in #leadership7 years ago

Leadership is about responsibility.

A leader is responsible for everything that happens under his charge. Whether it is a positive outcome or a negative outcome, the leader must take full responsibility. There is no room for excuses or blame games.

A Leader Determines Success or Failure.

Success or failure of a group or an organisation is fully dependent on the leader. He/she is responsible for leading people to accomplish certain things. A good leader does not simply give orders, he/she goes with them, leading from the front.

John Maxwell teaches that,"You cannot take people to where you have never been yourself." As a leader you have to be willing to take risks and explore new things.

Leaders Show People Where To Go

John Maxwell further explained that," Toomany leaders are like travel agents, they point to you where you have to go,but, you want to be a tour guide, to show people where they have to go." Travel agents send people to where they have never been, but tour guides take you to where they have been.

A true leader is always in charge, making plans and executing them while taking full responsibility. When a leader meets failure, they must learn from their mistakes and come up with a better plan. When he meets success, he celebrates the achievement and keeps moving on without allowing success to be his downfall. The goal is progress and meaningful accomplishment.

A leader is fully responsible for the outcomes of the positions he assumes. A true leader never points a finger nor sells excuses. Whether a group will succeed or fail will fully depend on the leader and his/her capacity to take risks, celebrate achievements and make good decisions.


I love this part:

John Maxwell teaches that,"You cannot take people to where you have never been yourself." As a leader you have to be willing to take risks and explore new things.

Yes. I don't see myself as a leader, but as a parent it is important I push myself to take chances so my children don't stagnate and become fearful rather than alive and thriving.

Why aren't you seeing yourself like a leaders? I believer you are a leader because you lead yourself. If you do that for your children then you are their leader and they will follow what you do. Because leadership is influence.

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