From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 23, 2023

in #law9 months ago (edited)

S ..stands for SERVICE, F for Axis FORCES. Pirate states attack, the lawful defend humanity. Step one: put useful information between the two ears, that will be holding a firearm in defence.

No wonder the Commonwealth is invaded by Axis FORCE-indulging deserters, Muslim-eating trash. If you cannot be honest, the firearms will be taken away from you Axis FORCE-indulging traitors... Vichy, the traitors gave victims to the enemy, in order to profit, rob and steal children while annihilating our families.

We did not even have firearms, to shoot back at the enemy during the invasion by Axis american FORCES. It is not about winning but the eternal defence of human dignity...

..not something the SAS ever produced, not since 1945. Nazi boomer kids, JSONS (Jerry sons of Nazi PWs living in america ..Hitler youth, now Muslim-eating youth).

Dilated pupils, it excites the Axis-indulging enemy to denigrate and destroy victims ..entire buildings filled with Muslim-eating war criminals.

You were fed three times per day, had a gun in your hand, yet failed to defend humanity. Do not cry on my shoulder about not wanting to eat your asparagus ..Axis kids.

I told an old friend, he should not marry while Canada is invaded by Axis FORCES in patrol cars from coast to coast. Despite my advice, he replied with a picture of the wedding ring. soon as the Axis FORCES are dealt with, his marriage will be annulled, by those who did defend the nation ..while he went to hump a leg, like the millions of other Axis pirates.

He will be lucky to not lose his deserter finger, with the ring ..have yet to decide exactly.

Millions of Axis american FORCE-indulging Nazi whres, are in DEEP sh*.

I enjoy your channel, though I cannot agree with most people's, yours is better in that you rarely trip my Axis FORCE detecting senses.

No one talks with me, most run, the way Axis FORCE-indulging deserters neglected their elderly and ill during the war. Discipline is about being considerate rather than neglectful and mean-spirited.

General Westmoreland = Rudolph Hess that landed in Westmoreland England, from Germany (same bushy eyebrows, double-check). The Vietnam war and the Green Berets, Nazi PWs living in america, led by Nazis and bigots ..1, 2, BANG!

N0 M0R3 G3N3R47 D1KF4C3 TURD

​If you see an american bigot's lips moving, it is safe to assume he is either lying or never going to perceive reality beyond his bigot fears.

​I would not have had the patience to listen for long, Rick Herr-era is not forgotten (lying scuzzball), anything for a dollar, the Axis american pea-brain. Silence, the paycheque of Nazis and bigots.

Chris Costa (CIA invading Canada, fake APBs prompting the murders of immigrants and non-white Canadian citizens) has hands in the murders of thousands, possibly millions of Canadians.

​..deserters not allowing an official victim count, our hospitals have been infiltrated and compromised.

I even FOUND, the Nazi war criminal father of Chris Costa (invading CIA), Wilhelm Nagel. An easy ID, the son and father have the same Nazi weasle-face.

You know the lady who does makeup for the CIA? ..YOU are going to FLIP! ..I suspect the large head/ small body of Herrera. She cannot make him look younger but older or larger. He has 5 faces, so far.

There are not yet enough planets for him to escape to, he's f-ed.

Another rotten thing to witness, the upward-pointing blade from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf", on Israel's AirFORCE flag/ emblem.

American segregation is mental lethargy, no surprise that Israel is also a segregated nation.

Not many Jewish folk braved the defence of a Germany where they would also be included ..instead they went to terrorise others in their land.

Easy pickins, americans (grifters, liars and war criminals) cannot be truthful for their state at the moment ..they are cheaters, just call ..they do not have the cards, why they lie cheat and deny.

Solved Swedish Nazi war crime, relates to the Bohr family and nuclear physics. That was an easy solution that no one suspected...

..easy, I challenge anyone to measure an amount of neutral charge ..the oxymoron will soon become apparent, there are no neutrons ..but there were supplies of Deuterium (produced in the Netherlands).

"Jay White, Member (1 year)
​Dean, let us all know when you come down off the shrooms"

Oh! ..a denigrate and destroy type, an Axis FORCE-indulging sociopath, exactly like those that gave us to the enemy during the war, stole our children and murdered our families...

​..F U, Muslim-eating Axis turd.

I was 5''2" till the age of 36, I stand closer to 5'6". 37 million Axis FORCE-indulging Nazi peckerh34ds, conspired with the infiltration to profit, starving the teeth from victims like myself.

Still have untreated broken bones, from the war against people like me, by Axis FORCE-indulging deserters that ate Muslims and annihilated Canadian families.

About mushrooms/ fungal genetics, I bred a Serotonin-producing chemo-type with several Psilocybin-focused genetics. Effective and naturally-sourced treatment, countering withdrawal syndrome.

My grandfather survived two years in Siberia, before Stalin turned against Hitler, releasing Polish prisoners to be "fattened up" in the Mediterranean prior to the Allied liberation of Italy.

Faustian... Axis american trash to correct.

The worst note about Siberian concentration camp, "whole winter, the dead piled outside, when spring came..."

Quoting the Axis enemy infiltrating channel chat ..Jay White, Member (1 year) "M E, ruled in the early Pacific war. It actually had legs for a US fighter" CORRECTION: M-Es happen to be Nazi assets.

I am the ONLY conscious/ living representative of the deposed independent Canadian Armed Service. Everyone else ate Muslims and sucked Axis american dick for $, during two decades of Axis war crimes.

Black, brown, red, yellow and white traitor faces, worked for the invading Axis american FORCES.

Julia Child is not american but Mary Ashley, the sister of Edwina Ashley, pictured in front of Louis Mountbatten at the wedding of the Count and Countess during the 1920's.

Research and luck deliver the novel NFO, concerning Mary Ashley's eventual role in the SOE (she was not small lady). She was publishing counter-Nazi publications in america during the late 30's.

Mary Ashley (Julia Child), contributed to the foiling of the Nazi spy ring in america (1938) ..while wearing the same bracelet/ jewelry as the eventual Queen Elizabeth II.

Easy pickins, americans (grifters, liars and war criminals) cannot be truthful for their state at the moment ..they are cheaters, just call ..they do not have the cards, why they lie cheat and deny.

​The most appreciated advantage I have in life, is a Commonwealth education ..but H8 Axis FORCE-indulging, family-murdering PIRATE King Chuck.

A lot of guilty Muslim-eaters and fattened american Nazi sympathiseers to k177. I babysit a continent of bigots and deserters, till it is time to pull the plug on their 100 yrs of war crime.

Bigot/ Nazi Eisenwhore, grifter, war criminal and one of the architects of the global pillaging of national gold reserves. He is nothing more than a white supremacist, wallet thief ..a bum.

Burma is pivotal to the SOE, namely the British. By 1943, SOE is being countered by american bigots, lethargic types and Nazis. Dulles introduces the upward-pointing blade of Axis FORCES, adorning the shoulder and flags about Eisenwhore.

Canada currently has an escaped Muslim-eating sh*tbag, disgracing Burmese soil with his big empty-head stacked upon six and a half feet of fecal matter.

Lethwei's guest, Dave Leduc, yuk ..dumb as a fence post, only the post is not also being counter-productive.

Kicked in the Muslim-eating balls, till they either vomit victims or D13.

​I do not believe in the so-called invasion of Nazi Europe by the Allies, it was a liberation, till the american bigots next-door infiltrated and stole gold reserves from several continents.

EVERYONE on the PLANET stays behind, till gold reserves are recognised as being stolen to this day. The same goes for the guilty Muslim-eating majority.

No TV since 2001, others seem deaf from the constant shelling of minds by compromised news ogranisations ..head Nazi news, REUTERS ..Muslim-eating war criminal gen.

Seems logical (Dirty Dozen story/ film), needing prisoners because the majority rather sit on their 455 watching Axis FORCES beat on victims.

Solved Swedish Nazi war crime, relates to the Bohr family and nuclear physics. That was an easy solution that no one suspected... ..easy, I challenge anyone to measure an amount of neutral charge ..the oxymoron will soon become apparent, there are no neutrons ..but there were supplies of Deuterium (produced in the Netherlands).

Jan Piecha (my grandfather) came to Canada after surviving Siberian concentration camp, my father changed the name to Piecka, to avoid mail addressed to "Monsieur Pied'chat."

I contribute to the work of George Boole's (Irishman) Boolean logic statements (and, or, if, etc..) ..can now include either, both and neither ..more than a century later.

Aha, american scientist (his name escapes for the moment) developed chemical weapons in the United States, one or two years prior to WWI. Hmm ..Germany is known to be first, having used the toxic compounds in war ..while the United States are known to have developed them FIRST. There was necessarily, a transfer of technology between nations prior to their application against the victims targeted.

At the end of WWI, the United States did not participate in, till it was safe ..the offending nation gained submarine technologies, from the defeat of Germany. No one in the world seems to have complained, not for eleven decades ..maybe eleventy-one years will be enough. Over one hundred years of war crimes to unveil and accept.

Guess what else the Axis types gained at the end of WWI along with German submarine technology that sank hospital ships in the Atlantic? ..I strongly suspect that Admiral Nimitz was not a native of Texas but part of the submarine equipment taken the same manner Rudolph Hess became Tibbets and Westmoreland.
What is it with ppl that chase solutions? ..we do not accept no solution, for an answer. It seems insurmountable to defend Canada and beat the Axis in North America, perpetrators currently possess ALL of the material resources. I suppose the United Kingdom had a similarly hopeless situation before them, to overcome. I keep studying and training, till I succeed or D13 trying ..I NEED to succeed, Canadians that are not helping, do not yet believe they will not be allowed to die in a hospital matter their condition. Opiate overdose administered in a privately-owned facility, is how they killed my father.

You Were Not Going to Stop Yourselves, Muslim-eating Pirates and N4zi Peckerh34ds.

Discovered and documented the infiltration of Canadian military command. General Vance, an american from Vance airFORCE base, son of Nazi war criminal Otto Ohlendorf (american sf. author, Jack Vance). The Brandt family became Brant that bought and sold Canadian paper-mill pensions (such as my father's).

Snow in Xterm, matches the season.

While the "Yalls" were feeding Muslim and North american victims to their children...

First Test, 100,000 Digits, Summing Fractional Decimal Values (double and quad precision surpassed)

The First 354,000 Digit Calculation (Software Abacus Test No.1)

Women shouldn't talk about Military History: It's a Man's Subject. A WWII Myths show
She cannot hide the Muslims she ate, GAME OVER. Those of us who starved because of the herds of Islamophobes, despise the guilt majority sincerely. Nazi whores, anything for a dollar while indulging group sociopathy during war against targeted victims.

I am also guilty, of countering the Charge Gradient of Earth, for the weight of trichome resin glands. Lifting and sorting biological material, using a high-voltage (low current) pen/ wand.

Rudolph Hess is also Colonel Tibbets, of the Enola Gay flight-crew, under the bigot-brigade's General Groves.

I have to correct your homework then k177 you, Nazi prick generation trash.

YUK! ..Canadians built using Texas Instruments? ..ugh, bigot's-ville supplies. Von Braun was Hitler's pal living his career in america, serving Moon-struck lunatic types, that ate Vietnamese flesh without noticing nor caring yet ..hence me having to identify Rudolph Hess for my predecessors ..I heard all-about their infamous finger-crossing technique ..bunch o murderous BS, for a laboratory environment.

Invading Axis FORCES in patrol cars and HA clandestine groups in Canada ..may red vapour remind the deserters, they have not escaped. Now the real fun begins em like leather sofas on the side of the road. NO ONE is wearing those shit symbols in Canada, never again.

What fell out of the sky over Vietnam? ..Nazi war criminals in jet aircraft, such as "Colonel Klinck", memorialised upon the bracelet of Kranz at mission control ..the voice, of mission control at NASA (Gene Kranz working under Nazi Wernher Von Braun).

How do Nazi PWs relate to JFK? ..General Westmoreland = Rudolph Hess (same unmistakable bushy eyebrows). He asked for the Moon, it shot him and Von Braun (Hitler's pal) kept flying to space.

Remembering Westminster chimes of the clocks my Polish grandfather built, imagine a house where clocks ring every fifteen minutes ..ALL Westminster.

Disconcerting: Vladimir Putin being the only honest calculator during COVID (I was double-checking, who lied) ..every day that boggles my mind, I need to KNOW why.

The number was something like, 0.049 they had to come up with ..he hit the nail, SQUARE and exact.

Whole continent full of sh**, ya think I feel safe?

Those who ate Muslims and North American victims, often have dilated pupils ..deserters and war criminals.

Those who ate Muslims and North American victims, often have dilated pupils ..deserters and war criminals being handicapped and killed for murdering Canadians and annihilating families.

SPOILED MUSIC :This is the one with the Harlem Globetrotters bit and Cypress Hill ..beginning with Lalo n' Dizzy. DJ 13 - POCKET DJ Summer Mixes (64-Bit) 20 7 23 Mix 6 [ONE TAKE, NO EDIT]

..ended with Dilla and Metallica, you can't do that on radio.

What fell out of the sky over Vietnam? ..Nazi war criminals in jet aircraft, such as "Colonel Klinck", memorialised upon the bracelet of Kranz at mission control ..the voice, of mission control at NASA (Gene Kranz working under Nazi Wernher Von Braun).

Remembering Westminster chimes of the clocks my Polish grandfather built, imagine a house where clocks ring every fifteen minutes ..ALL Westminster.

HOLY GEEZ! ..let's see if it is still true, that I know and no one else does ..Ian Fleming's real 30AU (thirty assault-unit), actually stands for Dirty Gold (AU, on periodic table of elements). Did those guys notice yet? ..the entire cold war is about the U.S. spending stolen gold reserves and creating the loan-backed modern dollar air.

I failed the time-limit challenge I had set, to remove the Axis FORCE-indulging infiltrators from the Citadel at Quebec city, before the end of 2023 (Canada's oldest defensive ramparts, previously overtaken only by the British General Wolfe)

Quebec City was apparently caught disorganised, humping legs, practicing nepotism (opportunities to family friends, etc) causing upset about supplies and inner conflict. POOF, the British appear while countering Le Code Noire, French-American slave trade. Wolfe and Montcalm

The wedding of Lord Mountbatten (1922) think, the little blonde flower-bearing girl is Mary Ashley (TV Chef Julia Child ..over 6 feet tall), the future SOE agent that contributed to foiling Nazi spies in America while publishing counter-Nazi and counter-isolationist publications as propaganda encouraging the defence of Europe by Americans (BSC, British Security Coordination in New York).

Discovered and documented the infiltration of Canadian military command. General Vance, an american from Vance airFORCE base, son of Nazi war criminal Otto Ohlendorf (american sf. author, Jack Vance). The Brandt family became Brant that bought and sold Canadian paper-mill pensions (such as my father's).

Worse than sitting on a sous-sol of powder-kegs, I'd say. I actually appreciate monarchy, I KNOW that millions of people voted for Axis war crimes, during eight decades in North America (Nazi peckerh34d majority).

Professor Don Cox, though a mentor till he died, also ate and persecuted as many Muslims and North American victims as Her Rottenness Queen Elizabeth II, that decorated the invading Axis american FORCES in 2012. They died Axis FORCE-indulging retard children, @ 96.

Some things suggest Phillip and Louis Mountbatten were fundamentally different defended human dignity, the other eventually profited from it's denial ..once his brother was no longer watching.

Three demolitions, only two planes and one long murderous lie ..somehow the Swedes pick-pocketed my wallet (Assa Abloy, Securitas and the Swedish wallet-carrying armoured vehicles), along with one hundred years of Pinkerton incident reports. NO Muslim stole anything from us, 300 million Muslim-eating North American Nazi p3ckerh34ds have.

Making the Teletype Christmas Song

From the beginning (a jazz part awaits, in the middle of the mix sandwich) ..DJ 13 - POCKET DJ Summer Mixes (64-Bit) 27 6 2023 Mix 3 [ONE TAKE, NO EDIT]

How about a Sea Cruise?

I appreciate the re-timing of the Beverly Hills Cop theme ..I actually made that to be a DJ tool.

A $100 million gold cache, hidden in the North African desert during World War II, is at the center of the crime mystery plot. George Raft, mistaken for an American detective working for French Intelligence, is drawn into the hunt for the missing gold--and quickly finds himself a suspect in the strangulation murder of beautiful Irene Papas.

The Man from Cairo (1953) Film Noir | George Raft

Two decades of muntinous Muslim-eating pirates, to put back in cages ..North America has been entirely without defence since 2001 ..only Axis FORCE-indulging war criminal turds.

Mental lethargy and unchivalrous behaviour abound, the LCD (lowest common denominator).

Added shorthand syntax to calc-u-now, commandline calculator 3 5 | sb 11 p | ex 10 p = 1000 (p=# piped-in from prev op).

The Commonwealth inferiority complex lingers. Muslim-eating Axis Americans are 300,000,000 ..the Commonwealth have 2,400,000,000 ..yet all failed to defend from invading Axis FORCES.

Putin was the only HONEST COVID calculator, our side of the fence is soiled with the dishonest multitudes.


dean@dean-hpelitebook840g1:~/Desktop/Commandline_Calculator$ ex 128 128

Commonwealth = 2.4 Billion, Axis america = only 300 Million ..duh wake-up

Sweden's GARDA WORLD, stole all North American wallets in 2002 ..Muslims eh? ..I don't think so, Axis pirates.

Over 100 years of Pinkerton incident reports, "bought and sold" to the invading enemy, Swedish conglomerate of GARDA WORLD, ASSA ABLOY, etc...

There is that F***in' white cross again crosse, the jerk-around "neutral" types, actually profited of war crimes and left photos of their faces around the globe. I am still not allowed to leave the country, more than twenty years later ..I was born in Canada, you Axis retards.

DK's Rawhide with Frankie Bones

British electromagnetic mine removal and ship degaussing...

A naive though accurate version of Integer_Division...
dean@dean-hpelitebook840g1:~/Desktop/Commandline_Calculator$ int_dv



Integer division for how many digits? ..using ct (count)

dean@dean-hpelitebook840g1:~/Desktop/Commandline_Calculator$ ad 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 0 | ct p

The NME suck Cuckoo Klan cocks for $ ..Muslim-eating sh**bags.

I NEVER need advice from Axis american Muslim-eaters.

WWII was not won by any nation, rather the embers of Nazism were spread about the globe.

Huh, 911 was actually the annual induction of the SS, 9th of November.

So September 11th, is actually the 119 false-flag, the invasion of North America by Axis FORCE-indulging Muslim-eaters that went to war without a contiguous incident report ..the guilty majority.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ..cracked combination on the safe of mathematical axioms. I have been hunting/ developing this solution for several years now. Made the tool that allows this next step/ part of the solution ..going to shrink data, changing the world.

Muslim-eating, Axis american, Nazi c0!k-sucking traitor Jews and Catholics. Burn 60 yr old terrorist retard kids, so the next batch begin to worry now.

You were NOT going to stop yourselves, you are never going to be honest about the traumas and bodies ..that is why you will be hunted, the entire war criminal populace. Gas n oil, just for traitor Jews and Catholics that are desperate to forgive murders they ran from, neglected.

Fella sleep, waiting for my calculator... int_dv 999999999999 33 = 30303030303 ..dividing ELEVEN orders of magnitude, using an early limitless calculator.

27(33^10)+900 = 1364636875870653759 ..first shrunken data, using a limitless logic ..processing is the current limitation.

Twenty yrs of war crime, white-washed the "face" of New York. It just seems that, not only are there less ppl but fewer black faces. Many that do not have a box to check are also missing from NY PUBLK

​If ppl ask "what are you? ..where u from?" are in the "I do not have a box to check" category.

Twenty years of CUPs for $ ..cruel and unusual punishments ..North American war crimes of the past twenty years since Axis invasion.

CPS (cycles per second) is the Allied and correct nomenclature, Hz are the lingering increments named by Axis war criminals, that continually infiltrate and compromise legitimate science.

INFAMOUS U-boat Commandants.


School bus bullies, became balaclava-wearing deserters, working for the invading Axis american FORCES. A majority of Muslim-eating Nazi cow heads, remain out of control.

​There is a good reason, there are not 300 million podiums at the Olympics ..the others will be vomiting victims fed to them by an American Tokyo Rose for two decades.

First VDO to confirm, Communists were anti-Nazi ..and anti-American segregation, bigotry and Axis piracy.

I have mixed so much Jazz and Hip Hop lately listening to burnin' hot Slash guitar solos with dance music and the bagpipes, complementing Dizzy Gillespie's Manteca/ St. Thomas.

Spank um ina street, till they vomit Muslim and North American victims, eaten during the recent two decades of Axis infiltration and invasion. No Muslims, stole nor attacked ..the Swedish conglomerate GARDA WORLD, ASSA ABLOY, etc ..have our wallets since, the loss of PINKERTON SECURITY and 100 yrs of incidents reports originating in the time of train heists and such (Mr. Pinkerton who dared to defend, we need this since I have been out a job and a wallet).

I experienced the wartime version of a phenomenon foretold by the X-Files series, darkness in the eyes. Perpetrators and deserters, had dilated pupils while destroying victims on behalf of the invading Axis american FORCES ..intelligence, military, FORCES in patrol cars from coast to coast, lawyers and buildings filled with enemy-helping traitors that did anything for a dollar ..Nazi/ Axis whores.

We are on an Axis continent, as far as I can tell ..hence the constant bitching and mud-bogging, nothing honourable is done since 1945 ..the CIA begins in 46' and all stays in Axis hell since the Nazi PWs were chosen above North Americans, to produce solutions for America ..while General Westmoreland (Rudolph "Bushy Brows" Hess, cannot mistake him for another), was leading the Green Berets in Vietnam, as Nazi PWs piloted American aircraft and fell from the skies ..along with traitor "Montagnards", Vietnamese who took money to fight alongside the invading Axis American trOOPS.

Worked up the courage to perform the bio-assay of Pan cyan concentrate on myself, the in-vitro version ..smoking was okay and safe, now the ingestion test ..taste like banana.

Good stuff, had to measure 0.03 of concentrate to test, can feel the Serotonin present in the extract, Psilocybin also was not confirmed that in-vitro cultivation produces Psilocybin along with Serotonin ..happy tea, strong ..needs to be measured carefully.

That was one ripper of a burp, glad I knew how much to measure ..the average P. cubensis contains 0.015 Psilocybin per gram and no Serotonin.

Took a dab from the water-pipe a half-hour after ingestion ..whoa! ..that kicked-in all at once ..not a huge dose, an effective one, feel good.

HOLY SMOKE ..enjoying the effects of 0.03 grams of concentrate from Pan cyans. I have about ten or twenty grams ahead, that are a few short steps from being pure ..but I appreciate the banana flavonoid aspect, probably leave it this way is strong enough.

..c'est BON man! ..I have to enjoy this outside now.

The victims NEED war, there has been no legitimate defence in North America ..since 46' in the US and 2001 in Canada ..only Axis FORCES, no police, military nor intelligence SERVICES.

No neutrons to measure, only an oxymoron that causes the gullible to attempt measurements of "neutral charge", impractical nonsense ..suppose it protected atomic weapons technologies early on, the lies and subversion cause death.

Dilated pupils of deserters, Axis american FORCE-indulging traitors, it excited you to denigrate and annihilate targeted victims for two decades. Rot Nazi c0!k-suckers, D13 faster.

I H8 UR deserter guts, family-murdering cowards.

You woman-beating Nazi nutsack-sucking piles of Axis sh**, are going to cough-up ALL the victims you ate for two decades.

I said, "The bird is white, you Axis turds."



I know for a fact, there is plenty of information not yet available, concerning the wartime and pre-war efforts of Mary Ashley, aka Chef Julia Child. The speaker (vdo below) is suggesting an undocumented "Section 7" and women trained in unarmed combat.

Investigating war criminal countrymen, since the 2014 staged terrorist attack upon the Canadian war memorial in front of parliament.

Which country own the GARDA WORLD, ASSA ABLOY conglomerate? ..Sweden ..bought Pinkerton and our other North American security organisations by 2002 ..I H8 stupid Muslm-eaters. U R so full of sh**, I can see space through your empty heads.

If I win, you Axis American turds have to leave the continent, permanently. If you win, Axis FORCE-indulging retards still have to pay for their war crimes will not escape nor successfully deny your own piracy, ever.

Canada awaits, the legitimate count of it's wounded and dead, due to Axis american infiltration and invasion of Canadian assets, that once guaranteed the dignity of human beings.

Mycology Notes: Experiments and Developments 2023


The dark-coloured culture smells of banana flavonoid (Pan cyan content of round bales confirmation) ..sudden whafts of intense banana liqueur.

P. allenii, smells like blackberry flavonoids.

Now to discover what the other hybrids look, smell, taste and feel like. All scientific firsts being documented independently, during the infiltration and invasion of Canada, by Axis american FORCES.

Canadian inventor many times over, without a Canadian Armed Service nor honourable justices to defend patents and the inventor. Scary but the majority vacationing around the globe ..all winners eh?

Stuck on a bloody pirate ship when I am the only, who dare ask for a count of victims (casualties) during the recent two decades of invasion by Axis american FORCES in patrol cars from coast to coast.

Canadians are denying war crimes because uncle and aunt so and so, could never have participated in such sociopathic group behaviours ..misled by Axis propaganda that holds every Canadian wallet still ..not Muslims but a Swedish conglomerate (GARDA WORLD, ASSA ABLOY, etc) responsible for many of the war crimes, including CUPs (cruel and unusual punishments).

Eh? what? hein? quoi? ..this is going to land like Muhammad Ali has been on the ropes for two decades. The whole busload of you deserters and bullies I went to school with ..fattened from failing to denounce war crime while profiting throughout, alongside the invading Axis american FORCES ..idiots that supported trOOPS, instead of legitimate Canadian and Commonwealth troups.

You are going to bl33d on every wall, Nazi c01K-sucking deserters ..and there is not a fu**in' thing your guilty perpetrating 45535 can do but run or beg for a cage.

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