Do you identify as the left? As anti-Trump? Do you agree with the rioting and violence to achieve your goals?

in #left8 years ago

If you answer any of those questions as YES, then this is a quick message to you from someone that identifies as neither right or left, and did not endorse Trump or Hillary. Yes, I thought Hillary was/is evil incarnate, but I still didn't vote for her or Trump.

If you are calling Trump a dictator...

If you think Trump is Hitler...

You may be onto something, but it would be a really good idea for you to research history on how Hitler overthrew the Weimar Republic of Germany and became a Dictator. It likely was not done at all how you imagine it.

So I don't know that your concerns are accurate and that is Trump's goal. Yet if it is, how would it be achieved?

What you may not realize is that going back several presidents both Republican and Democrat there have been bills and laws that extremely amplify the power of the Executive Branch (aka the Presidency) under one circumstance. In fact, they are so extreme that you could be sent to camps, or holding facilities, or concentration camps, and the powers of Congress and the Supreme Court would be virtually non-existent in this case. That condition is if Martial Law is imposed.

So if what you think about Trump is true. What would be the easiest way he gets to become a dictator like Hitler?

The answer to that is... if he gets to impose martial law.

So what is one of the easiest things to make it so he can impose martial law? If rioting and violence are growing uncontrollable and too frequent a national emergency can be declared and martial law can be imposed.

Now before the inauguration was completed some anti-Trump people were actively calling for this. Why? Because the powers of the president in the event of martial law are now so extensive that it can actually halt any change of power. It was worded as such that changing of power in the middle of a crisis could make the problem worse.

The inauguration happened. Right now if you think this is Trump's goal then the worst thing you can possibly be doing to prevent this is rioting and acting violent. You can protest, assemble, shout, and do all kinds of things. You can refuse to do business with companies that endorse actions you don't like. You can get verbal and campaign against people doing business with such places. All of those things you can do. As soon as you resort to violence then if Trump's plan is that which many of you believe then you are giving him the potential fuel to do that.

Those of you that think you have it bad and that he is a dictator now. If this happens you're in for a rude awakening. In fact, many of you talk about Hitler, but I doubt you've actually researched a lot of the history of what was happening in the Weimar Republic of Germany, and how the National Socialist movement became popular and gradually gained power, and the events that the NAZIs as they eventually were called took advantage of and capitalized on to eventually disband the republic and place Hitler in ultimate control.

Also consider this. Right now your most effective weapon to fight this is freedom of speech. Yet somehow you have been convinced that you should attack people exercising this right. You believe they should not be able to speak if you disagree with what they are going to speak about. Keep yelling about that. If a law is passed to limit free speech do you truly think Trump is going to allow you to keep speaking against him if he is the dictator you are sure he is?

If martial law is imposed you'll soon learn how precious that right to free speech actually is and you might reflect that maybe you shouldn't have attacked people for exercising that right. Or rather you could have challenged those people with words and proven your point of view with reason, as opposed to chanting, and maybe violence.

If you were my target audience I very well may not have reached you. I've noticed many people are walking around in a mental Faraday cage. They won't listen to any idea contrary to the ideas they've already determined are the truth. Well if your truth is actually true then the actions you are taking due to that truth will lead you and others not part of your movement into a concentration camp under martial law. So you may want to rethink your approach.

Go study the history you keep chanting. Learn something about what actually happened. Go back farther and learn why the bill of rights and the amendments are there. The people that made those amendments didn't all agree with each other. They were not even all old Christian slave owners. There were a lot of different ideas. They simply realized that if they didn't remain united that they would make themselves vulnerable to the outside forces they had just freed themselves from. Those who do not know this history are in danger of putting the shackles back on themselves and others that their ancestors worked hard to remove.

If you think everything is fascist... you should research fascism... Hitler, Mussolini, Marcos,and others... see how they achieved power and what they said. I think if you look you'll see what that message and what their actions that lead to actual fascism looked like, and I think you'll be VERY surprised. There are elements that could be tied to Trump speeches, and there are elements that sound just like the NAZI party before it overthrew the Weimar Republic, but the Nazi like speeches from before the overthrow are not coming from the right, or Trump. They actually sound a lot like many of the things the vocal protesting left is saying.

You have the right to protest, and you SHOULD exercise that right. You just need to be smart about it. You need to think about your goal, and consider whether the actions you are taking will actually achieve that.

Some quick google searches on changes to law based on martial law(I have taken an effort to provide you with information to get you started, rather than just expecting you to believe me):

That is simply a few I found just now with Google. I have not read all of them. There is an extensive amount of them and I know that presidents Bush (both), Clinton, and Obama were all involved in strengthening the Executive Branch power under Martial Law conditions. Whether it goes further back than that I personally have not yet explored.

Conspiracy theorists have been saying any of those presidents were planning Martial Law. It didn't happen. Yet I guess whether it could still happen is what should be a concern, and what could justify them imposing martial law...

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That is actually what they want you to think. There were a lot of people running for president. You had many choices beyond those 2. You also had the choice of not voting.

So it definitely was not binary. ;) Binary thinking ends up picking the Lesser of Two evils. I refuse to do that again.

Just as there are only two puppets in a Punch and Judy show, there were only two puppets here. It wasn't an election anyway, it was a selection. Voting is only to give voters the illusion that they had some say in the selection. But they didn't...

Though I do want to qualify. I still have more than two choices. That doesn't mean my choice will WIN, or even have impact upon the outcome.

Yet I don't view it like a sporting event. I am not rooting for a team. I am not choosing a party. IF I believe in what my actual "job" is supposed to be then my job is to pick the person who best represents me. That job is not to pick the "winner".

Yet, I also think ultimately we need to strive for a day where we no longer need a government. It will take generations and work to get there, but it is a worthy experiment I believe.

I am an anarcho-capitalist yet I still vote. It is not about hypocrisy. It is about reality. Many of the things voted on locally impact myself and my family. Me not voting does not stop that from happening. So refusing to act in the best interest of my family in the current circumstance is not a wise move in my mind. My wife and I registered in a small county once to vote for a county commissioner we thought would do a great job that was running against someone that was not a good fit for the job. My wife registered wrong. The vote came to a tie, and they drew the other person's name from a hat. My wife's vote literally could have changed that outcome.

So as to the illusion... at the Federal level this is largely true due to the media/propaganda machine.

At the local level it can make a difference.

Wow that would bum you out!

I'm thinking this create division agenda is the key to it all at the moment.

As far as voting, I think that most first world countries control elections with almost total media manipulation and a weak and controlled opposition. New Zealand is a prime example of both.

America as usual, has gone a step further and has put on top of that, total vote manipulation, so at a national level, votes are completely irrelevant.

This tends to be true as well. I tend to look at who the media is shoving at me as my "choices" and realize unless I want the same old bullshit over and over again those are likely the people I shouldn't even consider.

i identify as a free thinker who embraces and supporters individual liberty for every human being so that means im neither a trump supporter nor a statist of the left. Just unplugged is all. F mob rule.

Violence is not acceptable. Period. There are many other much nicer ways to show one (dis)agrees.

Yep, learn critical thinking, and engage, and use it. Discuss and learn from disagreements. I have an article I want to write today that is a little bit about this.

Oh... there is only one form of violence I believe is acceptable. Defense. If you are being attacked (present tense) I believe you have the right to defend yourself. Aggression is unacceptable. Preemptive Defense is just another word for Aggression and is unacceptable. If you are BEING attacked you should be able to defend yourself, but that's about it.

I agree :)

Are you suggesting that you can't put out a fire with gasoline?

Yeah... but with the martial law changes they put in over the last 4+ presidents it might be more like putting a gas bomb on top of a fire, or driving a tanker truck full of gas on top of a fire.

Plus, I know other people have said things like this.

It usually has little effect...

I still consider it worth trying.

It is worth trying... better than watching self-fulfilling prophecies come true!

Great Post, excellent points all around! I'm anti-Trump, but I'm also anti-Hillary. What kind of disastrous democratic system is in place, when you have to choose between these two.

I think there is real danger in the hero-worship of Donald Trump, just like everyone was duped by Obama. The power structure stays the same (Goldman Sachs / Pharma / Military Industrial Complex) they just give a new face to the operation. A re-branding of sorts.

You make a great point about the left and how they may be coerced into violence and protests in order to usher in marshal law. On point. Bravo!

Upvoted and Resteemed!


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