Who We Are Is How We Lead

in #leadership7 years ago (edited)

Leadership style varies person to person. There are some more controlling and direct, while others go for a more laid back and encouraging approach. There is not one that is more valuable than the other - the key is learning to balance them.

Each of us has a different way of leading based on our personality. We are more introverted or extroverted, and beyond that we are people oriented, or task oriented. We are wired in such a way that our gifts allow us to do certain things well, and other items we must rely on people who compliment our weaknesses with their strengths.

The first step in leadership is leading yourself. That does not happen until you know your personality. It is difficult to know why you struggle on making a snap decision, or why some people just don't listen to you, unless you know your personality first.

Once you know your personality, the next step is learning your leadership strengths and weaknesses. The only way that any of us reach our true potential, is surrounding ourselves with people that are smarter than us. That often includes people whose personality, and leadership characteristics, are unlike our own.

Strengths and Weaknesses of a D Leader

A D leader is direct, dominant, and decisive. They need choices, challenge, and control. A D leader loves to be in charge and leading people. When leading at their best, a D leader delegates appropriately, confronts issues effectively, and simply makes things happen.

This is my father. He quickly grows in respect with whatever group he is a part of because of the confidence and conviction with which he speaks. When he was younger, and early on in marriage, my dad would tell you that his weaknesses were not realizing the commanding presence he had. His words, though true and direct, cut through people faster than they were willing to accept.

A D leader needs to learn that when he delegates, delegate. D's are prone to micro-managing people and the tasks they gave others to complete. When a plan of action is decided upon, D's must be aware of the relationships around them, especially the emotional feelers that their peers are admitting.

Strengths and Weaknesses of an I Leader

An I leader is the life of the party. They are inspiring, and influential. They need recognition, approval, and are usually the most popular in a group. An example of an I would be Ellen DeGeneres.

My Aunt Karen is an I leader. She is always smiling and encouraging people with her upbeat and lovable personality. She leads with enthusiasm and conviction. There are often times that she is crying as she speaks about ideas or dreams that matter to her, and you are engaged and listening to her as she does.

The weaknesses of an I leader are not being organized and a lack of direction. While I's are more than willing to follow and inspire a group when a new idea is presented, they need direction and guidance to stay focused when a challenge is presented.

Strengths and Weaknesses of an S Leader

This is my leadership style. I am the supportive, stable, and steady type. If you mention work that needs done, or a goal you want to accomplish, I am all in to help. My first love is to serve people and see them succeeding. My needs as a leader are to have appreciation and assurance that what I am doing is worthwhile and purposeful. If someone is willing to lead, I will step down so they can, and see to it that we have peace in the group. If no one is stepping up, then I will willingly do what needs done so that the group wins.

The weak spots that I need to keep an eye on, are not being willing to confront troublemakers, and being indecisive. My number one priority is to keep the peace. If there is a decision that needs to be made that could cause a battle, there is a tendency to avoid it.

Strengths and Weaknesses of a C Leader

Our last leadership personality has a cautious, calculating, and competent nature. They are the detail people and need quality answers, value propositions, and are individuals of excellence.

My wife's leadership temperament is here. She is superb at analyzing the details and quickly figuring out the actions to be applied. Her first instinct is to listen to you and logically plot out the next step. Her concern for people and what is best for each person involved is her concern in the decisions she makes.

The weaknesses of a C leader are waiting for the perfect outcome to appear, and generally being too perfectionist. They can be idealists, and though their motives are pure, they can miss the opportunity to act.

What kind of leader are you? We each can benefit from learning our leadership modus operandi. In turn, it is beneficial to learn how the leaders around us enjoy leading. We can create healthier families and organizations when we understand each other better.

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Thank you for sharing this outstanding information. Great post! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

Thank you my friend!

really nice psychology subject, which one are you lydon? ;)

Haha, naturally I am an S leader though I have learned to incorporate strengths from the other areas into my style. ;)

that's a good one! keep on with these subjects i like them :)

Hmmm...can I be a D C S Leader.. I see traits from all these catagories in myself. It's so hard to put oneself in a box. A lot depends on moods. People are constantly changing. Experiences change them, people change them, thoughts change who they are too.

You certainly could be. We learn to adapt our leadership traits as we interact with others in our life. A strong leader will have a nice balance of all 4 of these areas.

I must be a crazy-mixed up guy - I have elements of all of them. When I was a department head I'd figure out peoples' strengths, empower them and get out of their way. But I also was an I leader too - my staff still keeps in touch and still wants to meet up with me 10 yrs after I left, so I must have done something right. I guess I just liked them.

That is not a bad thing! I was always taught that you are naturally gifted with one area and you learn to develop the other three. A balanced style seems most like what Christ did with people he met and lead - he learned how they needed to be lead.

yes, good point!

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