How can you be a good leader?

in #leadership6 years ago

Are you a good leader?


There are many attributes needed for you to be
called a leader. From the word leader which comes from the word lead that means to command or organize a group of people. ** But how can you be a leader then? **
Being a leader implies being a good person. You should have the passion to lead..the positive attitude.. The willingness!

  • You cannot lead an army if you don't know how to hold a rifle!
  • You cannot lead a chorale if you don't know any notes!
  • You cannot lead a company if you don't know the simplest work!
  • You cannot lead the youth if you don't know their needs.


As a leader you need to know everything, even the smallest thing with regards to your leadership. Your constituents rely on you. You serve as an inspiration, a model... A fellow they can count on!

But do leaders commit mistakes? Yes!

Noboby is perfect! Let's face it! Everyone else commit mistake. You never learned if you never commit mistake. Your way up started down there. Don't keep your heads up. Stop flying, you're has not started yet! There are many lessons down there that you might never know. **Somehow even your subordinates know something you don't know. **Would you accept? You should!
You were not made perfect!
You're real!
You're human!
You always commit mistakes!
**Don't hate people who knows something you don't know.
Learn to accept mistakes.
Learn to connect..
Learn to listen..
Learn to share... **


In life, being a leader is quite tough. You are tested on how strong you can surpass the struggle. Many people will detest you. But you are a leader, you are a mentor! You were not at you're place if you don't deserve the spot. And if you can't, be selfless. There mightnbe someone else who's strong enough to battle the storm of being the leader!

Thanks for the visit Steemian'Z!


Actually, the difference between a boss and a leader is so wide. a boss gives instructions for others to follow while a leader giver suggestion and seek the opinions of others. in the case of boss, their is a single man sense and several men power, while in the case of leader several men sense and several men power.
So, the type of leadership matters... Choose wisely!!!

Yes that is so true @iwas.. Thanks for visiting my post.

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