learn to know yourself

in #learn7 years ago


The aphorism “KNOW THYSELF” has been around for so long and have been coined in different ways by different philosophers. Some say it is the beginning of all knowledge, more said it is the power to rule the world and others said it is the root of success and gate way to enlightenment. But all through the ages, the theme has been consistent – If you want to become all that you were created to be, you must know thyself first.

Even though we all accept much can’t be achieved in life without self-knowledge; most of us barely know who we truly are or what we have the potential to become. There is so much confusion as we strive to live our lives based on other people’s dogmas and societal dictates. We oscillate between overconfidence and low self-esteem. One day we are filled with a definite sense of purpose; the next we are completely clueless! Loss of identity, crises of faith, etc. No one can be happy or fulfilled this way.

So, in my quest for clarity, meaning and growth; I discovered two strange phenomena: (1) There is power in asking questions and (2) Successful people succeed more because they ask better questions. Asking questions is one of the greatest tools of success. We learn about life through questions. They wake our minds, prompt new ideas, show new ways of doing things and give needed clues to move our lives forward.

Here are some questions to kick start your journey of self-discovery & unlock your immense potential.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
What activity in your life lights you up with joy?
What is something you always love doing, even when you are tired or rushed? Why?
What is one failure that you have turned into your greatest lesson?
What have you done in your life that you are most proud of?
Are you doing what you believe in or are you settling for what you are told?
What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
If you could have one single wish granted, what would it be?
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
To your best knowledge, how do other people perceive you?
How would you like others to perceive you?
How confident are you in your abilities to make decisions for yourself?
Who is the most important person in your life?
Who is your greatest role model?
What is your highest core value?
What do you believe is possible for you in life? Why?
How do you feel about your parents?
How do you feel about growing old someday?
Are you holding on to something you need to let go of?
Do you believe your destiny is pre-determined or in your hands to shape?
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
What is holding you back?
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 5 years just to become more famous and attractive now?
If the average human life was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
Which is worse to you, failing or never trying?

Truth is, there are no right or wrong answers. This is a process of uncovering the powerful being that you are. Don’t just read these questions once. Instead, save them on your computer, phone or tablet. Every day, take one question, think about it thoroughly and answer it as truthfully as you can. Your answers will bring about discoveries that will empower and embolden you. But most importantly, they’ll blow your mind away! Your true strength will amaze you.

Trust me, there is a lot about you that you know nothing of, yet. You will discover that you are a unique child of God. You will find that you are brilliant, strong and wise. That you are gifted and talented and have huge capacity to bring to life whatever you dream of. Finally, you will see that you are loved, loving and lovable.

So, know thyself and all will be revealed. Look inwards…., the kingdom of God is within you; that is where your treasure lies.

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