The new buzzword in town is "Unity"

in #leftist2 years ago


It is interesting how the left will pick a word and construct an entire ethical system around it and condemn anyone who doesn't assent. In the past, but still out there and in use, are the words tolerance and diversity. These words are presented as being in the same moral category with courage or honesty or loyalty. In reality they are buzz words chosen to manipulate through the guilt trip process the acceptance of specific democratic party agenda items. Tolerance is meant to convey an empathetic attitude of acceptance to various traditionally perverted behavior patterns, like transgenderism. Diversity is meant to convey the idea that accepting people from shithole countries who will drag us down is virtuous.

Now it's unity. A new word. Like tolerance and diversity it's a word with a specific meaning that has NO connection to virtue or vice other than in its application. If I tolerate my spouse abusing my baby I'm a demon from hell. If I allow gang bangers and terrorists and felons to babysit my children in the name of diversity I should be shot. If I unite with those same people and condemn you for resisting I am a lying manipulative scumbag.

I am sick and tired of the left's ongoing and relentless attack on our traditions and culture. I'm tired of hearing it. But sadly it has worked on a vast number of our population. I think those who have bought into this petty manipulation and believe it are descendents of village idiots.

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