Who is the master? (jurismydiction and legismylation)

in #law7 years ago

Is the "State" or "The Federal Government" YOUR master?

Understanding law really boils down to understanding what the roles are and which one you are going to be in for any court proceeding.

Until you know who you are you will be this guy:

The city, the county, the state, and the feds will all have their way with you and steal as much of the fruit of your labor as they want.

That being said, if you claim your true position then things might go a bit differently...

Stop acting like the servant and start acting like the master.

The master asks questions, the servant answers them or is punished.

People create Governments.
Governments created legal fictions such as "us persons".

If forced into court stop answering "That's me!" when the magic-strate calls what you think is your name.

Instead let them know that you are here about that matter and then start asking them questions boldly, without fear.

Don't agree OR consent to anything until you comprehend it and agree with it.

Know the type of law the court is acting upon.

Know the presumptions you are under and challenge them clearly.

Force them to ALLEGE and PROVE jurisdiction.


Legislation is the will of people calling themselves a legislature.

It can ONLY apply to:

  1. Things created by the legislature. (were you created by a legislature?)
  2. Those who agree/contract to be subject to it (do you have a contract with a legislature?)

Stop buying into their dog an pony show, watching licensed media, and consuming. Spend some time learning who you are and how law really works and you will never again need to worry about some idiot proposes as legislation.

Tell them: Juris-my-diction and Legis-my-lation.

Want some good resources? There are a ton of good people out there who have provided a ton of information.

A few are even here on steemit:

Many of these people have tested their ideas in courts and spent time in cells when they got things wrong.

Of course, ALWAYS do your own research and don't act until you have confidence that you are right... but start learning and you will start snickering when people say "that's against the law!". That, or you will ask "Which type of law?"

You can be as free as you want to be. You just need to learn who you are and what your status is. Until you know that then you will always be the guy in the first clip above.

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