Machine Learning Latest Submitted Preprints | 2019-04-04

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Machine Learning

Boundary Attack++: Query-Efficient Decision-Based Adversarial Attack (1904.02144v1)

Jianbo Chen, Michael I. Jordan


Decision-based adversarial attack studies the generation of adversarial examples that solely rely on output labels of a target model. In this paper, decision-based adversarial attack was formulated as an optimization problem. Motivated by zeroth-order optimization, we develop Boundary Attack++, a family of algorithms based on a novel estimate of gradient direction using binary information at the decision boundary. By switching between two types of projection operators, our algorithms are capable of optimizing and distances respectively. Experiments show Boundary Attack++ requires significantly fewer model queries than Boundary Attack. We also show our algorithm achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art white-box algorithms in attacking adversarially trained models on MNIST.

Group-wise classification approach to improve Android malicious apps detection accuracy (1904.02122v1)

Ashu Sharma, Sanjay K. Sahay


In the fast-growing smart devices, Android is the most popular OS, and due to its attractive features, mobility, ease of use, these devices hold sensitive information such as personal data, browsing history, shopping history, financial details, etc. Therefore, any security gap in these devices means that the information stored or accessing the smart devices are at high risk of being breached by the malware. These malware are continuously growing and are also used for military espionage, disrupting the industry, power grids, etc. To detect these malware, traditional signature matching techniques are widely used. However, such strategies are not capable to detect the advanced Android malicious apps because malware developer uses several obfuscation techniques. Hence, researchers are continuously addressing the security issues in the Android based smart devices. Therefore, in this paper using Drebin benchmark malware dataset we experimentally demonstrate how to improve the detection accuracy by analyzing the apps after grouping the collected data based on the permissions and achieved 97.15% overall average accuracy. Our results outperform the accuracy obtained without grouping data (79.27%, 2017), Arp, et al. (94%, 2014), Annamalai et al. (84.29%, 2016), Bahman Rashidi et al. (82%, 2017)) and Ali Feizollah, et al. (95.5%, 2017). The analysis also shows that among the groups, Microphone group detection accuracy is least while Calendar group apps are detected with the highest accuracy, and with the highest accuracy, and for the best performance, one shall take 80-100 features.

Adversarial camera stickers: A physical camera-based attack on deep learning systems (1904.00759v3)

Juncheng Li, Frank R. Schmidt, J. Zico Kolter


Recent work has thoroughly documented the susceptibility of deep learning systems to adversarial examples, but most such instances directly manipulate the digital input to a classifier. Although a smaller line of work considers physical adversarial attacks, in all cases these involve manipulating the object of interest, e.g., putting a physical sticker on a object to misclassify it, or manufacturing an object specifically intended to be misclassified. In this work, we consider an alternative question: is it possible to fool deep classifiers, over all perceived objects of a certain type, by physically manipulating the camera itself? We show that this is indeed possible, that by placing a carefully crafted and mainly-translucent sticker over the lens of a camera, one can create universal perturbations of the observed images that are inconspicuous, yet reliably misclassify target objects as a different (targeted) class. To accomplish this, we propose an iterative procedure for both updating the attack perturbation (to make it adversarial for a given classifier), and the threat model itself (to ensure it is physically realizable). For example, we show that we can achieve physically-realizable attacks that fool ImageNet classifiers in a targeted fashion 49.6% of the time. This presents a new class of physically-realizable threat models to consider in the context of adversarially robust machine learning. Our demo video can be viewed at:

CUR Decompositions, Approximations, and Perturbations (1903.09698v2)

Keaton Hamm, Longxiu Huang


This article discusses a useful tool in dimensionality reduction and low-rank matrix approximation called the CUR decomposition. Various viewpoints of this method in the literature are synergized and are compared and contrasted; included in this is a new characterization of exact CUR decompositions. A novel perturbation analysis is performed on CUR approximations of noisy versions of low-rank matrices, which compares them with the putative CUR decomposition of the underlying low-rank part. Additionally, we give new column and row sampling results which allow one to conclude that a CUR decomposition of a low-rank matrix is attained with high probability. We then illustrate the stability of these sampling methods under the perturbations studied before, and provide numerical illustrations of the methods and bounds discussed.

Point Cloud Oversegmentation with Graph-Structured Deep Metric Learning (1904.02113v1)

Loic Landrieu, Mohamed Boussaha


We propose a new supervized learning framework for oversegmenting 3D point clouds into superpoints. We cast this problem as learning deep embeddings of the local geometry and radiometry of 3D points, such that the border of objects presents high contrasts. The embeddings are computed using a lightweight neural network operating on the points' local neighborhood. Finally, we formulate point cloud oversegmentation as a graph partition problem with respect to the learned embeddings. This new approach allows us to set a new state-of-the-art in point cloud oversegmentation by a significant margin, on a dense indoor dataset (S3DIS) and a sparse outdoor one (vKITTI). Our best solution requires over five times fewer superpoints to reach similar performance than previously published methods on S3DIS. Furthermore, we show that our framework can be used to improve superpoint-based semantic segmentation algorithms, setting a new state-of-the-art for this task as well.

75 Languages, 1 Model: Parsing Universal Dependencies Universally (1904.02099v1)

Daniel Kondratyuk


We present UDify, a multilingual multi-task model capable of accurately predicting universal part-of-speech, morphological features, lemmas, and dependency trees simultaneously for all 124 Universal Dependencies treebanks across 75 languages. By leveraging a multilingual BERT self-attention model pretrained on 104 languages, we found that fine-tuning it on all datasets concatenated together with simple softmax classifiers for each UD task can result in state-of-the-art UPOS, UFeats, Lemmas, UAS, and LAS scores, without requiring any recurrent or language-specific components. We evaluate UDify for multilingual learning, showing that low-resource languages benefit the most from cross-linguistic annotations. We also evaluate for zero-shot learning, with results suggesting that multilingual training provides strong UD predictions even for languages that neither UDify nor BERT have ever been trained on. Code for UDify is available at

The Medical Deconfounder: Assessing Treatment Effect with Electronic Health Records (EHRs) (1904.02098v1)

Linying Zhang, Yixin Wang, Anna Ostropolets, Jami J. Mulgrave, David M. Blei, George Hripcsak


Causal estimation of treatment effect has an important role in guiding physicians' decision process for drug prescription. While treatment effect is classically assessed with randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the availability of electronic health records (EHRs) bring an unprecedented opportunity for more efficient estimation. However, the presence of unobserved confounders makes treatment effect assessment from EHRs a challenging task. Confounders are the variables that affect both drug prescription and the patient's outcome; examples include a patient's gender, race, social economic status and comorbidities. When these confounders are unobserved, they bias the estimation. To adjust for unobserved confounders, we develop the medical deconfounder, a machine learning algorithm that unbiasedly estimates treatment effect from EHRs. The medical deconfounder first constructs a substitute confounder by modeling which drugs were prescribed to each patient; this substitute confounder is guaranteed to capture all multi-drug confounders, observed or unobserved (Wang and Blei, 2018). It then uses this substitute confounder to adjust for the confounding bias in the analysis. We validate the medical deconfounder on simulations and two medical data sets. The medical deconfounder produces closer-to-truth estimates in simulations and identifies effective medications that are more consistent with the findings reported in the medical literature compared to classical approaches.

Alleviating catastrophic forgetting using context-dependent gating and synaptic stabilization (1802.01569v2)

Nicolas Y. Masse, Gregory D. Grant, David J. Freedman


Humans and most animals can learn new tasks without forgetting old ones. However, training artificial neural networks (ANNs) on new tasks typically cause it to forget previously learned tasks. This phenomenon is the result of "catastrophic forgetting", in which training an ANN disrupts connection weights that were important for solving previous tasks, degrading task performance. Several recent studies have proposed methods to stabilize connection weights of ANNs that are deemed most important for solving a task, which helps alleviate catastrophic forgetting. Here, drawing inspiration from algorithms that are believed to be implemented in vivo, we propose a complementary method: adding a context-dependent gating signal, such that only sparse, mostly non-overlapping patterns of units are active for any one task. This method is easy to implement, requires little computational overhead, and allows ANNs to maintain high performance across large numbers of sequentially presented tasks when combined with weight stabilization. This work provides another example of how neuroscience-inspired algorithms can benefit ANN design and capability.

Enhancement of Energy-Based Swing-Up Controller via Entropy Search (1904.01214v2)

Chang Sik Lee, Dong Eui Chang


An energy based approach for stabilizing a mechanical system has offered a simple yet powerful control scheme. However, since it does not impose such strong constraints on parameter space of the controller, finding appropriate parameter values for an optimal controller is known to be hard. This paper intends to generate an optimal energy-based controller for swinging up a rotary inverted pendulum, also known as the Furuta pendulum, by applying the Bayesian optimization called Entropy Search. Simulations and experiments show that the optimal controller has an improved performance compared to a nominal controller for various initial conditions.

Processing Tweets for Cybersecurity Threat Awareness (1904.02072v1)

Fernando Alves, Aurélien Bettini, Pedro M. Ferreira, Alysson Bessani


Receiving timely and relevant security information is crucial for maintaining a high-security level on an IT infrastructure. This information can be extracted from Open Source Intelligence published daily by users, security organisations, and researchers. In particular, Twitter has become an information hub for obtaining cutting-edge information about many subjects, including cybersecurity. This work proposes SYNAPSE, a Twitter-based streaming threat monitor that generates a continuously updated summary of the threat landscape related to a monitored infrastructure. Its tweet-processing pipeline is composed of filtering, feature extraction, binary classification, an innovative clustering strategy, and generation of Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). A quantitative evaluation considering all tweets from 80 accounts over more than 8 months (over 195.000 tweets), shows that our approach timely and successfully finds the majority of security-related tweets concerning an example IT infrastructure (true positive rate above 90%), incorrectly selects a small number of tweets as relevant (false positive rate under 10%), and summarises the results to very few IoCs per day. A qualitative evaluation of the IoCs generated by SYNAPSE demonstrates their relevance (based on the CVSS score and the availability of patches or exploits), and timeliness (based on threat disclosure dates from NVD).


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