When Things Fall Apart

in #lawofattraction6 years ago (edited)


When life is chaotic it means that death is here - death of what is outdated and is no longer a vibrational match to us and our true desires. When we lose something, a hole is created. And empty space is pregnant with potential. This is our opportunity to be a cooperative component for filling it with what's in alignment with what we really desire.

But we get so caught up in the dying. It's terrifying. Everything's falling apart. Will we make it? It's so hard to be a cooperative component and to trust. Fear is so built in to our systems that it's our habitual go-to.

In times of death and chaos it truly takes diligence to be a cooperative component. When fear is our dominant place in this space, then we need to move slowly and carefully, constantly checking in with our breath and making that connection to who we are beyond this form. What's coming must be birthed through us, so what must change is us. All that must happen is that we must trust.

Can you be so truly at home in yourself, safe in the connection to your higher self that you can trust?

What is currently manifested in our lives - the chaos, the death, is old vibrational news. It's the product of our old vibration. So what we have to do now is embody the new. Through it all. We must be diligent and decide to do that.

Can you be present with the death and the chaos without the fear? Even for a little while?

The way through and to is to go between being present with our situations without the fear, and embodying the person who lives the desire we've been building toward.

It's a slippery slope. Will you choose the old habitual vibration of fear, or will you stay on top of it and persevere?


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Awesome and a good reminder. The secret of changing is to focus on building the new, not on letting go of the old

Hard to trust when you've had a lifetime of not trusting...

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