Today Shaba-brat Or Layla AL-Bharat is something that...

# Shabbily Bart (Arabic: ليلة البراءة, Rebel:


Layla AL-Bharat) or Mid-Shaman (Arabic: نصف شعبان, Rebel. Niṣf Shabby) is a blessed night celebrated on the 15th of the Arabic Shaman. Muslims of different places of the world observe it for various reasons. This night is called Layla t AL-Baqar. This night is called 'Layla baccarat' in Arabic. The meaning of the word 'baccarat' is derived from the Arabic word 'Barbara'. According to the Muslims believe, many servants of God got forgiveness from the Janna on this night by receiving forgiveness and blessings from God. So, this night is called 'Layla la' in Arabic.




There is no reference directly to the Qur'an about this special night. However, in some hadiths of Sihah Sittah or Pure Chhaya Hadith, the Hadith of the specialty of this night has been described. In addition, other hadith texts also mention the speciality of this night.

Quran's words

According to a special night narrated in the verse of the Quran in Surah 2, some of the Islamic religious scholars have said that the blessed night is the night of the mid-moon, The relevant verses are:

Ha-Mim I swear by the clear Book. We have sent it down on a blessed night. I am a warner. Every wise topic is fixed on this night. (Surah Dukhan, 1-4)

The famous interpretation of the Qur'an, Ikrimah, in the commentary of a 'blessed night,' said that this night is the mid night of Sha'ban. Most of the commentators of the Qur'an could not agree with the above interpretation of Ikrimah. All of them expressed their opinion that Shab al-Qadr has been interpreted as 'a blessed night' which is described in the verse above the Qur'an. Eminent admonition Abdullah ibn Abbas, renowned Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Imam Qurtubi and others took the position. Ibn Katheer, the famous commentator of the Quran, said that here the blessed night is meant to refer to the Night of the Holy Night, which is also proved from other verses of the Qur'an. Imam Qurtubi said in his Tafsir:

"Some religious scholars have said, 'Lilatum mubarakah' has been interpreted by the midnight night of Shaban.


Because the word 'Shabby Bart' is Persian, its references to Arabic-speaking Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have not been mentioned. However, the term used in the hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as 'Shabay Barat', used in the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is 'Lilatun nisafi min shaban' or 'midnight in Shabban'. The hadith of the Hadith has been mentioned in different traditions. Some of these hadiths are either authentic or pure, which is harm or beauty, none of which is jaif or weak, which is jihad or very weak and the rest of the mausu or fake hadith

Sahih Hadith or Pure Hadith

Narrated by Mu'adh bin Jabal, he said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Allaah has given attention to creation on the night of half-shawan and forgives all except the polytheists and the malice." (Sahih Ibn Habiban, Hadith 5665)

Shaykh Nasiruddin Albani Rah, a renowned hadith of modern times. After mentioning eight more hadiths in support of this hadith in Silsilatul Ahadithis Sahihah, 3 / 135-139, he wrote, "Through this tradition, collectively, this hadith is proved to be authentic." Among the Islamic scholars of the Salafi family, who say this hadith is pure They acknowledge that they warned that even if the hadith shows the significance of the verse, it is possible to awaken the night or the night of the slave No instructions were given to observe the fast.

Other Hadith

This night is found in the Hadith narrated by the hadith collector Tirmidhi, according to that hadith, one night, Ayesha, the wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), rose from the sleep, but did not see Muhammad (pbuh) in bed. He went out to find Muhammad and saw him in the rest of the graveyard in Paradise. Muhammad (pbuh) said, 15 on the night of Sha'aban, Allah came down to the lowest heaven and forgave the people of Arab tribes of Calab tribal goats for more than their fishermen. It is worth mentioning that at that time the Kalhab tribe was famous for the goats and they had lots of goats. According to this hadith, Imam Tirmidhi mentions that "Hadrat Abu Bakr also described it as a hadith. [1] The tradition of the hadith by the famous Hadith Betty Imam Bukhari and Imam Tirmidhi has been reviewed, that, according to other Hadith scholars, this hadith is Munkati '(References without reference).

The famous Hadith collector Imam Baihaqi described another similar event in his book 'Shuabul Iman' in the Hadith compilation.

Narrated by Ala ibn Harith, Aisha (R) said that one night Allah's Messenger (সা) was praying standing. Sijadah was so long that I thought he died. Standing at this position, I raised her thighs, and the finger started moving. I came When he finished the prayer, he said, "O Aisha or hey! Did you think that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had violated your faith? ' I said, 'O Messenger of Allah! I did not think so. I was actually suspecting that you has died!' Then he said, 'Do you know what a night it is?' I said, 'Allah and His Messenger know well.' He said, 'It's mid nighttime night. On this night, Allah has focused on His servants. Forgive forgers, and Rahmat mercy on those who pray. And leave the envy on their condition. '

However, the purity of the reference to this hadith was not questionless. Mudsal of the Hadith is from the standard. Not true or pure. Because the narrator did not listen to 'Ala' Aisha (R).

Another description of the famous hadiths related to Shabe Hawaat is found in the book 'Shuabul Iman', compiled by Baihaqi. It is as follows

Narrated by 'Uthman ibn Abi al-As (R), the Messenger of Allah said, when the midnight night comes, a declarator declares, "Is there any forgiveness? I will forgive him, will there be something to ask?" . " The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The prayers of all the prayers of all the prayers except the polytheists and adulterers are accepted."

The famous Hadisbetta Nasiruddin al-Bani has given the hadith as 'weak' in its composition 'Yayif al-Jame', in the verse 652.

History of Shiite ideology

The Shiite Muslim community celebrates this special night with Zak-Zamak. Besides celebrating this night as glorious and blessed, this Purnima Tithi is celebrated as Imam Mahdi's birthday, one of the 12 Imams of Shi'a Biswas. Shiites believe that Muhammad Mahdi came to the throne in this tithi. Fasting, Prayers and Prayers are included in the celebrations. On Saturday night, Iranian cities were festooned.

Blessings be revealed

In the narration of Shabbat, there is a mention in some Hadith that Allah blesses His blessings and blessings among His charitable servants on this night. Some of the Muslims believe that, at this night, God redistributed all the fate of all. According to some reforms, the ghost comes from the grave at night and comes to the relatives of his relatives. As a result, light is lit up in the residential houses of different areas this night. However, such beliefs or information is not supported by the Qur'an or Hadith.

Narrated by the Muttaba, the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him), when Shaban arrived on the 15th night, then perform Qiyam in it and keep fasting on the day. Undoubtedly, Allah has given special Tajlani in the first heaven after sunset, and he said: Is anyone asking me for forgiveness? I will forgive him! Is someone living in prayer? I will give him a living! Are you troubled? I'll give him free! Is there anyone? Is there anyone? Thus, till the sun sets, Allah Pak will call upon his servants.

- Sunan ibn Maqah, 2nd volume, p. 160, hadith no.1388

A Sahih Hadith, similar to Bukhari and Muslim, is that Allah Ta'ala is descending to the nearest sky towards the end of every night and declaring the supplication of the du'a. The above-mentioned Hadishi Nasiruddin Albany said the weak. It has been said because it has been mentioned that a person named 'Sabura' in the narration of Hadith has said that there was a report that the Hadith was narrated by Ibn Majah. Further, the acceptance of the hadith has been questioned as opposed to established and proven information.

Celebration of Shabbay

It is not found in the narrations mentioned in Sahih Sanade that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or the Prophet (peace be upon him) or his followers have ever lived in their lifetime. However, the night before the Muslim world has been celebrated for quite some time now. In countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey and Afghanistan, there is a tradition of celebrating religious fervor and enthusiasm. [1] Especially in Iran, the night is celebrated in different degrees. Ananda festival is celebrated in the hostels at night. Victory is made of the arcade. Sweets and vegetables are distributed. Songs and greetings were made on the streets of the city on the arrival of Imam Mahdi. Besides, 15 Sha'ban Iranian rituals are arranged according to the tradition of day and night Milad and Dawa-Mahfil.

But Salafis do not celebrate the Middle East this night. Some of Salafis admits the significance of this night, but do not support celebrating this night. They believe that the celebration of this night is abandoned as 'bidah' or new thought.

Cursed in Bangladesh

A long tradition has been developed in Bangladesh and Indian sub-continent. On the occasion of Shabe, every house is arranged for different tastes. These include bread, halua, suji and confectionery of various flavors. These dishes are distributed and served in the afternoon or evening neighborhoods. The local Muslim people believe that social harmony and harmony develops in it. This night light-lane, light-house decoration is done everywhere. The fireworks festival is seen.

On the occasion of 14th Shaban day, the work of making bread, all kinds of halua and diverse confectionery started in the house. When these are done in the afternoon, the distribution begins in neighborhoods. The festive atmosphere of the whole area fell. Several Islamic organizations, including the Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh, organized special talks, doa mahfils and religious meetings. Since the beginning of the Esha prayers, especially after Maghrib prayers, the mosque is the religion of religious Muslims. A special discussion meeting was held in almost all mosques on the occasion of Shabe. All mosques throughout Bangladesh are open all night for the worship of the night prayer. Alongside the mosque, devotees of the devout Muslims worship prayers, Tilawat, Zikir-today and various other prayers. The sight of the late relatives of the deceased is seen as a special admission of the night.

Public and private radio stations and television channels of Bangladesh broadcast special programs on the occasion of Shaba. National newspapers publish special supplements and magazines this day. After the 15th Shaban working day, ie Shabba Barat, the upcoming day is celebrated as a normal holiday in Bangladesh. All the professionals are enjoying compulsory holidays this day.

Shaw Cord and Islamic Literature

On the occasion of Shabha, a different type of Islamic literature was developed in different languages ​​of the world. The ancient researcher of Persia, Abu Raihan al-Bururi wrote: 'The night of the 15th Shaban is the great night and it is called Shabar Bariat. Perhaps it is possible to collect the virtue through worship and live on fire from hell and foster good fortune.

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