Two Roads... One Path?

in #law7 years ago

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost

Transcend: be or go beyond the range or limits of.
'Transcend... what?
'Range or limits of'... what?

Where to begin...
Time... as always, appears to be 'of the essence'.
“In the age of information... ignorance is a choice.” ~ Mike Rivero
Seems the world (whirled) operates on mostly belief... fiction, which appears to have it's roots in ignorance, and very little 'knowing'. Very little 'proof'. After all... what can truly be 'proven'??
“Ya don't know that ya don't know... until ya know.” ~ Unknown
… but once ya know that ya don't know, NOW one can begin to investigate, no?
Know... what?
Who... are you? Where... are you? “Well now... those are silly questions! Of course I know who / what / where I am!”
Uh huh...
If... God created man, and man then created governments, and governments create / license all corporations... can the created be greater than the Creator?? Where are you in this hierarchy?? Are ya sure???
Matthew 6:24 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Now mind you… I’ve never considered the self to be a religious guy, but one day… it just ‘clicked’.
Where to begin?
Being naturally curious and a bit rebellious is an interesting combo. When you ask questions and don’t quite get genuine answers; I don’t know about you, but it's kinda upsetting! How do I know they aren't 'genuine' answers? I'd ask for proof of claim. Seriously. If one is claiming to have an answer to something... why would they get upset if the one asking the question also requests proof? Especially if the askee is so sure about the answer?
“In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.” ~ Mark Twain
Onus probandi much?
Otherwise... what is one to think? Really... what is that?! Do they think I’m stupid? Are they being condescending? Dismissive? Maybe... they don't know either and don't want to admit their ignorance? Or perhaps, just perhaps… they are engaging in deception and attempting to get me to go along with it… aka volunteer?? Or just maybe... it's all a test?? Hmmm...
Anyway... does consent vitiate a fraud?
‘Volunteer’… Interesting word?
But I digress. What it seems to me Matthew 6:24 DOESN’T say is; though you can’t serve two masters… CAN YOU LIKEWISE SERVE NONE??
Ever hear the old adage “If you fail to choose... you've still chosen!”?
Do you believe that silence is golden? 'Golden... for whom though?? Or it possibly be deadly... for you?
Could silence be agreement… in the ‘eyes’ of the earthly ‘authorities’ anyway?? No? Again... are ya sure?!
If this question were posited to you: “Whom do you serve?”… what would you say? What would you do? Could it be… the default position is… MAMMON?? ASSUMED by the earthly 'authority'?? Unless and until one proves otherwise?! How?? What would that ‘proof’ look, smell, taste, feel, sound like??
Ya know… I’ve asked lots of people this question and the looks on people’s faces is priceless! Though the reactions are varied and quite interesting… I am SHOCKED at how many will ask the very basic question “What’s mammon??”! I’ve responded before with “Well, if you don’t know… how do you know you’re not serving 'it'?!” Oh... the faces.
Lots… lots… LOTS more to talk about for those who want to know how to be truly 'free' (and are ready and willing to take on the responsibility that comes with it?)! I've embarked on the journey... after I realized the path was available and I would LOVE to share what I’ve learned with like-minded people across the ‘globe’ as I believe ...TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.
Peace… Love and Agape!
P.S. This article is intentionally small as I personally don’t like long winded articles myself! After all... I don't believe Truth is meant to be complex or confusing!! “My burden is light”?

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