Money “The Great Weapon”

in #leadership7 years ago

In my search for knowledge on how to be a good and courageous leader, I came across the use of money as a weapon. We all know what a weapon is, but well to does who don’t, a weapon is anything that can be used to inflict pain on a person or being. But money as a weapon?, then I said to myself its good I came across this and I want to share with you.
In the Ecclesiastes 10:19, the bible says “… money answereth all things”, and if so then,

  • How do we view Money?
  • Does Money make you feel safe?
  • Is money your source of pleasure, satisfaction and achievement?

If the above is true or even close to true, then well, you can view money as a weapon that can be used against your enemies. There are some problems that can be solved by money. The payment of money sometimes can reduce your stress and deliver you from a great evil. Just assume you owe your landlord / landlady his/her rent and he/she keeps on banging your door with treats of suing you or throwing your stuffs plus you out of his/her room. Just image the great evil that will be and how you can resolve that with money. You can fight using money as a weapon when you have to.

*What is the point of storing up riches for a day that you will never see?
*What do you need today that needs paying off by money?
*Do you have the money for what you need?
*Will paying for something help you out of a crisis?

If buying or paying something or spending money on something can help you out of your crisis then do it!. Spending money to buy the right car for example may save you much more money than you would gain by buying a cheaper car.

The author the book “A Good General” and a great evangelist of our time, Bishop Dag Heward Mills wrote in this book.

*“When we started having crusades, we bought cheap cars for our crusades directors. I was always excited at the low cost of these cars. But with time, I realised that my crusade directors were spending more time fixing their cars than preparing for a crusade. The crusade directors were converted into “mechanics” and spent most of their time at the workshop waiting for their cars to be repaired. Also their cars would break down at crucial moments in the build-up to the crusade. All these created crises situations that cost even more money to correct. At a point, I felt that evil spirits were attacking the crusades through the second-hand cars.

Indeed it could have been evil spirits that were attacking the engines and the brain boxes of these cars. I could have fasted and bound these powers that were unleashed against the crusades. But I decided to fight back by buying bran new cars.

It seems expensive initially, but it ended up being cheaper in the long run. Not only was it cheaper in the long term, but the attacks on the crusades came to an end. The enemy lost his power to prevent the crusade from coming on.
Every evil spirits, every entity, every demonic being and every principality lost its control over the crusades when I used money as a weapon. Remember that spending money can be a weapon to bring you victory!”***

During the days of Atilla the Hun a great warrior from the Hun Kingdom in the Fifth Century, Emperor Theodosius II the ruler of the eastern part of the Roman Empire in Constantinople. The city with huge walls that has been undefeated for several hundreds of years and has withstood waves after waves of invaders and has never fallen was in a weaker state and not ready for war with anybody like Atilla the Hun. Instead of fighting, the Emperor of Constantinople warded off Atilla the Hun by paying him higher and higher monthly payment. He won the war by paying off Atilla the Hun.

  • If money can be paid to silence someone
  • If money can be paid to get a Job, a Degree, a Wife,

Then Money indeed answereth all things.

Drop the comments and view and let us Know what you think. The name is @callme from Ghana.



Of course money might be everything,But I don't think money answereth all things.

Waiting on the lord does not mean become sluggish in your ways. Continously give your best in all you do. The love for money is the root of all evil.

Great 1 bro, it's good to wait on God's time for it

greetings from Nigeria

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