From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 9, 2022

in #law2 years ago (edited)

I know, if Sir Isaac Newton were alive today, no one would ever converse nor answer his posts (seven years without facing rebuttal).

Home to this scientist, I am proud and sometimes ashamed of being French Canadian ..they let scientists investigate crime because the fattened and lethargic will never bother to help ..the little guy is going to lift both ends of every project, by himself. None wanted to help, guess who's name will be alone in many of the credits?

Since I NEED to know everything about the name Trudeau in Canada, here we go (ugly research no one does for a reason). I tend to save the underworld research till I have absolutely no other choice. The underworld sorts things out in a very unforgiving way, I can solve most problems and mysteries, do not point me at something if you do not want to find the truth.

There are some things I asked to not be made aware of. I am busy enough and there are some problems I understand are settled the harsh way because justice was denied the victims by the legal recourse that failed them.

Who is Yves Trudeau?

Is Yves related to the other Trudeaus, that are now suspected American infiltrators from the state of Massachusetts? far we know Pierre was making a mess while Yves was making another. Are the men and situations related, can the link be confirmed?

The only thing I know about Justin, that he can be counted upon to side with the enemy, later turning against them (Justin the two-faced).

Maybe Yves had the same treacherous mentality as Justin and Pierre.

AHA! ..a possible Camp X/ Trudeau/ Sinclair connection. Yves Trudeau was an explosives expert and his true history seems obfuscated by unseen government hands.

He seems to have been the ONE guy, who always had access to explosives. They come in two types, handmade and government approved supply. His were not unsophisticated pipe bombs, Yves had access to a supply of professional demolition explosives.

Yves is the only man other than Pierre and Justin, who's family history in Quebec cannot be traced, as it is not recorded (Yves) or obfuscated (Justin and Pierre).

Listening for who ran into white supremacist law enforcement, military and intelligence agents.

A counter-white supremacist ..better than the dishonest jerks taking money to pretend that they are not bigots and hired collaborators of the infiltration.

The guilty majority behaved exactly like gangsters. That is what I just Fuffin' had to endure for twenty years, watching lethargic evil white supremacist fucks grow fat while taking selfies all over the globe.

Those who like watching people starve, for a paycheck, are not forgotten.

When the guilty justices, detectives and constables have taken their last white supremacist breath, even then I will not trust them.

Each had twenty years worth of opportunities to object and defend against the injustices being suffered, victims are expected to accept the losses imposed by the neglectful perpetrators.

If there were not so many hired sociopaths and actual terrorists, I would have more time to produce solutions that humanity did not already pay to have solved ..and we could pay people who do the work of investigation, as I should be.

If democracy is so great, how come it does not include me?

Share to maintain dignity among humans, ownership to allow some to contribute more but also earn more.

Another Yves Trudeau, he does not sound Quebecois nor Canadian. His story begins just prior to the art he contributed for Expo 67 ..the post-war Nazi party in North America, remember all the foreign gold reserves that were not returned? ..I do, the guilty have no recollection of the occurrence.

Ouch, if those statements are exact, they confirm that which I have deduced. Grandpa Sinclair is a name I have not looked at, he also mentions military related scientific research ..the American General Trudeau's specialty. That is what I keep suspecting, that Marge Sinclair played doctor with "Jarge" Trudeau (Pierre). Both the children of military men I suspect and Camp X is known to have been the "Sinclair Farm" ..but who is the grandfather Sinclair?

That is the problem, since it happened too many times, we can never be certain who is really dead and who is still living under an alternate identity. That would be fitting, if Justin would have helped stage his father's passing later be soiled by teams of covertly led employees, staging a terrorist act in the nation's capital ..the Nazi neighbours wanted planes and Canadian support for the war against Muslims. The worst Canadians, believed every rotten word from the recorded mouths of several false identities.

The alleged shooter, Michael Zehaf Bibeau ..a Facebook profile with a black and white mugshot of the suspect in jihadist garb. I did not swallow that load, like I did not accept the WTC buildings falling straight down onto their footings was not premeditated.

No one uses a black and white mugshot as their Facebook profile pic, the North American majority believe any stupid thing because it suits their cheap-hearted mentality.

HEY! ..that is the first time a narrator makes mention of white supremacy among biker gangs is not much mention but it is a useful start. I notice the emblem of the Hell's Angels does contain a Death's Head, as do the police taskFORCE emblems (although FORCES have explicitly Nazi versions of the symbols) ..which would explain having been caught between them while walking to the grocery store during an entire lifetime. Both types of gangsters avoided each other, while members of the community faced both sides, without armour and the rest of it ..they only accosted the citizens and not each other ..hence some of the public have at least as much courage as entire groups of those who would seek safety in numbers.

Can CIA funding, weapons and drugs be linked to the Hell's Angels in North America? ..I have not found the pressure-point for that yet. It very likely exists in historical record somewhere.

Some wacko is going on while neglecting to talk about Nazi war criminals and their kids checking the planes, pre-flight in Vietnam.

That is different, here there are only situations of white people in organisations fighting other gangs of upset white people.

Drop one more....

Notice the white supremacist emblem on his beret, that is a dirty turncoat ..I would take names in the morning. After the wars, those types usually have a bad day FINALLY, for having helped the enemy during the entire conflict.

Double-checking the radio phonetic alphabet used during Vietnam compared to those used during WWII.

WWII radio code:
A Able B Baker C Charlie D Dog E Easy F Fox G George H How I Item J Jig K King L Love M Mike N Nan O Oboe P Peter Q Queen R Roger S Sugar T Tare U Uncle V Victor W William X X-ray Y Yoke Z Zebra

NATO phonetic alphabet:
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu

NO WAY! ..answer is in the radio code, Queen was replaced with Quebec. For me that is significant as the point of infiltration and a culturally relevant confirmation.

What used to be Zebra, seems to have been segregated to Zulu.

NATO is one of the Nazi infiltrated organisations being investigated. On the test, I remembered 23 of 26 NATO phonetic letter codes correctly.

The Beaver, De Havilland

DAMN! ..she is a post-war Nazi-harbouring CIA-era bird, used during the Korean war ..crud! ..a Korean war veteran, the conflict supported by imposing bullies and bigot types.

AHA! "Viking Air Limited ..Sydney BC (British Columbia)" ..the Vikings in western Canada, also happen to be a white supremacist gang who claim to be a "white pride" group. Tongue in cheek white supremacy is still racism.

I knew it! ..I am always pointing-out the Nazis above my head in the sky.

October 4th 2015, look who is in the sky above our heads as usual. Not my end of North America but many perceive the situation the same way on the West coast.

Either Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II receives royalties for the use of legal intellectual properties or there is no rule of law. Else we ALL forfeit the liberty of ownership.

Canadians did not want to respect the monarchy nor pay, now there are millions surviving a prison state.

The name is real, the rank is non-existent ..NOC ..I suppose, no one hired me, just being a caring Canadian for two decades while the gullible participated in an international crime.

Two decades in Canadian military garrison boots, no chow ever and no thanks? ..Her Majesty's turncoats have set themselves up for a VERY bad day/ end of life.

"Be all that you can be, in the ARMY" ..dodged that bullet as a young man, later I saw the targeted come home missing limbs and some their faculties, no longer "all that they could be." Had the conflict been in defence of multiculturalism, I would approve of the sacrifices and losses. Being handicapped while protecting white supremacy, how embarrassing.

Lol, it took till I was thirty-seven, to be tall enough for service as a WWII Royal Commando (5'6" ..was 5'2" till the age of thirty-six).

When I was young, at least we knew enough to score in the other guy's net.

The entirely lawless French Canadian populace, had fun malnourishing their injured for nearly two decades. The teeth I have left, I appreciate very much teeth grew in breaking atop one another, while the rest of me was malnourished.

I will look the worst of them in the eyes ..and say goodbye without feeling bad nor remorseful.

When I find that judge, he will never lie again.

What is left when I am done with him, the French Canadian sickos and their white supremacist pals can keep.

Not a threat, a logical statement and an honourable guarantee.

I am French as well but also upset with those who misrepresent humanity.

Anything to learn by studying home? ..the people of hard work and pubs. I was the only kid who called the pub to have documents signed for school (still know the phone number of the pub by heart).

At least he crapped on the OTHER side of the fence, the French tend to sabotage themselves and each other here ..oh, the language limitation. If they could screw someone while speaking French elsewhere, they would.

Ah, when Dunnie crapped on the other side of the fence ...he made worse connections, I would expect.

Ah ah aaah ..answers come in a drunken-style of boasts, when traditional Irish types are involved. "Mafia shmafia, we have the IRA" he said. GOTCHYA! ..the connection is solidifying, between the Irish mob, the IRA, CIA and the white supremacist emblem-wearing American Green Berets, founded for re-arming Hitler's buddies and Hitler youth turds the world over (the leftover Nazis, "Werewolves" as they are known) ..white supremacy, arming and funding REAL terrorism worldwide and a half decades of globalist white supremacy.

The French employees I encountered, could not be counted upon to produce legitimate documentation. Ethics is not a concept that is taught in French schools, I think it costs too much effort to conjugate verbs for a language that still attributes sexes to objects, also known as barbarism.

At least those men actually had the opportunity to commit crimes before being accused of them. Today people are destroyed as targeted by the lethargic and awful majority who denigrate their disadvantaged, impoverished and ill. The elderly and injured are neglected entirely, by guilty "justices" who claim honourability while abusing the authority delegated them, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as per the Magna Carta since the thirteenth century.

EVERY adopted person in my age group, was targeted by the guilty and abusive majority. Each has a criminal record and suffers a SUCCESSIVE generation of child theft, at the hands of the sociopathic group that profited. That is only one of the issues that I cannot accept, from those who are hiding behind Joseph Montferrand, the historical figure for which the justice building was named and dedicated.

Few like me for long, unless they are old and disciplined enough to sharpen their own perception honestly. They flee me like they do their grandfather. The guilty are not intelligent enough to notice why they destroyed victims, they are deaf as posts, with dirty money in their ears.

The IRA were not interesting to me, now I know why ..they fail the counter-white supremacy clean-glove inspection. Where is the historical link with America, the CIA and Nazi war criminals? ..let's watch and wait with at least that much "mental sieve" prepared.

A populace that does not want war is good, till they are standing beside the infiltration for a paycheck, destroying victims in record numbers with automation and indulgence of group sociopathies ..stealing children and inflicting genocide ..when asked for mercy, all replied "I am just doing my job Mr... Mrs..." ..the Nuremberg Defense, from the mouths of the "let's we forget ..hahaha" bunch.

Oh, that sucks ..the Irish majority can be likened to the French Canadian majority ..unwilling to defend against white supremacist imposition while indulging the behaviour.

That is why their Hitler sucking clubs continue to reappear, within police, military and intelligence organisations, the world over.

LOOK AT THAT ..details from the year 1956, worldwide mess of white supremacists and lethargic human beings.

Every conflict, seems to be caused by those who took the silence money for protecting their Nazi war criminal and white supremacist relatives, from the long arm of international law.

Separatist French Canadians, are white supremacists by majority. They were logically supported with guns and money prior to the political kidnapping, by what organisation? ..when exactly?

WE know that Cossette Media Corporation, belonged to a convicted French Canadian separatist and REAL terrorist, now owned by an American corporation that funneled national defence funds under a Cayman umbrella.

I do not remember this ..back to work, linking the mess with the drunken party goers from the previous night.

I am still caught in the grill of the vehicle that drove to war without a contiguous incident report in 2001, then in 2014 I had to brace myself through the staging of a terrorist attack upon the Canadian war memorial ..the runway train is slow to stop.

Sorta like being in a tractor without the trailer ..all this power with a constellation of toggles, buttons and screens ..but some group of sociopaths, have made false claims to manipulate the load away from my truck, the perpetrators stole children and destroyed families ..out of lethargy, fear and despotism. Denis the Menace stole my flowers and sells them back to me now ..I am going to fix that ..AGAIN calice.

Plus I found out that Denis the Menace and his pals wear white supremacist taskFORCE emblems, under uniforms that are meant for the good men of the local constabulary ..of which there can be none, they all had the same paramilitary training (they "have the t-shirt", with a Nazi helmet and the two SS lightning bolts atop Death's Head), supplied by the white supremacist American infiltration. Research confirms there are white supremacist militia training camps in the United States, the source of paramilitary tactical training and funding during the infiltration.

We were not supposed to help those who worked alongside the infiltrators for two decades.

Ask each adopted person of my generation, whether they have a criminal record or not, ALL reply yes. THAT is the stuff I do not forget each morning, things that NEED to be done.

La bande de degueulasses, poigners a volers les enfants des gens qui sonts eux memes des victimes de parents attaquers pars des groups de sociopaths imposants (n'importe quoi pour un sal-aire). La Defense de Nuremberg, indulger par les coupables qui ont "fais leurs travails" jusqu'a la fin.

En moins long? ..ils ont volers les enfants d'enfants volers.

The short version? ..they stole the children of stolen children.

If I am going to be stuck to the bumper, I might well reach for a cooling hose, a slower and safer way to a complete stop.

I am not a fan of the traitors who took guns and money from the infiltration, there are some chicken necks...

When seeking for help, it should be from the pool of the incarcerated victims, I do not trust those who did anything for a salary during the infiltration, proving they cannot be trusted. Perpetrators depend upon the Nuremberg Defense, all were "doing their job." My grandfather had tattoos from being a prisoner in Siberian concentration camp due to the Blitzkrieg on Poland. The community counted upon my grandfather to keep their tools sharp, he was a good man AND an ex-detainee ..with tattoos, in 1950s Canada.

I sat through one justice, sucking the other's hotdog about all the "great" things he inflicted upon others during his career, a long eloquent retirement speech. While millions of cries for mercy remained muffled under a carpet of carelessness, false claims and abuses of authority. The populace were not paid to suffer the guilty majority attacking them, they survived the best they could with the opportunities that were not available to them.

Time to unload the dirt that caused our losses and trauma for two decades, this part should be more fun least the victims can begin to acknowledge their traumas, learn and recover (why victims have answers, the bad guys are depending on us to spoon-feed them better logic they neglected, the dirt perpetrators left in our wounds).

Les noms et les faces, enterrer sous les fausses declarations et condamnations porter a tards, par ceux qui ont aiders l'infiltration americain et profiters de manipulations judiciares legitimisers par les justices qui abusent l'autoriter, qui leurs est accorder par la couronne depuis le treizieme siecle tel que c'est ecrit dans le Magna Carta (autorite royale deleguer).

The English version:
The names and faces, buried under false declarations and wrongful condemnations indulged by those who were paid to collaborate with the white supremacist American infiltration, while abusing the authority delegated to them by Her Majesty as per the Magna Carta since the thirteenth century.

Lies are improvised explosive devices on a "question of time fuse" ..some of those who's hands are caught in the fraudulent claims, they might be mangled or buried alive the victims once were. The perpetrators have to be treated with the respect they did not offer the victims (do not kick the prisoner while he is down ..even if they damned well deserve worse) ..that does not mean they walk away without consequence.

Imagine, Commonwealth nations currently do not have as many rules as the wild west (while they continue to abuse of Her Majesty's delegated authority). They had to leave their weapons at the entrance to town, lawmen included ..the honest ones will not mind.

The dirty constables, detectives and justices have to go, otherwise there can be no criminals.

Had Scotland Yard been that great, they would have caught up to their own asses before being infiltrated and compromised by globalist white supremacy, sometime after 2001 (all security companies quit the guards, after being acquired by the Swedish "Secur-it-ass") ..leaving the public in Commonwealth nations entirely without security, police nor military defence, for not less than two decades.

I see, the losses were not mass extermination by Hitler this time. Legal process has degenerated into mass extortion, by the paid collaborators of the American white supremacist infiltration, fighting under the upward-pointing blade from the cover of Hitler's Mein Kampf (the "let's we forget" bunch).

Let's stand back and consider the larger picture of two important American organisations that shaped lives and history. From available information, the FBI is an American organisation that does investigate white supremacy. While the CIA is an organisation tasked with paying for silence that protected Nazi war criminals, their families and many technologies developed/ patented in America. Nazis patenting technologies for paper-mills and many other businesses, such as the one my father worked at, later acquired by an American man and son of a Nazi war criminal, who patented the paper-mill technology previously mentioned. American white collar criminals are known to have bought companies, for the purpose of borrowing against the assets, among which are pension funds (the decade long case of paper-mill employees against the runaway pension thief).

America is not mysterious at all, they are hiding the tell-tale hearts along with the Nazis that caused them, under the floor boards. ALL those B-rated cop flicks "..the case is no longer in your hands McGurkle!", then the honest police officer that knows nothing about the CIA or Nazis in America is upset. A flush case button? ..OH I LOVE finding the buttons to their evil gadgets and trap doors (upset, research and better ethical wiring).

Unfair trading practices from the 1980's perspective, this should have been training prior to trading. Knowing the grifts of the past could have prevented some of them, from reoccurring in the era of cryptocurrency.

I just NEED my own identity back, from those who fraudulently claimed honourbility, during twenty years of false claims and other attacks.

Unfair markets and white collar crimes, LOTS of work.

Unfair trading practices from the 1980's perspective, this should have been training prior to trading. Knowing the grifts of the past could have prevented some of them, from reoccurring in the era of cryptocurrency.

I just NEED my own identity back, from those who fraudulently claimed honourbility, during twenty years of false claims and other attacks.

"Everyone is doing it", seems the most common justification among white collar criminals, the twenty-first century version of the Nuremberg Defense ("just doing their job").

I could complain about the loss of my immediate family but I rather aim higher ..not to waste the lifetime of preparation and several years pouncing. The man who's name is tied to the injustices suffered by family and myself, is just one of MANY caught indulging white supremacist news media with breakfast for two decades. Aim higher, help more in one timed motion. There are not many statements or choices the perpetrators can make, that are not anticipated.

Listening to the kind of people I am accusing of fighting alongside white supremacy (their generation exist in Canada also, some aware while others eat victims). I need this, I fight off homicidal tendencies toward those who attacked for two decades.

I am in the latrine of the infiltrated Canadian military and legal organisations. The individual who cleaned the mess, is capable of producing solutions from the lessons learned...

..Commander Latrine.

Hands down, the strangest CREEPY photograph ever taken by humanity. All of the black supremacists, standing alongside their white supremacist counter-parts. That is an unfathomable level of strange, weird and awkward.



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