It's the LAWsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #law7 years ago

It's the RULE. It's the REGULATION.

Sez You

You should ALWAYS follow the the letter and to the implied intent.


Sez Me

Suppose a guy is having a heart attack
and when the ambulance arrives.
the only place they can park is in a handicapped parking spot.

Well that's different

Sez you.

That's an exception to the law.
Shirley you know the difference.

No I don't

Sez I

Either follow the law
Don't have one at all
If I can decide when to or when not to
follow a law.
what's the sense of having one?


Great quote of Winston Churchill. Unfortunately very true in our times.

Laws supposed to protect people and their living standards! What's the point of any low If you do not protect people's lives?

there are ten million laws in the united states alone.
if it's not mandated it's prohibited.

I think if you stacked all the lawbooks on Earth end to end, they'd reach the Moon. =/

This is great food for thought.

Is it 'standing your ground' if the other guy realizes his mistakes and starts to back off?

But you've already started the process of standing your ground?

Standing your ground just means you don't have to run away. Whenever your assailant backs off, you have won, or at least aren't under attack atm, so you can afford to wait for them to go away.

If they don't go away, but try again, or another tactic, you had better have remained prepared.

However, it isn't standing your ground if your attacker is retreating. Stand your ground is only a defense, not a reason to take revenge on someone fleeing.

Great Post!

Have to agree with Ol' Winston. I'd add that, with ten thousand regulations, it seems clear that the majority of our lawmakers have no respect for the law. Politicians use regulations to create little hills for their voters to die on; elevating themselves on a mountain of death.

That being said, you could always choose not to follow a law. That reality alone doesn't render laws meaningless or ineffective. Choosing to follow the law is an issue reliant upon enforcement as opposed to the utility of a given law. Still, it's much easier to enforce a policy that is aligned with cultural and social values. That consideration leans in the direction of your own sentiment, as it appears to me. If the policy is simply a restatement of a cultural or societal value already in practice, what's the utility of the law?

I think those elements are part of an important discussion that needs to be pursued, especially in the U.S.

there should be so FEW laws that everyone knows what all of them are...and knows what all of them MEAN
after all
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Absolutely! There are so many laws it is impossible to comply with them all, all of the time. As I type this I am breaking 2 and I broke another just this morning. I have no respect for law unless it has some rational basis to it, and that rules out about 99% of it.

I agree. Spent three years arguing on behalf of that idea in law school. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that law professors weren't too receptive. More sensible policies directly impact their income lol

Srsly. Odd that lawyers draft almost all our new laws, isn't it?

There are too many laws, too many corrupt politicians. The legal system is weighted in favour of the powerful, We need less government and more individuality.

For some reason that Churchill quote reminds me of something WC Fields said, "If you want to see the scum of the Earth, the true dregs of society, just go to your local jail - at shift change." Or words to that effect.

He was prolly lucky he didn't end up in a jail, after saying that. I can't imagine what hard labor was like in the 1920's.

hard labor was a killer
on the other hand he was probably armed.
cops then were pretty much like they are now.
they preferred unarmed victims.


suspects I mean..
so they left him pretty much alone.

You had it right the first time.

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