Disorganized. III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #learning6 years ago



Apart from having disorganized schedules as earlier mentioned, some people also have disorganized behaviour.

There are some habits we need to caution and work on, especially behaviours that cost us a lot and that which we get most complaints about.

When you sit down to dine with kings, carefully consider what was set on the table before you.

We need to have an organized behaviour. A person with a bad name is already half hanged. We should all strive to keep ourselves in check.

I heard a story and I would love to share with you all. It might help someone out there I hope.

There was an interview scheduled for some selected people. It was stated for 10 am and some got there before 10 am, and some a little after 10 am.


They were addressed to by 10:15 am, where they informed them to be settled and calm and they would be attended to shortly.

The organization dropped different newspapers on the center table because it was a roundtable office they asked them all to wait. Apart from the newspapers they dropped there, they dropped a lot of cracker biscuits, all opened in a paper plate, with groundnuts, and different kinds of fruits with a ​lot of candies.

It was getting close to 11 am, they were not attended to yet, nor addressed. By 11 am, the same man came and gave them the same information as before and he left. Some started pouncing on the groundnuts, some on bananas, few others on grapes, while one started packing the candies in his office bag. There was one person who only grabbed the newspaper to read.

They all did this for an hour plus when it was past 12 pm, some were grumbling, some were angry, some were cursing too, one left in anger, and the man with the newspaper was still reading, quietly.


When it was 1 pm, the same man came back and asked the one reading the newspaper to come in and asked the others to leave. The man told them right there before telling them to leave that, they actually had a camera installed, to watch their reactions to delay and pressure. He said he told them so they can learn from this.
(I believe this story is self-explanatory.)

Time brings out our hidden character. We should organize our behaviour because, in turn, we are organizing our life.

Lastly, (because I want this to be the last part), we should also organize our thoughts. Some of the ways we think are so unhelpful. We should organize our thoughts because our thoughts influence our words, and our words become our reality that in turn influences our world.


We should be careful what we think, what we say and what we do. What we do is a result, in some part of what we think. When we start seeing the good in every situation, no matter how dire it is, and when we start speaking the right words, it helps with the quality of life that we long for.

Thank you for your time in this series as well. I always appreciate your amazing comments and time. It means a whole lot to me and I'm enjoying varying views too. We are all learning together.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Wow....what a beautiful conclusion dear. What a story. I've actually had such experience before but it was in school during my clearance stuff or so. We were so many outside, waiting and waiting and shouting the names of the people there and no one attended to us. It was after about 5 hours that they came up and sent everyone away saying, if we cant be patient and calm, then we wont be patient when we get in.

The next day we got there, we were all so silent ehn, no one wanted to talk to anyone. Hahahah and thankfully we were attended to.
Our calmness and organization can take us to various high places beyond our expectation.

Patience is a virtue, its a patient person that can really be organized. Even in our minds. My Dad is an example of being organized in his mind. No matter what is happening around, he'll always smile. Even if any bad news happens, he'll first smile about it before taking any action and people respect him so much for this.

Time brings out our hidden character. We should organize our behaviour because, in turn, we are organizing our life.

We should be careful what we think, what we say and what we do. What we do is a result, in some part of what we think.

Thanks for wrapping up with this. God bless your heart dear. You've been so amazing. Thank you @communitycoin Bless you.

Hahahah, my teeth are outside because I had the same experience while in school as well, but I was so lucky that day, after shouting with others, I got tired and I decided to sit under a tree in front of the office, some ladies joined me while others kept shouting and shouting the more. Smile

I don't know how they see us from inside the office, they sent for the 10 of us under the tree asked the others to come back the following morning..... Hahahah

Your dad is having a good habit worthy of emulation, hope you can pick my point.... Hahahahha

Lolzzzz... I guess its common with all these academic staff. You know students are many and they will sure find ways send some away.

So I guess the best way is to search for the calm ones. At least that will teach other people lessons of how to behave well.

My Dad, hmmmm that is sure worthy of emulation. #smiles Thanks dear

Hahahahaha. It is very important how we act outside. We should always try to keep things under control. I am sure the guy reading newspaper must be so furious too, but he kept his emotions in check.

Hehehe pick that up from dad o

Thanks as always darling.

He sure must have been furious. He only played maturity there. These are some simple life lessons we need to learn in life.

Things can't be so rosy as we expect always. Our organization and composure to different situations speaks much volume about who we really are.

I sure picked that from him. Most times, even if its a death story, I first of all smile and sit, then later I force the tears out. #smiles. It is well

Lastly, (because I want this to be the last part), we should also organize our thoughts. Some of the ways we think are so unhelpful. We should organize our thoughts because our thoughts influence our words, and our words become our reality that in turn influences our world.

It is very true that what we hold in our thoughts tend to occur in our lives, i once read a book that taught me that, the product of whatever you hold in your thoughts tends to occur in your life so if you want something different to start happening to you, you have to change your thoughts. The bible also makes me understand that 'as a man thinks in his heart, so is he'.

They all did this for an hour plus when it was past 12 pm, some were grumbling, some were angry, some were cursing too, one left in anger, and the man with the newspaper was still reading, quietly.

I wonder why quite a number of employers like to carry out this exercise. My experience was similar, we were about 200 applicants, we were made to wait in the hall for over 5 hours, a lot of people were angry and left, about 120, which was funny, some began to gist to lighten the tension, some even slept, for me, as the loner that i am, my head was spinning with imaginations, i was fine being akone, infact i wanted everybody to be angry and leave. Well at the end of the day, non of us got the job. Why? The camera did not find anybody praying, dont ask me. I want to throw a stone everytime i pass the place.

We should be careful what we think, what we say and what we do. What we do is a result, in some part of what we think

A praying attitude helps us remain positive in situations, its almost impossible to be praying while having negative thoughts. So anytime we are in a situation that urges negative thoughts, why not just pray.

Thank you

Why? The camera did not find anybody praying, dont ask me. I want to throw a stone everytime i pass the place.

Hahaha we can only laugh about it now but right then, I am very sure it wasn't pleasant at all. Really sorry about that. Some situations test us to the limit and trying to maintain a cool head helps. Yes!. Pray it out. Love that!!!!!.

Thanks for sharing this experience with us. Duly appreciated.

I love where it all ended....

I do not know you are coming toward this direction before giving my view in the second part of the series, but all well and good.... Smile

Time management is very crucial to every successful people in life. Some people are so successful that you begin to think if they have more than 24 hours. The time is the same, what we do with it differs.

Just look at the man in your story, he can't just withstand sitting that long without learning something new, and in so doing, he was using his time wisely. It obvious, he didn't start it that day, he has been doing it, you can't start reading in a day and end up read for longer time.. Hahahah

If you are a good reader, by the time you spend hours in reading, it will look like just five minutes. I think that's the secret of that man..... Ahhahaha

Thoughts need to be well guided like you mentioned because everything in our lives happened as a result of our thinking.

we conclude in our heart before acting things out

No matter how beautiful an opportunity is, if you have decided not to consider it in your mind, nobody on earth will be able to persuade you to do it, because nobody have key to your heart apart from you.

We only have time for what we create time for.... Smile

We all create time for something, but the quality differs.

In your thinking, give priority to the necessary first, consider the last thing last. You will become more productive by so doing.

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin for adding values to us again today.

Thank you for your detailed comments as always. Love this.

I'm glad you do.... hug

To keep up with industrial growth and your own personal advancement, it’s essential to practice good organizational skills. Being disorganized can hinder your ability to get where you want to be professionally, decrease your productivity, cost your employer time and money, and can even be bad for your physical and mental health.

Many people wish to advance their careers and climb those corporate ladders, but they won't get far unless they are organized. Poor organizational skills make people less efficient and less effective, and in the business world and even our natural environment, those are two qualities that do not bode well with employers. Disorganization can cause employees to confuse dates, mix up assignments, miss deadlines and, in turn, this makes them unreliable and undependable.

Poor organizational skills are a hindrance to productivity. Instead of being able to get work done, poor organizational skills will leave you rummaging through documents and attempting to carve out a clutter-free area on your desk. Spending all of this time being non-productive causes your efficiency to suffer, which will not look good to your boss.
The old adage “time is money” rings true in the business world, where time is a valuable resource that can be costly to a company when it is wasted. Poor organizational skills influences your ability to manage your time well. This has a tendency to result in a failure to prioritize assignments, complete projects on time and prepare your day-to-day activities. In turn, your poor organizational and time management habits may come with an expensive price tag to your employer. It’s important to get a firm handle on your organizational skills so that you can develop ways to manage your time.

When people are disorganized it causes them to feel more anxiety and stress. Consequently, this type of mental exhaustion can take a toll on the body. Stress-induced headaches and backaches are common physical symptoms that may be more prevalent in people with poor organizational skills. I always enjoy reading your piece though I have not been consistent. You really are motivational speaker

This is really good. This is really good that I even said that twice. Hahaha.

Thank you for this detailed comment and expansive analysis. Really love this. Thank you for your kind words too. Really appreciate it.

Apart from having disorganized schedules as earlier mentioned, some people also have disorganized behaviour.

You are absolutely right, it is all people that put on clothes are sane, if you are behavior disorganized, it can lead or range from simple problems sustaining goal-directed self-care behaviors such as personal hygiene to unpredictable and bizarre socially inappropriate outbursts. For example, people may not dress according to the weather, (i.e., they may wear a heavy coat in the middle of February, I meant sunny day), they might even wear odd or inappropriate makeup, they might shout at people for no apparent reason, or they may mutter to themselves continuously, etc. A disorganized behavior person often behave in the sense and manner that is not acceptable, Most anything is possible. So we have to be more conscious of our action which I believe speak louder than ever voice itself.

Time management is the most challenging that a disorganized person might exhibit, since they often lack focus and don't really put write things down for the purpose of remembrance.

Not properly manage your time can even go to the extent of having your head, that is most of the good things will always elude that person if care is not taken
In turn, your poor organizational and time management habits may come with an expensive price tag to your employer and. If that happens often one's bound to meet one's doom in just a matter of time. It’s important and. Imperative to get a firm organisation of your time so that you can develop ways to manage your time.

Our thoughts and thus reasoning must be coherent enough in order to manage our time wisely, don't wait until people started complaining about your attitude towards life and how you manage things. Do something now it is never too late my brother and sister, time wait for no man,.

Thanks brother for all your inspiring piece as usual, keep the good work flowing man. I can't wait for the next chapter

Hahahhahaha we meet again. I hope you always make your comments into posts. You are always on point. Weldone dear

Thanks for the commendation, I'm thinking of suming up my entire comments on each of the topic maybe I can come up with a desirable post that people might find interesting and benefit immensely from. What do you think?

Hahaha your first paragraph got me laughing. Detailed as always. Thanks as always brother.

I agree with your opinion and that time brings up our hidden character. We must organize our behavior because, in turn, we organize our lives.

We must also organize our thoughts. Some of the ways we think are very unhelpful. We must organize our thoughts because our thoughts influence our words, and our words become our reality which in turn affects our world.

Read the continuation of your post, I remember the saying "what we plant that we picked". If we have seen farmers planting rice seeds in rice fields, then when harvest we will see the rice fields begin yellowing, and rice is ready to be harvested, skinned and then sold. That is the process of planting rice that is the seed of rice. So also with other plants will surely be the same results that we harvest with what we plant. An impossible thing, when we plant sweet potatoes, then the crop of the sweet potato is the fruit of durian.

That is life, and not just in plants, in our daily life, that proverb also applies. When we plant goodness, the result is good. Vice versa when we plant badness then we will harvest the ugliness.

For example, when we give charity with sincerity. Directly or indirectly we must feel the effects of our alms, both in the form of easiness that we feel and or sustenance that comes suddenly. In other instances, such as people who commit acts of corruption, the result of the plant of corruption he has planted is that he lives in unrest, not to mention if he is known to have committed such acts by the public, he will be reported to the authorities, and excommunicated by the community .

Likewise with our minds, when we plant positive thoughts, filled with optimism in the face of the future, God willing, the steps to achieve success will be easier. Conversely, when what we plant is negative thoughts, filled with pessimism, it is certain that the steps will feel so heavy when stepped in to achieve success.

Absolutely. Thank you for this, really. I appreciate the thoughts and time you put into this. Gracias

Another great series , I missed the previous episodes in this series but it’s all on blockchain and so it never goes away. This is another great one from @olawilium. My current rating of your write up now is 9/10 . You’re going places bro.

Yaaaaaay!. I'm dancing in circles thanks for your support always bro. Much appreciated.

The chosen ones are those that got organized behavior, not those that got disorganized one. The leaders,kings or queens, area chairmen and Co.
Everything has replacements, we know where those with disorganized behavior end their lifes and we know the the organised ones end theirs
But the best thing is to have the organized behavior,not the disorganized one and you will surely gain it, if not now, but in the future

Trying to do our best all the time is surely a great start. Thanks a lot bro

The summary is the post is " Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
Actually we need dicipline...
patience and perseverance give you great output what you want.

This is really a powerful story. I learned that we ought to make judicious use of our times even when wait. Being organized in life is a sure way to grab a financially stable job to earn income. Thanks fro sharing.

No one wants to entrust someone who is not organized in actions and behaviour with stuffs. We should always manage our emotions. Thanks a lot for your continued support.

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