How to brainwash yourself - by Justin from YouAreCreators

in #law7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: this is a post based on a video I saw by Justin from the youtube channel YouAreCreators. None of this is mine and I'll be given the link below. I will use his ideas and tell how I'm about to use exactly what he is telling in the video, and create updates on this topic.

The law of attraction

As some of you know I am really into this topic and love to do research on it, see more video's of people manifesting things in their life or people giving seminars about it. I consider myself as an lifetime-learner. It's actually quite addictive.
So Today I came across this interesting video 'how to brainwash yourself' on Justins channel (witch I'm glad I have encountered on youtube!!) And this absolutly amazed me!
I will break it down for you in this post, and give you the highlights on how I'm about to do it!

The concept that is discussed here is, in order to reach the level of succes you want in your life. You have to brainwash yourself in order to get it. Yes brainwash. Believe it or not, the world that we live in is always trying to brainwash you. They are trying to penetrate your subcouncious mind. The media, religions, advertising companies want to brainwash you. They spend 20 billions a year just to get inside of your brains. If they get into your believe-system they have a slight level of control on your decision making. `
Believe it or not but there is a war out for your mind!


Once you have control over someones mind you control what they create in their reality.

So... wouldn't it be better to brainwash your brain yourself?

That's what I thought!

There's nothing you can not do with this knowledge, If applied correctly you will successfully create happiness, prosperity, abundance, self-confident and so much more. In order for this to work you have to be persistent and have a small amount of willpower. It takes a minimum of 21 days to form a brand new believe! repetition is key!

First you have to understand the subconscious mind. this is very powerful! Here are some facts about it:

  1. Your subconscious mind is always on and recording what you are hearing and saying, it's even picking up what you are not consciously aware of. This is how subliminal messages work. If you fall asleep with the tv on, It is hearing everything what is said.

  2. It is a giant taperecorder. It stores all events as movies and images

  3. It does not hear no or not. If you say I will not smoke cigarettes: it's hearing cigarettes. So your mind keeps thinking cigarettes.

  4. It can not comprehend the future, the subconscious only knows know.

  5. the subconscious controls 95 % of our lives. It forms our habits, and we are creatures of habits.

  6. It can not tell the difference between imagination and an actual event. That's why you get scared if you watch a scary movie. You consciously know that it's not real but the subconscious mind can not tell the difference and you get goose bums.

  7. Repetition creates new believes in the subconscious mind. Say something long enough and you will start to believe it. Even if it's false at the time.


This is called the Law Of Attraction and its very powerful.

You attract in your life what your dominant thoughts are, that's why we need to brainwash ourselves.

So how do we do it?

These are the 8 simple steps

  1. Take a sheet of paper and write down exactly what you want. In full detail. It can be anything from a lifestyle, a certain job or a car. Just make sure that it's written down in full detail, crystal clear.

  2. Begin to visualise yourself already having your desired object. Make mental movies in your mind and play them out as if it is already a reality. Remember the subconscious mind can not tell the difference between a visualisation and an actually event.

  3. Stop watching television shows and movies that contradict your new believe since the subconscious mind is always influenced. You want to give it the wright influence. Give your attention and energy to the things that complement your new believe and lifestyle.

  4. Create a short but sweet affirmation that implies that you already have your desired object. If you want to become successful create an affirmation such as I am successful. If you want to be financially stable start your affirmation with I am prosperous. Always start your affirmations in the present tense such as I have or I am.

  5. Create an alarm on your phone that will remind you to speak your chosen affirmation. Choose 1 affirmation and say it over and over again. While you are saying it, images will appear in your mind. Let them happen and feel the feelings while continuing to say the affirmation. This may seem foolish at first but it is a sure way to drum any new idea inside your subconscious mind. do this for a minimum of 21 days.

  6. Listen to affirmations, or create your own that complement your desired goal. Make an mp3 and listen to it on a low comfortable volume while you sleep and put it on repeat. Your subconscious mind is always listening and you will adapt it. Again do this for 21 days.

  7. Begin to talk about what you desire as if it's already a fact! Use your imagination like a child, act as if.. and remember your reality follows your imagination.

  8. REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT. New habits and beliefs are formed trough repetition. It takes a minimum of 21 days to form a brand new believe.

If you follow these 8 simple steps you will successfully brainwash yourself!

Disclaimer: this is a post based on a video I saw by Justin from the youtube channel YouAreCreators. None of this is mine and I'll be given the link below. I will use his ideas and tell how I'm about to use exactly what he is telling in the video, and create updates on this topic.


This is really powerful stuff and I'm about to really try this!

Get inspired and share your story with us If you have used the Law of Attraction in your life.

Have a great week!


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