Rig the Democratic Primaries - Get Invited to Inauguration! Throw a Paper Airplane - Face 30 Days in Jail.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #law8 years ago (edited)

"Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi."

This translates to : “What is permissible for Jove is not permissible for an ox.”

The untouchable ruler of the skies, Jove (the Roman god Jupiter), wields his mighty lightning bolt over all beneath. While the ox is the sacrificial animal set to bear the heavy yoke as a subservient beast.


"Debbie Wasserman-Schultz admits she rigged election", yet is invited to the Presidential Inauguration and faces no charges.

Remember that to this day, Wasserman-Schultz has not been put in prison for voter fraud. She also happily, and without any hesitation, took a job with Hillary’s presidential campaign team after she resigned from her DNC chair position, following the Wikileaks revelations of DNC voter rigging.


This kid threw a paper airplane at a teacher which ended up hitting the teacher in the eye. The student is now facing 30 days in jail thanks to the teacher pressing charges due to repeated unruly behavior from the student.

Elliott was then cited for third-degree assault and battery, a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a maximum fine of $500. Later that day, he was transported to the Georgetown County Detention Center, where he was later released on a $1,087.50 bond.

Not that I'm defending the kid for hitting a teacher in the eye with anything, but this is excessive punishment in my view for a teen simply being an ahole in class. There are many articles out there today which highlight how our children in America are being fed into the judicial system at younger and younger ages. It's called the "School to Prison Pipeline" by some.

I just work there, I don’t know… You do, look, there is one set of rules for politics, and another set for real life, you just have to learn to deal with it…
- Bill Clinton

Thanks Bill, great advice!

I'll just learn to deal with you fine people destroying the world and walking free while the rest of us ox are thrown in cages or killed for smoking plants, hitting people with paper airplanes or moving more than $10,000 in or out of our own bank accounts ... for starters.

</ rant>



Glad to see you're back and grumpy. Me too.

Now..... how in the fuck are we going to actually, I mean, really--

fuck the man?

It's all grown so tiresome, and yet so routine. Not kosher if you ask me....

I see the agent provocateurs are now in action in D.C. and the soap operas, I mean news media are there ready to tell us how coordinated it appears to be while these "anarchist" destroy windows and burn limos.


We simply don't need any of them... Just ignore them and go about your life! 😄😇😄


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