SLC22-W1 / Basics of Law
I am happy to join the Steemit Learning Challenge Season 22 where we are learning about Law. I am from Pakistan and I think this topic is very important because law help keep peace protect right and make sure everyone is treated fairly.
In this post I will talk about what law mean the different type of law and how laws are different from norms. I will also share how laws are apply in different countries and why they matter in our daily lives.
Part I |
What is Law?
In my opinion law is likes a set of rules made by society to ensure peace and fairness. These rules are there to guide people on how to behave and protect everyone rights. Without laws it would be difficult for people to live together because there would be no system to control wrong action or resolve dispute.
For example think about trafic rules. If there were no law about stopping at red lights people might drive however they want leading to accident and chaos. Similarly law like paying taxes make sure the government has money to build school hospitals and road which benefit everyone. So laws are essential to keep everythings in order and make sure people live peacefuly.
Examples of Objective and Subjective Law
Objective Law:
These are the laws that apply to everyone and people must follow them.
- Traffic Rules:
In Pakistan traffic laws are a clear example of Objective Law. For instance stoping at a red light is mandatory for everyone. If someone does nt follow this law they can be fined or punish.
General Example: Imagine you are driving and there is a red light. Even if you are in a hurry you have to stop because its a rule for everyone safety.
Tax Laws:
Another example is paying taxes. In Pakistan individuals and busineses are required to pay income tax. This is law that applies to all eligible people.General Example: When a person earns certain amount of money they must pay tax to the governments. This money is then use to provide service like school road and hospital.
Subjective Law:
These are the rights given to individuals based on their specific needs or circumstances.
- Right to Education:
In Pakistan every child has the right to free primary education. This is individual right given to all children.
General Example: A child in a poor family can still go to school without paying fee because this is their right under the law.
Right to Health Care:
Everyone has the rights to receive medical care when they are sick . This is also protected by law.General Example: If some one is injured in an accident they have the right to be treated in a hospital even if they can not pay immediately.
Practical Case Analysis
Case: A driver breaks the traffic law by running red light because he is rushing to take his sick child to the hospital.
Objective Law in the Case:
The rule that a driver must stop at a red light is an Objective Law. This law exists to maintain order on the road and prevent accidents. The driver in this case broke this law which means they committed a traffic violation.General Example: If every driver decided to run red light for personal reasons it could cause confusion and accidents. That why the rule applies to everyone regardless of their situation.
Subjective Law in the Case:
The driver’s right to protect their child health and take them to the hospital is a Subjective Law. This right is based on the specific situation of the driver and their responsibility as a parent.General Example: If your child is seriously ill you have the right to do whatever is necesary to protect their life even if it mean breaking some rules in an emergency. However this does not mean the traffic law become invalid its about balancing the two.
Part 2 |
Comparison of Law and Norm
In Pakistan laws are mandatory rules that everyone must follow. These laws are enforced by the government and breaking them can lead to punishment. On the other hands norms are rules or guidelines create by communities organizations or group to maintain harmony within a specific setting. Norms are not alway enforced by law but breaking them can still have consequences like fine or social disapproval.
Example of a Law:
In Pakistan paying income tax is law. If someone earn above the taxable income threshold and does not pay taxes they are breaking the law and can face penalties.
Example of a Norm:
In Pakistan it is a widely accepted norm that people avoid playing loud music during prayer time or the call to prayer (Azan). This is a matter of respect for religious practice and community values.
General Example: If someone play loud music during Azan they are not breaking a law but violating a social norm. Neighbor might express disapproval or request them to lower the volume as it disrupt the peaceful environment.
Practical Case Analysis
Case: Mr. Juan Perez rents an apartment but has not paid rent for three months due to financial problem. Additionally he keeps four dogs in the apartment which is against the building regulation.
- Violation of a Law:
- By not paying rent for three months Mr. Juan Perez is violating a legal obligation. Rent agreements are protected by law and tenant must pay rent on time as per their contract. Failing to pay rent can lead to legal action by the land lord including eviction or a lawsuit.
- General Example: In Pakistan if tenant fail to pay rent the landlord can file a case in the rent controller court for eviction or to recover unpaid rent.
- Violation of Norm:
- Keeping four dogs in the apartment is a violation of the building regulations which are norms agree upon by the residents. These rule are not enforced by the government but are designed to maintain peace and order within the comunity. Violating these norms can lead to complaints fines or other penaltie set by the apartment management.
In this case Mr. Juan Perez is violating a law by not paying rent which is a legal obligation under his rental agreement. He is also violating a norm by keeping pets in his apartment which is against the building rules. Both action have consequences but the violation of the law can lead to stricter legal action while the violation of the norm affects his relationship with the comunity.
Part 3 |
Importance of Comparative Law
To me Comparative Law is very important because it allow us to learn from the law of other countries and improve our own legal system. By comparing different legal system we can see what works well and what does not helping us adopt beter practice.
For example if one country has very effective traffic law that reduce accidents another country can study these laws and implement similar ones. similarly countries can learn how others handle issues like education health care or human right and make change to benefit their citizen.
In a globalized world understanding other legal systems is crucial because people busineses and governments interact across borders. Comparative Law help ensure that these interactions are smother and more fair. It also promote cooperation between countrie and help resolve international disputes.
For me the most important part of Comparative Law is how it encourage growth and adaptation. No system is perfect but by learning from others we can make our own legal system more just and effective.
i am inviting: @khursheedanwar @sergeyk @jewel005
Hola @Hamzayousafzai
Gracias por participar en el curso de Derecho SLC22-W1 /Nociones Básicas del Derecho
Usted ha realizado una participación bastante completa, con conceptos propios pero en base a las leyes de su país.
Excelente haber agregado no solo los ejemplos sino casos concretos donde se aplican.
Comprendió claramente la importancia del derecho comparado y lo explicó de muy buena manera.
Le invitamos a seguir creando contenido de calidad, así como apoyar e interactuar con otros... Agradecemos su dedicación y participación.
Te esperamos en la próxima clase!!
Thank you so much for your feedback
Your post beautifully highlights the importance of understanding both objective and subjective laws. It's an enlightening read for anyone wanting to delve deeper into the legal system. Keep up the great work.
Thank you so much for appreciation