawyers. It's therefore much better to be safe than sorry and never get into a car while inebriated.

3. Insurance problems

The second you have a DUI on your record, your insurance rates will soar. You may even find that your current insurance company terminates your contract and no longer wants to work with you. Why would they help someone with a proven record of getting in trouble? It’s not in their best interests to do so.

4. Trouble getting work

A DUI goes onto your criminal record, and that means you now have a criminal past that you have to disclose whenever you apply for a job. If you are fired because of your conviction or because you can no longer get to work, then good luck finding employment elsewhere. If you drive under the influence, then there is a good chance that you will come to work drunk or high as well. That’s not what recruiters are looking for.

5. Career paths closed

Depending on your chosen career, you might find you can never work in it again. You might have to change jobs completely. There are some jobs which are totally out of your reach as soon as you get a DUI. You won’t be able to join the military or the police force, or most other public service roles. You can’t be a lawyer or anyone involved with law in general. Similarly, working with children or teenagers will most likely be out of your reach too. Your choices start to narrow very quickly. If you want to study for a new career, you may find that higher learning institutions will no longer accept you.

6. Loss of trust


Your friends and family members are likely to be highly disappointed in you, and may never trust you again. They won’t want you to take them for a drive, and they won’t be pleased any time you mention that you are going out for a drink. Imagine the strain that can be put on a relationship when you suddenly need someone to drive you around everywhere because of a mistake that you made. It’s not unheard of for a DUI to cause someone to lose their license, job, marriage, and home, often in that exact order.

7. Travel issues

If you like travelling, then there is some more bad news for you. There are quite a few countries around the world where you will be refused entry if you have any kind of criminal record. The DUI is a particularly bad record to have, because authorities don’t want to let someone in who is going to cause car crashes and drink irresponsibly. Places like Mexico and the US can refuse you entry if you have a DUI from the past decade, especially if there are still outstanding issues such as unpaid fees.

Don’t take the risk of ruining your life by getting a DUI. The consequences are much further reaching than the immediate effects, even if you don’t serve jail time. Limit yourself to the amount of alcohol you can handle and never sit behind the wheel while under the influence. 

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