in #learn7 years ago

Life is full of mysteries. The junior today can tomorrow become the senior. While the senior today can tomorrow serve under the junior. That is why everyone in life must be careful of their actions,because no condition is permanent. The reason why so many failed when they get to the top is absence of leadership skills.

Leaders are moulders. They are the engine room of great tomorrow. They are the initiators of great innovations that are seen in the open. As a leader, you have to create surroundings that encourage to safely disagree and then commit. You are not the best. You are there to lead so as to make lives of the followers better. Do you know that people don't seem to care about following a leader who doesn't seem to care about them?. If you are a self centered leader, don't expect much loyalty from your followers because they know what you don't know. They know that you are only concerned about result not on how their lives can move on positively to get that results.

Most leaders have forgotten that success is normally found in a pile of mistakes. The mistakes of your followers should be corrected with love and not with harsh words. Remember words soft spoken turns away wrath. Forget about your titles and carry everyone along. You may be a title holder and yet you may not have the charisma to perform but someone under you may not have any title, yet the fellow may be the brain behind the success of yours. Don't allow anyone to see themselves being inferior. Once a person under you sees himself as being inferior, it's very dangerous to you as a person and to the growth of the group.

As you improve yourself, those around you benefit and are, themselves improved. Leaders must be out to improve themselves very well. If you don't know something, please accept that you don't know and be ready to learn. Humility in leadership is seen when you can learn from your subordinates. Good leaders will carry everyone along, especially the critics among his team. Remember this, you can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you.You have to go to them sometimes.

Leave a landmark and not a badmark.

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