Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before His Assassination. (Video Documentary)

in #lee7 years ago

Just hours before his death, Lee Harvey Oswald tried to call Raleigh, North Carolina from the Dallas jail on the evening of Nov. 23, 1963. For years, this significant information was ignored by assassination investigators and concealed from the public. Surprise guest speaker and JFK Assassination expert Jim Marrs joins Dr. Proctor on stage at 58:00. In the early 1980s, independent researcher Dr. Grover Proctor broke new ground on Oswald’s attempted call. Because of Dr. Proctor’s work, Oswald's attempt to reach former U.S. Intelligence officer John Hurt has become known as “The Raleigh Call.”

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Sean Donahoe
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Mary Legates
Mary Legates
1 year ago
Here's the thing that SHOULD have undermined Democracy - everyone knew then as they know now that JFK was murdered. But nobody cares & nothing changes. The FBI, the CIA, the Bush family, the bankers etc etc (status quo) just goes on and on while we work to pay for it all....where is the outrage?
Arnie Ramsbottom
Arnie Ramsbottom
10 months ago
LHO was innocent. Only the extremely stupid think he did it. Don't argue with them, because they are too stupid to waste your time on.
5 months ago
Just hours before his death, Lee Harvey Oswald tried to call Raleigh, North Carolina from the Dallas jail on the evening of Nov. 23, 1963. For years, this significant information was ignored by assassination investigators and concealed from the public.
1 year ago
Lee Oswald was the only person in Dealey plaza who didnt shoot JFK
1 year ago
Simple question. If Oswald did it. Why was there no fingerprints on the bolt, on the foregrip and where he held the stock? No gloves or rag was found. Why was there no nitrates on his face, forehead and cheek? Bolt action rifles shoots out gases, and gunpowder after firing. So he was smart enough to make sure he cleaned his fingerprints off the clip and bullets, but orders the rifle and revolver in a way that can be traced? Sorry inconsistencies and screw up of evidence abound.
Josh Randall
Josh Randall
1 year ago
My attention span gave out around 30 mins in.. Sorry, I'm usually very passionate about the JFK assassination but I got wrapped around a bottle of high end Japanese sake tonight..
James Joseph Moore
James Joseph Moore
9 months ago
It's a little spooky the mention of the two people called John D Hurt and Winston Smith. The reason being that in the cinematic film "1984" (made in 1984 also) based on George Orwell's book the leading character Winston Smith is played by the British actor John Hurt.
Bill Arellano
Bill Arellano
10 months ago
Recently, I found out that Oswald's wallet with both his ID and a fake Hidell ID was found at the scene where Tippitt was killed.
Later, when he was arrested at the theatre the identical ID, including the fake Hidell ID was on Oswald.
So, that is pretty weird. They found his ID twice. That, for me, is one of the most curious pieces of the puzzle.
3 months ago (edited)
By the way, for everyone freaking out about this guy getting to the point, the point was very easily found in the text provided below the video. Jump to 58 minute mark to get back to the actual analysis of the call, for one. The lead presenter is done then, so if you hate him, jump past it. Now check out the links listed for more info. The gist of it is that Oswald tried to call an intelligence officer John Hurt in what has become known as the "Raleigh Call." This is proof that he was for sure working with the CIA. That has a lot of implications, but we should be careful about making too many assumptions and try to stick to what we can prove and work with. Corroboration is key. This is just one more thing showing us that the official story and Warren Commission or even the followup attempts were simply put not good enough. That's all fact and doesn't take a leap at all, since they didn't include this phone call and this phone call is corroborated with multiple people and left physical evidence.
3 months ago (edited)
I'm actually listening to and following all of this and it is interesting, but I can't help but laugh at the stories inside of stories. It reminds me of this: We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. I didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...
Chip Looper
Chip Looper
1 year ago
jack ruby was more involved in the assassination more than what people think
J Wunder
J Wunder
10 months ago
It's a mystery wrapped inside a riddle inside an enigma, man!
Kieser Sozay
Kieser Sozay
10 months ago
This guy has more chins than a Chinese phone book. I think his neck shot JFK.
1 year ago
Over two hours long? How about the Readers Digest version?
John Walker
John Walker
6 months ago
How much money does the US government pay you idiots to spread your bullshit lonenutter theory all over youtube and facebook?I really want to know,or are you just a bunch of morons,it has to be one or the other!!
6 months ago
You have to establish principles as you go along -- even if they are conditional. I would say that one such principle is . . . that there are no lengths to which CIA personnel would not go to "protect" that agency if they thought it justified to do so. In other words: hardly anything is too far-fetched to imagine the CIA doing if they thought it the right thing to do. Destroy or fabricate documents, lie, kill people, etc. These are serious people with serious resources playing a serious game . . .
Vicky Allen
Vicky Allen
3 months ago
just shows our government was then! always has been !! and still is the most corrupt!!
Albert James
Albert James
4 months ago
If you actually think Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK your totally brainwashed...Just like 9/11...if you think Bin Laden was the master mind behind 9/11 your totally fucked in the head.
Daymond ' Chief ' Jones
Daymond ' Chief ' Jones
3 months ago
enjoyed the lecture.
Chief Jones
Ken Martinson
Ken Martinson
1 year ago
James Files got out in May 2016.
Jose Coby Cobian
Jose Coby Cobian
11 months ago
Oswald is innocent!!! he took the blame
La Belle Vie
La Belle Vie
11 months ago
Here is real proof the United States government did very very sloppy corrupt work. A very corrupt sloppy government back then and now..Rome did fall because of it's nasty sloppy corrupt government.Rome did not fall because of any enemy or enemies..It is very sad people do not learn from pass history and repeat it.Il est votra choix..Soyez corrompu..Voilà, c'est tout...
Tom Shaver
Tom Shaver
4 months ago
Oswald was just a patsy. He was involved with both pro and anti Castro groups. His office in New Orleans was in the building along with a man known as Bannister who run a CIA anti Castro training camp in Louisiana. Clay Shaw who was tried by DA Garrison in New Orleans was seen with these 2 men along with other perps.
2 months ago
I am former U.S. Secret Service (1974-1977) Wash.D.C. and FMD//WHD protected Ford and Carter and all the others. I have studied the JFK assassination since I was 10 in 1963 and later on in the U.S. Secret Service. I am NOT convinced of the WCR and there is a MAJOR cover up. Oswald worked for NIS/OSI/CIA, etc...and was set up to be the lone male shooter as others have in history like James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, etc...Oswald was on the steps of the SBD at the very 2-3 minutes before the shooting. Different guns were used and multiple Snipers were discovered and the Limo was altered after the shooting to cover the frontal shots. The infamous Zapruder Film as also altered, and so on...I have talked with Jim Marrs as well as others. Ted Gunderson SAIC FBI and many others. (Too much to write here) The U.S. Experienced a violent take over(Coups) and it is not over. LBJ and other Democrats killed JFK. Special meetings were held in Dallas. LBJ, J.Edgar Hoover, Nixon, Murchison, and others.See also Robert "Tosh" Plumlee as well. (John Judge on You Tube)
Kenneth Sloan
Kenneth Sloan
6 months ago
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, acted alone and was not part of a conspiracy. That was the conclusion of Gerald Posner's book Case Closed. Nuff said?
jane Doe
jane Doe
1 month ago
He didn't do it.
Gabriel Espringtime
Gabriel Espringtime
3 months ago
Oswald didn't do it.
Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him
Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him
1 year ago
Maybe Oswald was crazy, was a lone assassin, and did have some very low level intelligence contacts related to Cuba. Wouldn't it make sense that those agencies would do everything in their power to conceal having ever known Oswald?
John Walker
John Walker
5 months ago
Roger Craig was there when they found the rifle on the 6th floor,he was standing right next to it and stamped right on the barrel was 6.75 Mauser,he had no reason to lie about it!! So are you gonna believe this senile ol' cocksucker named Mike faggot156 or Roger Craig?
Dom Farmer
Dom Farmer
4 months ago
I'll sum up to save people a couple of hours of their life...Does Oswald have some links to the Intelligence community? Probably.
Farley Hill
Farley Hill
10 months ago
Lee went to Russia, became a Russian citizen and married a Russian girl.
Then he changed his mind and came back to the US.
This happens every day so nobody bothered to keep on eye on his activities.
NK 怪我ドル
NK 怪我ドル
5 months ago
The inherent problem with the JFK conspiracy crowd is that they have an embarrassingly bad habit of outright ignoring all of the plain facts, coincidences, and boring reality that all directly points to the fact Oswald pulled the trigger on JFK. I'm sorry, he did, and regardless if the conspiracy figures on the circuit or YouTube documentaries want to gloss over all of it, the hard facts all point to Oswald. Period. He had the means, motive, and opportunity to do it, and he did. I suspect people simply can't accept that such a nobody could murder someone so powerful, wealthy, and admired as the 35th President. Instead, they fill their emotional gap with wondrous conspiracy theories and it has become a lucrative circus of fringe figures, convention circuit speakers, and authors. The other fundamental problem with JFK conspiracy theorists is that you can put 10 of them in a room and you will have AT LEAST 10 "theories" on the conspiracy itself, precisely because they don't operate on any remotely hard evidence but rather their own personal biases. That's an issue. Whether you like it or not, the Warren Commission got it right and the whole purpose of the commission was to find out if a foreign power (ie: the USSR or Cuba) did not orchestrate the murder of JFK. You can say whatever you want against government and speak about coverups, conspiracies, and agendas, but they laid it out pretty elaborately in their report even if some conspiracy theorists can find flaws and chinks in the armor, but finding flaws in "the official story" does not substantiate the exact opposite of reality which is the poor logical approach that such people inherently seize.

It's been over 40 years and nobody has come forward to take responsibility, no evidence, no nothing, and it's ludicrous for anybody to assert that even half the number of people it would require to cooperate with such a conspiracy could keep uniformly silent this long. That's probably the hardest proof against a conspiracy. Reality simply does not work in such a way where the US government, as incompetent and stupid as it usually is, could get away with murdering the President and somehow keep it secret this long. Nixon couldn't even cover up a break-in at a psychiatrist's office in the 1970's long before the Internet. People will believe what they want to believe and although it's the furthest from sexy, Oswald did it, he did it himself, and he was a loser, a wannabe, and a nobody in a failing marriage who had these delusional expectations he would be somebody in the world. It's not a coincidence that Oswald went to Mexico to bother the USSR and Cuban embassies to be given citizenship (since he believed he was SO important), rejected, and came back to Texas in defeat and came upon JFK's motorcade route in the local paper which (coincidentally!) passed right by the building and floor where he worked at the exact same time. How perfect. I'm sure the CIA/Chicago Outfit/Cuban exiles orchestrated that too, right?

If you want to get into Ruby, yes, it's weird, but when you do the boring reading of actual books and get in on what people who knew Ruby had to say about him, they all exclaim how absurd it would be to put Jack Ruby in charge of keeping any secret since he was a known loudmouth and wannabe gangster. He loved JFK, he even closed his money-losing clubs over the weekend after JFK's death, and he shot Oswald on his own, by pure luck, and he was always known to carry a gun anyway. Right before he died, he admitted there was nobody else involved in his own actions. Had Ruby arrived a few seconds later than he did, he would've missed his opportunity to shoot Oswald. Think about that. If a beloved and admired US President is murdered by some loser, it's not terribly far to expect one guy would kill the guy who did it out of some belief he was doing justice and a good thing as Ruby wholeheartedly believed he did. That's not a conspiracy. I could go on, people have written good books outlining the reality of the JFK assassination, and I would tell anyone willing and ready to invest in the conspiracy theories that you will never ever find any intellectual satisfaction or gratification in that world. There are no answers. Just more books to buy, documentaries to watch, and lectures to attend.
1 year ago
Thanks so much for posting the complete video! You rock!
Harry Negron
Harry Negron
7 months ago
Baba Roushka
Baba Roushka
2 months ago
Scapegoats They were used and terminated by the real killers
2 months ago
I also am a U.S. Customs whistle-blower and I know and support Mr. Abraham Bolden(82) as a man of Integrity. He is the author of "Echo In Dealey Plaza". Bolden was "set up" to cover for the previous exposure of a plot in Chicago against President JFK.
Donal Callum
Donal Callum
1 year ago
Oswald was trying to get to Agee his CIA handler. Oswald was only involved in the assassination beforehand because he knew Dallas and could show the shooters around town. After that Oswald's only use was as patsy/scapegoat and as we know that only lasted 48 hours.
3 months ago
Indeed Senator Richard Schweiker said it first.
"LHO has the fingerprint of Intelligence all over him.
Louis Parent
Louis Parent
6 months ago
Ted Cruze's father did it. Everybody knows that.
jimmy pye
jimmy pye
1 month ago
The conspiracy you're all too dumb to notice is that the people who perpetuate and advance these conspiracies are making a shit load of money off of your naivety. That's the realy conspiracy. But the tragedy goes much deeper. There's a billion dollar industry in hooking people on this nonsense.
Jim Rushing
Jim Rushing
1 month ago
I,m surprized that the lady ever got the slip back from the FBI
Chris Jones
Chris Jones
2 months ago
Agant Cliff Hill Proved JFK was shot by Oswald
nicky lup
nicky lup
9 months ago

Ricky Brannon
Ricky Brannon
9 months ago
the problem with this video is that oswald would not have had to make a phone call to some 3rd party, to inform his handler that he was in trouble, his handler would have already known that, oswald did not have to call anyone that would be willing to help him, every one in the country already knew about oawald and where he was. further they would have made contingency plans in case oswald was arrested.
5 months ago
I used to date a Patsy, but when we were together she acted alone.
G Town Dave
G Town Dave
5 months ago
Oswald was the only assassin in Dealey plaza.
ebert beeman
ebert beeman
2 months ago
?? If Oswald was NOT working for the CIA why won't they release his tax records at this late date?
Bill Wells
Bill Wells
1 year ago
This is just so much crap.
Paul Sullivan
Paul Sullivan
6 months ago
I think it's pretty obvious that Oswald killed Jack Kennedy. Oswald hated Kennedy. Absolutely hated him. He wanted to migrate to Cuba, but they wouldn't take him. He believed in communism, Kennedy didn't. He showed up at the book depository with the rifle packaged in brown wrapping paper. He did make the shots. Don't believe the so called experts who say the shots couldn't be made. He took off from the building right after he shot him. Assassinated officer Tippett, then went into the movie theatre. In the theatre, he grabs his revolver from his jacket, says "Well, this is it!" Points it at one of the officers. They punch him in the eye, and arrest him. Now, why can't you believe this? And if not, where's the concrete evidence of someone else, and who was it. Not one solid piece of evidence has ever come forward since it happened. So until it does, I go with the obvious...
Martin X
Martin X
3 months ago (edited)
Michael Collins Piper was the first researcher with the guts and moral courage to connect all the dots of the JFK murder and finger those responsible. His book is called Final Judgement.
Tiger Audio, Inc.
Tiger Audio, Inc.
2 months ago
Not a chance I'm going to watch this for 2 hours to hear the promised phone call. BYE
11 months ago
There is no verifiable evidence that JFK would "end the Vietnam War".
J Wunder
J Wunder
10 months ago
Does this guy realize that assassins are always referred to including their middle names? Mark David Chapman. John Wilkes Booth. Etc.
Dees Nuts
Dees Nuts
4 months ago
Crooks In Action.
1 month ago
I am not a bible scholar or tied to a church building but I do know what thing. We really do have a God who knows all things, nothing is hidden from the Living God. When we do wrong, God gives us a time to repent . Eventually without repentance , our evil deeds do get exposed and all will know. Time to repent and repentance is between you and God. Without repentance, our evil deeds are exposed for all to see. I just pray to our living God that this corruption in our society is exposed for the good of all. Thank you Lord that you are a living God who hears our prayers and answers are always on the way. Lord Jesus, Amen.
1 month ago
Did anyone else doze off.
Squanto Samoset
Squanto Samoset
1 month ago
Charles Todd, C.J. >The Last Straw before Suspension of Habeas Corpus
and Martial Law (by permission)

Trump, as Commander-in-Chief of National Security, should have already made
another joint announcement with Congressional leaders. Trump must tell Congress, that as National Security Commander-in-Chief, no courts will hear any cases about National Security. Congress must remove the authority of the courts under Article III of the
Constitution within 30 calendar days. Trump must explain to Congress and the American people that these drastic measures are necessary because the judges are refusing to obey the Constitution and the law.
Trump has the authority. Congress has the power. If Congress fails to act,
then in the interest of National Security, habeas corpus will be
suspended and martial law will be declared to save the Republic of
these United States of America just like Abe Lincoln was forced to do.
Trump is a political 'outcast', unfortunately. No DemonMarxists–no RINOs will work with Trump. They are controlled by the NWO. No DC politicians serves their constituents. All DC politicians are on multiple payrolls.The NWO (New World Order) demands control of the people. Anyone think this stuff isn't happening today in the U.S.? All eight of these rules are currently in play now:
The first is the most important.

  1. Healthcare:
    Control healthcare and you control the people. DONE. (It will not be repealed).
  2. Poverty:
    Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to
    control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for
    them to live. DONE.
  3. Debt:
    Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase
    taxes, and this will produce more poverty. DONE.
  4. Gun Control:
    Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you
    are able to create a police state. (WORKING ON IT).
  5. Welfare:
    Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, & Income).
  6. Education:
    Take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what
    children learn in school. DONE.
  7. Religion:
    Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools. DONE. (One
    cult easier to control.)
  8. Class Warfare:
    Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more
    discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the
    support of the poor. DONE.

My add is the Legal System: 9)
Buy up the Attorney/Lawyer/Judges/Big City Mayors/Police Chiefs. (DONE)
(Sanctuary Cities=Biggest cities RULED by the DemonMarxists (=Communist=NWO)
some for many years now.)
Abe Lincoln issued EO to suspend habeas corpus & declare martial law
to keep our Republic united. It worked and saved the USA. Has it ever been repealed?
Hillary Clinton did a college thesis on the writings of Saul Alinsky.
Barack Hussein Obama writes about Saul Alinsky in his books. So, who
is Saul Alinsky? >Test question!
9 months ago
Another thing that's really interesting about this video. Is the affidavit was obviously faked by the FBI and not written by mrs. Treon because they didn't get the address right. I think mrs. Treon knew that her own address was West Catalpa and not North Catalpa haha
Cary D. Hoffson
Cary D. Hoffson
1 month ago
lee harvey oswald known her was going to be killed that is why he left the book building to go home and get a gun and he was stop by Tibet so can be killed but he had a gun to stop Tibet and was told to go to the movie theater and was to be killed at the movie theater but there was people around so they took him to jail and the only way to kill him done when jack ruby killed him and jack ruby had to be killed in a different way all together but make it look like he was in bad health so know one would find out what happened to jack ruby that would put an end to the all thing they had help with doing all of it
Donna Hersh
Donna Hersh
4 months ago
Dr Mary's Monkey will explain why Oswald was a target!
George Mckenna
George Mckenna
5 months ago
Sure it was a conspiracy .ok lee Harvey ,after you shoot the president .take a bus back to your room.we just cannot get a car to take you lol. Get real .read Vincent Buglosey,book .it is very factual..its ponderous but convincing. He acted alone .no intelligence group could keep it secret
john wallis
john wallis
8 months ago
What ifOswald was the only assassin
William Larson
William Larson
10 months ago
Yet again, another from the heart, with passion, and based on FACTS, refutation of the governments 'official' explanation of JFK's murder. These folks, and I mean THESE folks we see here, not the TROLLS paid by stipend, are the real heart and soul of our country.
Nick C
Nick C
1 year ago
I watched the first 57 min and about the last 20 min. Good video but very slow to unfold the story.
Julie V.
Julie V.
1 year ago
I have never believed LHO was guilty, or that the Warren Commission was accurate. I just recently, after retiring, decided to start digging for the truth. Thanks for posting this video.
1 month ago
Was it proven that Beverly Oliver was the Babushka lady? Some say she is a liar.
2 months ago
The CIA is such a rogue, twisted, and criminal organization...It's no wonder that Kennedy was about to blow this thing into a million pieces, this organization does little to nothing for 'America', in fact, it works for 'big money' and always has...
s mitchell
s mitchell
7 months ago
Oswald was an actor and he was not shot
s mitchell
s mitchell
7 months ago
JFK was not shot . A body double was . Tippit
Cheryl Smith-Bell
Cheryl Smith-Bell
1 month ago

This will Help clarify some of this!
roy borrill
roy borrill
1 month ago
Yes, elements of the intelligence community where involved in the murder of JFK, along with criminal elements. But the real question is whose intelligence community are we talking about? You won't find that out from these politically correct assholes giving the lecture, so if you're really interested in who killed JFK then I suggest you read, "Final Judgement", by Michael Collins Piper. And see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
8 months ago
The "Swearing-in Ceremony" for the president is prescribed verbatim by the US Constitution itself, Art. II, Sec. 1, Par. 8 (last): "Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Bill Wells
Bill Wells
1 year ago
Is this for real? John Hurt was drunk and called the Dallas Police Dept.to talk with Oswald.
What is this clown talking about?
5 months ago
Why would you assassinate JFK in public view? It could easily have been done with poison and pretend to investigate. Then blame on someone.
The Internet Nazi-troll
The Internet Nazi-troll
10 months ago
Rise of the Fourth Reich is a stupid book. complete crap. A smoke screen for the Jews and Israel.
2 months ago (edited)
ELMO from Sesame Street > ELM - O (operation) on ELM street. Se + same > SE ("su excelencia" in Spanish, his excellence > president) SAME (same way they planned) All agrees, all agrees, guys!
Double Ghod
Double Ghod
6 months ago
2 hours of BS about a phone call that was never even made!!!! Gimme oxygen.
Mike T156
Mike T156
1 year ago
Beverly Oliver is another Conspiracy Theory LIAR. Right along with Jean Hill and Ed Hoffman, that all made up stories, see for yourself:

Only gullible people believe these people like Beverly Oliver, that wasn't even there. The movie camera she says she used to film the assassination wasn't made in 1963, it was not produced until 1969. HOAX. These people get PAID appearances and exploit the murder of our President for money. They are no better than that POS Oswald that killed him for notoriety.
atd399 atd
atd399 atd
2 months ago (edited)
I'm sorry but given all this information how could you respect anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone.
The Internet Nazi-troll
The Internet Nazi-troll
1 month ago (edited)
Jim Marrs is a Jew ass-kisser. Just like all of his crowd. Alex Jones, David Icke, All of their crowd. If they're not calling out Israel and the Jews they are not telling the complete truth. Israel has been stealing military intel for years. Assignation, attacking through terror attacks, and spying on the US since before ww2.
LBJ was a pro-Israel Zionist Jew.
The assassins were Israelis. Mossad. JFK was in the process of stopping Israel from getting nuclear technology. Which they have stolen from the USA since the death of JFK, and have sold to Russia and China.
They also did 911.
Ken Stanaford
Ken Stanaford
4 months ago
I sure can't say for certain where killed JFK, but to believe Oswald acted alone with what is been proven to be evidence since for conspiracy,, is Complete lunacy!!
Ranald Bruce
Ranald Bruce
1 month ago (edited)
This guy is terminally long winded. He knows one fact and wants to make a career out of it.
3 months ago
This was ok till they let that fucknut Marrs up
Christopher Scallio
Christopher Scallio
1 year ago
The JFK Mystery is constantly steadily and thoroughly being revealed with new information every year. There are just so many pieces to this puzzle and they're all being pieced together today. It's kind of like reading a good mystery book series and your just waiting for the next release. I'd suggest that it was Johnson with CIA agent Bush and Canadian Intelligence Raphael Cruz. And not Professor Plum in the library with a candlestick.
Mike T156
Mike T156
4 months ago (edited)
All you conspiracy kooks, chew on some REAL evidence instead of parroting the same old horse shit.
For starters, there was the Warren Commission. The Public did not like the Findings and when rumor of CIA involvement continued into Jerry Ford's Presidency, he had the Rockefeller Commission established for an investigation into the CIA. Then there was the Church Committee, then the HSCA, then the ARRB.

WHERE are the indictments? Why was no one other than Claw Shaw ever charged with JFK's murder? Where is YOUR Proof? Here are some links that might start to clear the FOG inside your empty heads.

Autopsy Photos-4th photo shows the right side BLOWN OUT. The X-Ray shows the fatal shot hit JFK in the back of his head. The cracks in his skull all went FORWARD. The National Archives has a complete set of the photos that are a lot more extensive than these, but enough to see the wounds clearly.
Pathologists that performed the autopsy confirm that the autopsy is genuine and were their findings
Rockefeller Commission findings:
Dale Meyers Computer animation of JFK assassination. There is only one way the assassination happened.

Anthony C
Anthony C
1 year ago
2 things immediately come to my mind---# 1 Does this man get paid by the word ? # 2 I wonder what people such as Dr.Proctor would do without the Kennedy assassination? Was it necessary to show pictures of BOTH John Hurt and his sisters? If the HSCA believed this tale of the "Raleigh call" why was it NOT included in the final report? Dr. Proctor says that the HSCA investigated the "call" and had a 24 page report on it. Why doesnt he go through the report page by page? My opinion....I do NOT believe a word that this man is saying. He is so "at home" in front of his audience. His hero is Beverly Oliver?
Ive heard enough.
Mike T156
Mike T156
2 months ago
I watched and listened to the first half an hour of this video and was interested to hear about the SS Agency he was talking about to find out WHO Oswald tried to call on Nov 23 and what was the significance of that person. Then the speaker starts into BEVERLY OLIVER who said she was present during the JFK assassination and filmed it. She is present during this video too.
The fact is that Oliver provided the name and model of a video camera to investigators and they found out that that camera was NOT made in 1963. It started into production around 1968. Oliver also told investigators that a SS Agent had taken her film the Monday after the assassination and it was never returned. So, Oliver is as big a LIAR as Jean Hill, who was another woman that exploited the assassination of JFK for money. Personal appearances on talk shows, a consultant for the movie JFK, and even wrote a book.
So now here is Oliver basking in the limelight as the speaker in this video praises her, a phony. So the speaker is yet another conspiracy kook and this video is another conspiracy wild goose chase.
The people that exploited the senseless death of JFK are no better than that murderer Oswald. Garbage.
Mike T156
Mike T156
6 months ago (edited)
I watched and listened to the first half an hour of this video and was interested to hear about the SS Agency he was talking about to find out WHO Oswald tried to call on Nov 23 and what was the significance of that person. Then the speaker starts into BEVERLY OLIVER who said she was present during the JFK assassination and filmed it. She is present during this video too.
The fact is that Oliver provided the name and model of a video camera to investigators and they found out that that camera was NOT made in 1963. It started into production around 1968. Oliver also told investigators that a SS Agent had taken her film the Monday after the assassination and it was never returned. So, Oliver is as big a LIAR as Jean Hill, who was another woman that exploited the assassination of JFK for money. Personal appearances on talk shows, a consultant for the movie JFK, and even wrote a book.
So now here is Oliver basking in the limelight as the speaker in this video praises her, a phony. So the speaker is yet another conspiracy kook and this video is another conspiracy wild goose chase.
The people that exploited the senseless death of JFK are no better than that murderer Oswald. Garbage.
Doug styles
Doug styles
1 year ago
What about the intervew while he was in custody? I've never heard one word about what was said while in custody.
Eric Blair
Eric Blair
3 months ago
If LHO actually tried to warn them of an assassination attempt there is no way in Hell he would have shown up for work that day.
Patrick Alaggio
Patrick Alaggio
1 year ago (edited)
Mr. Mars, one MOST important fact that rarely gets discussed and negatively impacts us to this day is Israel's involvement in the assassination. JFK was denying Israel the nuclear bomb and while we all agree that the Mafia had its' fingers in the pie, who would you trust to do the actual shooting? A thug with a pistol, someone who could be traced back to the US government, or an elite sharpshooter core brought in by the MOSAD in exchange for the promise of a nuclear capability, which today stands at 300 weapons!

We know of the ongoing work between our own C.I.A. and the MOSAD and researchers know of Israeli's involvement in 9/11... but we don't like talking about it because they still hold too much sway over our politics. For those of you that think I'm just blowing hot air then let me refer you to the attack against the USS Liberty by Israeli forces in June of 1967 where 38 of our sailors were murdered in Israeli's failed attempt to sink that ship and bring America into their war against Egypt. Let's not ignore the subsequent cover up of this incident by President Johnson. So, at the very least, Israel held (and continues to hold) this blackmail information over our government's head. If you were president would you have covered up the Liberty attack?
Ted Timmis
Ted Timmis
5 months ago
The biggest reason why we don't know the real story is that conspiracy nut jobs have completely muddied the water. The proliferation of disinformation makes it impossible to know what to believe.
Madeleine Perkins
Madeleine Perkins
3 months ago
This man, unfortunately is not a particularly effective public speaker. He needs Toastmasters.
Iris Eddy
Iris Eddy
4 months ago
1 month ago
No small irony that the CIA would go on to attempt to assassinate Castro
many, many times!

Political assassinations are not as rare as we may think ...

If you're interested in this case, I suggest also looking at the
cases of Aldo Moro (Italy), and Olof Palme (Sweden).

And also:

Raif Wigram
Gamal Nasser (see 'Secret Affairs' by Mark Curtis)
Robin Cook (?) (some vids here on YT)
Dr. David Kelly

More contemporary: Seth Rich and Monica Petersen.
Larry Moak
Larry Moak
1 month ago (edited)
Lee Oswald said, " I'm a Patsy".. when he was arrested. That is NOT what a true assassin would say.. A true assassin would say, "Hell Yea I did it!! " .. that's all you need to know.
William Cunningham
William Cunningham
1 month ago
Once upon a time I had videos & books on the JFK assassination. I came to the belief we never would have gone to war as we did had he of lived. I am a Viet-Vet who survived TET. There is legislation JFK was signing into law about our banking practices that would change the way we did transactions, curtailing the Fed-Reserve and getting rid of FED-RESERVE notes. BANG. What is not covered is the RFK assassination. This was a follow up, as RFK would have made many pay for his brother's death, got out of Vietnam in a hurry and finished the banking mess his brother started. BANG!
Tim Edison
Tim Edison
8 months ago
If any person seriously studies the evidence in this complex case, there is only one conclusion that can be reached and that is that John Kennedy was killed as the result of a conspiracy (meaning that more than one person was involved). If you believe that Oswald acted alone, then either you haven't really studied the evidence or you have studied the evidence and for some strange reason you have decided to ignore that evidence.
However, I believe that Oswald was possibly involved in some capacity. Oswald had no discernible motive to kill Kennedy (he had previously expressed his admiration for JFK). He did, however, have a motive to kill governor Connelly who had personally downgraded Oswald's Marine discharge to "dishonourable". It is a fact that Oswald at the very least disliked Connelly. I believe that Oswald was possibly trying to kill Connelly, while another (or more than one) party knew he would do this and this party took advantage of the situation and killed Kennedy from the behind the fence.
Anyway, the facts all lead to the conclusion that Oswald was not a "lone nut" trying to kill John Kennedy.
HolyRomanSoldier Templarsofslovkia
HolyRomanSoldier Templarsofslovkia
9 months ago
How would somebody get in touch with Dr.Grover
Daniel Ahern
Daniel Ahern
1 month ago
In my opinion the best proof/eyewitness of the JFK assassination is James Files. If you have not watched his complete interview before he died, watch it and if you're not convinced he is telling the truth, then I can't help you.


wow, quite interesting...

Thank you I worked very hard on this post. Did you watch the video all the way through. This is amazing and the general public needs to know.

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