Maxim of Law - Masks are quiet - COMMON LORE LAW

in #law6 years ago

There are different kinds of "common law". Lawyers speak what is common to them, a language called legalese. Legalese is a special kind of English that sounds like English but it is not.

If a lawyer says: "we don't use the common law anymore"

They mean:

"WE (the BAR association) don't use the common law of man, we ATTORN things over and use a private law system called legalese which is derived from the Roman civil law. We make it look like this is the only type of law remedy available because we like to hustle for money by dragging things on and on and obtain as many beautiful BILLABLE HOURS as possible. Remember, our signs say Attorney AT law...because we aren't IN to it..."

If a lawyer tells you what they are doing IS common law, they are telling a half-truth. They are using the law that is common to them. LEGALESE! Statutes, Acts and Codes!

Did you learn legalese? IF NOT then STOP PARTICIPATING LIKE YOU DO.

Common law of say, a Teamster, is that which is known to the truck driver inside his or her community, the union, the brotherhood that the Teamsters participate in. They know certain rules specific to the handbook, the memberSHIP card they carry and how to be the citizen they are obligated to act as under the title "Teamster". Along with the duties, privileges and obligations [civil-Teamster "rights"] to the Union they belong to, the members also know that the law of man (the higher law) can not be dismissed just because they are acting inside their own community. All civil law has above it the law of man, which is governed by the law of the Creator.

A man can not create an entity and then assign it more power than he already possesses.

Man supersedes fiction. The voice of a man supersedes that law of a legal person and fictions. A man's claim supersedes all that which was created under a fictional entity called the state. Only a man can answer to a man. Masks are quiet.


The common law [LORE] of man and woman is obtained from the community they live in, the geographic area they are located ON. This area has the LORE (the stories, which are SPOKEN by the vocal CHORDS-[re-cord]) of what is right and wrong particular to that area of the Earth. This is the real common law (natural law).

The spoken word of law is where MAN ANSWERS ONLY TO MAN. This is the type of law that follows under proceedings which would include a group of people (from that same area) to judge a case. Some might call this group a JURY. They will decide what the law is and what the outcome of the case is.

A Corporation is a fiction and does not have a voice without a man or woman ACTING under a TITLE (MASK).

A Corporation can NOT be heard in a common law court of man. The 2dimension is not recognized by man, who is in the 3dimension. (are you starting to get it yet?)

A man WHO is acting as a ______ for the corporation, needs to remove his mask in order to CLAIM (speak) anything against another man.


A man can not "hear" a mask speak.


Likewise, a mask can not "hear" a man speak*.

I hope this sinks IN because it should be obvious. But it is not obvious since man has been put under a SPELL to think that a Mask can control him. Man has forgotten who he is.

Common law lands on the Earth recognize the law of man. In essence, ALL nations of the Earth are common law, regardless of only code systems being recognized. Can a nation of people think they can grant their God given authority over to a fiction, and only participate in a world of CIVIL law where only codes rule? Yes, they may think it is possible and they can pretend. But it is not actually possible for a man to truly give up his rights as a man. He does not have the authority to do this and the other man does not have the authority to accept the control. The only time a man has control (jurisdiction) over another man is when the second man has trespassed upon the first. Upon the man's claim that such has occurred, jurisdiction will be granted and examined by the court that is opened.

The foundational law system IS: man has highest authority over all things created by man.

The spoken voice of a man supersedes all code. Code is a creation of man, an invention of man subservient to him. Do no harm to fellow man and know where man stands.

*One can not mix not muddy the water with the land. Man is from the land and must continue to get his source of life from the land.

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