You're Not the Originator of Your Thoughts

in #lawofattraction6 years ago (edited)


No, actually, your vibration does.

Have you heard the new realization, or clarification that's coming to light?

Many, many spiritual practices and self improvement techniques are about changing your thoughts. It was believed that you change your thoughts first, and then your energy changes.

But the clarification that has come to light is: you are the receiver of your thoughts. You attract thoughts to you from the field that match your frequency. So actually, thoughts follow energy.

This was discovered and proved by Cell Biologist, Bruce Lipton. He discovered that cells are actually empty space that receive information.

This has also been discovered (or more appropriately, received) by Donny Epstein and Abraham-Hicks.

Actually, we are all...... ALWAYS CHANNELING! There are some whose eyes start darting back and forth and whose voices deepen and their dialect changes. Some are more adept at tapping in to very distinct energies by their intent. But we are constantly attracting thoughts from where we are, what we're vibrating, what we're focused on, what our beliefs are, and what state we're in.

ACTUALLY, change your state - change your breathing, your posture - THEN you change your thoughts. No thoughts are our own. We are not the actual originators of thought.

Have you noticed that you're about to write an article here on Steemit and if you put it off just a little while someone else has already written it with their own take?

That's what has happened with the discovery that we are not the thinkers of our thoughts. The most leading edge people on our planet all picked up the same message from the field. It belongs to none of them. It belongs to the field - which we all share.

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Hello @brightstar, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

I've been meaning to read the book on beliefs. Guess I'll have to now. I do have a bit of a different take however. I think we do create our mundane survival-level thoughts. The inspiring , informing, prompting thoughts are received.

And when we have an idea or an inspiration and someone else beats us to it and posts it or creates it, I think it is our thoughts that go out into the ethers and are picked up by another. And I pick up theirs. (Sorry for the inarticulate way I'm writing. Tired.) See? Thats my thought. Now, thoughts about the function of mitochondria that probably comes from outside of myself. But if we are all One... there really is no "outside" is there?

I ramble. Better call it a day before I make a fool of myself. Dang... too late.

One last thought: if it is true that we are not the originators of our thoughts then this means there is no free will. It means we are simply individual sensing units of the Whole, of the One. Well, that's another subject. Blessings.

Well, we are in charge and we do have free will because we are in charge of our vibration. I don't fully understand it either, as when Abraham-Hicks talks about raising our vibration, she talks about offering thoughts like, "I don't have to worry about this right now. This isn't really that big of a deal. I can see how this might pan out in the future." It seems this is thought preceding vibration. Using thought to raise vibration. Maybe I'll do a little "channeling" on this subject today or tomorrow. :)

Indeed, everything is vibration. Every word, thought, color, logo, book, and comment. Mindfulness is simply becoming aware of the vibrations. And yeah, we can change our vibrations, and once that is mastered we come to know we can influence or change vibrations other than our own! Blessings.

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